Incorrect page saved for visits on the index page - google-analytics

We have two nopcommerce shops running on pretty much the same code. Both of those have GA handled through GTM with more or less the same code, however for some reason on one of those two shops all visits to the index page end up being registered incorrectly.
There are two index pages:
Visiting redirects to one of the above. Anyway when I visit either of those two, analytics adds the domain name at the end for some reason, so if I visit GA registers
I tried adding canonical (with the actual address) to the index page, but it changed nothing. Note this problem only happens on the index page, other pages are registered correctly in GA. Anyone got an idea what could possibly make analytics save those addresses incorrectly?

It's hard to reproduce this error, the only way is via "RequestURI" filter. Is there any chance you have such, it could be the reason for this.

Barnettt's suggestion made me (and my boss) look through the Analitics' settings some more and I think I figured it out. Someone set default page (view settings) to The value is obviously incorrect, but more interesting is the fact that it was probably there from the start, yet the incorrect page started getting registered only a few months ago.


Linking to product page gives "Not Available for bots to index" error on screen instead of the old style App Details
Linking to my app product page gives "Not Available for bots to index"
What is the proper syntax to place a href link to the product so that users online can view it as html?
I don't have a final solution, just a workaround.
We've been seeing the same issue with our own app for the past few days and we've started seeing reports of people encountering this with all kinds of apps, including even Microsoft's own AppInstaller. It seems to be a server-side rate-limiting/caching issue at Microsoft as changing anything in the URL fixes the problem temporarily -- only to get back to the same issue a few hours later. We also found that VPN-ing to some locations (mostly to the US) helped as well, and this throttling seems to be specific to an app & an availability region (when it got blocked, it blocked across all Europe, but not in US for example). It seems to come & go as we have not seen a big drop in new install counts.
As a temporary solution we ended up adding a random string to the end of the URL. We used GCLID as we found it to be the least offensive way -- it could just as well be a legitimate tracking ID we pass over. So now the URL we link to looks like this:[APPNAME]/[APPID]?gclid=f-3579a28842a7bcac7ba630d698829e9b
Where the "f-xxxx" value is generated using the md5() of the timestamp -- but it could be any ever-changing value, even a random number.
We've reached out to our MS contact about this but we haven't heard back yet.
I encountered the same issue half an hour ago, but it seems recovered now.
If you own an app, you can confirm Product identity in Partner Center:
You can share the direct link and Store ID to help customers find your app in the Store:
Store ID: 12CharsAppId
Store protocol link: ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=12CharsAppId
The above address would be recommended but the URL should also work.
I work on I can confirm that there was an issue on our end that appeared on August 23. This issue has been resolved.
And the proper link, of course, is this:[your product id here]

Google Analytics - spurious page views?

Every day I get views of the same two pages in the same minute from the same user (using Chrome 65.0.3325.181 on Windows 10).
Interesting though the pages are, obviously (?), I don't believe these are real, intentional, views, especially as one of them is our main catalogue and there are never any events signalled for this session, which is untypical for that page.
I think all this must be happening automatically, perhaps because tab content is re-activating when the browser is restarting?
Does anyone know how such spurious page views can be filtered out of GA? I only want to count views that someone is actually looking at!
Many thanks
Additional information as requested by Michele to whom I am very grateful.
I've prepared a spreadsheet with more info re all this user's visits, it's here:
1) There look to be 2 puzzles here: firstly the user's strange activity, looking at only these pages over and over again, and secondly the lack of signalled GA events when there must have been /some/ for him/her to have got to the point they did (see comments in spreadsheet).
I suppose it is just possible the activity is 'normal', so that the lack of signalled events is the only real mystery.
2) Website is
3) User has same GA cookie, operating system/version, and browser/version throughout.
4) My GA setup dates from early Dec 2017, so, given that there is no 'original' source for the direct referrals listed, I can only imagine that the user favourited my site pre December.
Have you checked the option 'Exclude all hits from known bots and spider' in the view setting?

Google Analytics Site Search Config Questions

We have site search set up on our site, with the correct query parameter, however, we are not seeing site search data. See the image here for how our config is set up.
The URL for our search page looks like this
We know there has been search traffic. Internal users (myself included) have performed a number of searches. The tag has been live for over a week, so processing delay shouldn't be an issue.
I've also triple checked that I'm on the correct view in GA.
Any ideas?
So it turns out that GA favors the document path (dp) parameter over the document location (dl) parameter. So although the search term was in the payload sent to GA, it was promptly ignored when it got there :)
Moral, if you use dp, you probably need to use dq as well.
(Thanks to Kim Towne on the GA forums for helping me figure this one out).

Request GA statistic data for a specific large set of pages

I've spent last few days trying to find a solution to solve problem below.
I have set of URLs for which I would like to request data - mainly pageviews and visits by months in specific time interval. These URL specify one web section and we would like to get statistics for this section. I'm using PHP GAPI.
I am able to construct correct filter for the URL set:
But this works for a fews URLs because request is sent via GET and there is request length limitation for GET.
At first I tried to make severeal requests for a few URLs from the whole set and after all requests (when I had data for all pages) I made sum of pageviews and visits. Than I realized that this could work for pageviews but not for visits (one particular visit could be counted in more than one response and thanks to sum it was counted muliple times).
And than i have these limitations:
I can't use regular expresion to shorten the filter. URLs of pages are badly designed (not thanks to us :) ) and the pages in a web section therefore don't have nice URL prefix like /my-section/*
I need historical data (2 years back), so it won't help to start tracking some custom variable or event for pages in particular web section from now.
So I tried to make POST request to API. I was able to get auth token, but POSTing request to get statistic data returns:
403 Forbidden
Target feed is read-only
I tried to find if there is actualy the possibility to use POST method, but had no luck finding exact info (some clues suggest that it is not possible).
Another idea could be redesigning URL to have some nice prefix to filter by regexp and somehow changing the stored URLs in GA, but I have a feeling that it's not possible either.
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Thanks for any suggests :)

Google Analytics One Page Order Form

Having looked through the questions already on SO, I can't seem to find the answer on how to track a form that has multiple steps on one page. I saw an example that Google gives but could not really understand the way they were presenting it. What we have is a one page order form and need to track the users that come from a website and end up ordering. the whole ordering process is done with one file so I don't know how to track whether or not someone has actually completed the order. Any help would be great, even directing me to better examples than what Google has shown to me.
Thank you
Just call the JS function _gaq.push([trackPageview,'/form/stepXX']); each time the process reaches a new step.
You can pass any text string you want as a parameter.
Then you can configure a Goal and a funnel in GA with all the major steps of process
You can also track Events in case of errors for example.
(this uses the GA Async syntax)
