Calculating the pulse rate using sensors - arduino

I have really work on a final year project in 4th year computer science. I need to calculate the blood pressure level of a human in a real time and alert to him.
Do we have any sensors for Ardino or Resbrry PI boards.
I have search on enter link description here but I have seen lots of sensors for heart rate but non of them for blood pressure.
Do you think is there any sensors available to get the blood pressures from ardino or rasberry PI ?

You've got a BIG project ahead of you. Automated blood pressure monitors are expensive medical devices, but I'll get you started.
Take a look at this link and think about the physical functions you must accomplish.
First, you have to build a pneumatic control system to inflate a blood pressure cuff and then slowly deflate it.
Second, you have to build an acoustic monitor to listen for the heartbeat below the cuff and a digital signal processing algorithm to detect the heartbeat.
For the first project look online for small pneumatic pumps and solenoid control valves. You will control these with the Arduino and a power transistor to switch the power on and off.
For the second project you will need to build a microphone and amplify that. You can find plenty of examples of microphones on the Arduino forum. The trick part will be designing the DSP filter to identify heartbeats and then count them. See Simon Monk's book, "Beyond Sketches" for an intro to DSP on the Arduino.
Get started and post some more and I'll check back to see if I can help on specific problems as you go forward.


Some questions for bluetooth low energy as an indoor proximity sensor for building or school campus

My professor recently approved our research paper which will also be used in our final year thesis. Basically our main purpose is to create a system for location tracking and attendance automation for students and staffs. We would like to use the power of bluetooth low energy modules for this project.
I have actually done quite few research about this but I am having trouble which keywords to use in order for me to filter the right answers for my question. So instead, I'll just put all my questions here.
I provided an image to further understand the concept I am talking about.
Basically, the broadcaster/advertisement mode modules are for students and staffs. While the observer mode modules are initially installed in every rooms or spaces in our building/campus.
Broadcast and Observer mode
I would like to clarify first that the location tracking is only basic, it only detects which rooms are the students and staffs located.
Here are my questions:
What is the maximum advertisement/broadcaster module can the observer module detects at the same time?
Our target is about 50 students per room, 300 students in cafeteria, will the observer module have a large amount of latency upon scanning advertisement packets?
Do we have to use different module for observer mode, or will the same module for broadcaster mode be just fine?
Since this is supposedly embedded to school IDs, we would like to use a coin cell battery, how long will it last?
According to my research, BLE range is about 100 meters, but we will be using coin cell battery, is it really possible to achieve 100m for broadcasting and observing? If it is, can we perhaps decrease it by programming?
My apologies for too much question, as this is actually our first time doing applied hardware stuffs due to pandemic. Most of our laboratories are basically tinkercad base. Face-to-face classes are allowed for only medical students for now.
A few answers:
BLE scanners can detect hundreds of distinct broadcasters at the same time. There is no hard limit, but the more broadcasters the longer it will take the scanners to detect each broadcaster.
Most BLE modules support both peripheral mode (broadcaster) and central mode (scanner) simultaneously.
Scanning 50 broadcasters in a single room will easily detect 90% of packets, so if the advertiser is going at 1 Hz it will usually take one second to detect, but sometimes 2-3 seconds of packets are missed.
The indoor range is closer to 40 meters with no walls obstructing the signal. Outdoors with clear line of sight the range is higher. Walls often block signals almost entirely, depending on materials.
A CR2032 coin cell can power a BLE broadcast at 1 Hz and max power for about 30 days.
Creating an embedded solution is cool and valid but just remember that broadcasters already exists as each and every student carries a smartphone with BLE embedded into it and your observer can be any BLE capable device from smartphone through PC with BLE dongle all the way to Arduino and alike.
Your broadcasters (or BLE peripherals as they should be called) will need an Android / iOS app and you will have to deal with working in the background without the operating system stopping your app.
Your observer (or Central in BLE language) can be any stationary PC if such exists in the class which can make development and deployment a lot easier.

i want to make home automation using enterance door autoamte light on off

I want to make home automation system for my final year project. One module of my project is light ON OFF on entrance, for that purpose I used IR sensor but the range of IR sensor is 20cm which is not suitable for my project, i need minimum 4 feet ranger to detect the human to turn ON OFF light. anyone suggest me to which sensor is best for that.
You csn use what's called human sensor, it is very sensitive and provide the on off signal you need, low cost, easy to use ans small enough to fit inside any sensor enclosure.

synchronise many microcontrollers

In my project i'll use modbus protocol for serial communication. There are more than 320 slaves which seperated equally in 2 groups(see image). Every 16 slaves are powered from the same supply and isolated from others galvanically(Master'll be isolated from all the slaves).
My first question is if there is a problem in this design?
Secondly I want to synchronise all the slaves via 10ms period pulses that are derived from master microcontroller. How can i achieve a robust synchronisation(what type of bus, single or differential signal, where to isolate)?
Here is an alternative one:
see picture
Many things can go wrong here. For starters, it will take a looooooong time for you to poll each and every one of your slaves. And your isolators will easily introduce delays beyond 2us to your sync signal.
Can you briefly tell us what are you trying to do specifically, eg. synchronized motion control? There are other alternatives used in industrial solutions.
Most of the synchronized motion control used in industrial systems are used to replace mechanical cams and eccentric gears, and thus usually called "electronic camming" in this field. Here's a list of techniques I had come across in my last job
A PLC which outputs multiple pulse trains, each commands an individual servo/stepper motor driver. The PLC will have to store all the motion profiles and do all the interpolations, so relatively simple drives can be used. But each actuator will need it's own pulse train lines, and there's just too much in your system.
Motor drives stores motion profile & does interpolation, and the motion is advanced/reversed by an external pulse train. This is a technique used in Delta Automation ASDA and Schneider Electric Lexium 23 model industrial servo drives. The motion profiles are either burnt into the drive's EEPROM beforehand, or written in through MODBUS. This is very close to what you are trying to do, but the difference here is the external sync pulse train is on a separate wire.
Real Time Ethernet. The target positions are periodically written to each drives at a specific interval. This can be done very rapidly at 100Mbps. As for the latency that occurs when writing to different drives, there is a built in mechanism that measures the latency of each drives, and this is then compensated accordingly later. Cool eh? The one that I had saw, but never really used is EtherCAT by Beckhoff.
I worked mostly with method 2 in the past, and from those experience you needs might not need to be so stringent. Here are my recommendations.
It will be perfectly fine if your sync signal is delayed a little if your mechanism has no risk of collision if the timing is off by a little. But lost pulses cannot be tolerated as one of the actuators will be out of phase. Don't scrimp on your sync & communication cable quality, shielded twisted pair if possble, and connect them properly.
If the communication line is not too long, isolators are not needed. I had worked with lines up to 8 meters without the need for isolators or repeaters. Instead I am more worried about the number of spur (branch) connection on your RS485 bus. If possible, connect everything to your 2 main buses directly.
If this is a production system, there might be a problem. When the system is running in sync motion mode, there is no way to monitor the actuators as the communication lines are now occupied. This will not be acceptable on a real world application, but if this is just a proof of concept design, go for it.

Can you develop an app for the Microsoft band, without a corresponding mobile app always being connected?

I have several Microsoft bands, to be used as part of a group health initiative. I intend to develop a single app on a tablet which will pull the data from the bands. This will be a manual process, there will not be a constant connection to the tablet and no connection to Microsoft Health.
Does anyone know if this is possible?
The general answer is no: Historical sensor values are not stored or buffered on the Band itself.
It does however depend on what sensors you are interested in. The sensor values are not buffered, so you can only read the current (realtime) value of the sensors.
But sensors such as pedometer and distance are incrementing over time, so these values will make sense even though you are only connected once in a while. Whereas for, e.g., the heart rate and skin temperature, you will only get the current (realtime) value.
So it depends on your use case.

cheapest method to send small (24 bytes) data over long distances (600 miles)

I have a friend who is working on a project where they need to deploy a large number of devices over the midwest. For simplicity let's say these are temperature gauges - they read the current temperature and transmit that information to a server. The server would just need to know what device is reporting what temperature (412X|10c).
These devices will be in forests, near highways, in cities and swamps. All other technology is prototyped and working (ability to read the temperature, the hardware for the device) the open question they have right now is 'what is the cheapest way we can send this information to the primary server'?
I think they'll need to go with a wireless carrier (verizon/sprint/at&t) and use something similar to mobile broadband. Is there really any other option?
You could do it with ham radio and something like APRS, assuming they don't care about encryption and don't have a pecuniary interest in the project.
You wouldn't need full mobile broadband, as your data would fit in a text message. You can get cellular shields for arduino that would probably fit your needs.
