Cumulative total by group - r

For the following dataset:
d = data.frame(date = as.Date(as.Date('2015-01-01'):as.Date('2015-04-10'), origin = "1970-01-01"),
group = rep(c('A','B','C','D'), 25), value = sample(1:100))
date group value
1: 2015-01-01 A 4
2: 2015-01-02 B 32
3: 2015-01-03 C 46
4: 2015-01-04 D 40
5: 2015-01-05 A 93
6: 2015-01-06 B 10
.. can anyone advise a more elegant way to calculate a cumulative total of values by group than this data.table) method?
d.cast =, group ~ date, value.var = 'value', fun.aggregate = sum)
c.sum = d.cast[, as.list(cumsum(unlist(.SD))), by = group]
.. which is pretty clunky and yields a flat matrix that needs dplyr::gather or reshape2::melt to reformat.
Surely R can do better than this??

If you just want cumulative sums per group, then you can do
transform(d, new=ave(value,group,FUN=cumsum))
with base R.

This should work
d %>%
group_by(group) %>%
arrange(date) %>%
mutate(Total = cumsum(value))

As this question was tagged with data.table, you are probably looking for (a modification of #Franks comment).
setDT(d)[order(date), new := cumsum(value), by = group]
This will simultaneously rearrange the data by date (not sure if needed, if not, you can get rid of order(date)) and update your data set in place utilizing the := operator

Is this it?
sp <- split(d, d$group)
res <- lapply(seq_along(sp), function(i) cumsum(sp[[i]]$value))
res <- lapply(seq_along(res), function(i){
sp[[i]]$c.sum <- res[[i]]
res <-, res)


How to impute data from one dataframe to another in r

I have two data frames df1 and df2
df1= data.frame( ts = c('2020-01-15', '2020-01-16' , '2020-01-17', '2020-01-20', '2020-01-22','2020-
df2= data.frame( ts = c('2020-01-17','2020-01-24','2020-01-31'),
if the date of df2$ts matches df1$ts it will look back 4 days ago and impute the max value of every column in df2.
For example:
the 1st value of df2$ts is "2020-01-17" matches to df1$ts .. it will look back 4 days means , it will filter out the data of df1$ts between 2020-01-13 to 2020-01-17 so we get
df1[(as.Date(df1$ts)>= (as.Date(df2[1,1])-2)) &
(as.Date(df1$ts)<= (as.Date(df2[1,1]))),]
#i am writing this in a loop so that it would iterate over every date of df2
df1= data.frame( ts = c('2020-01-15', '2020-01-16' , '2020-01-17'),
So now we have to get the max of every column which we would achieve with this code
#would return the maximum of every column
apply(ohlc[(as.Date(ohlc$ts)>= (as.Date(cls[1,1])-2)) &
(as.Date(ohlc$ts)<= (as.Date(cls[1,1]))),],2,max)
But I don't know how to input this data in df2 for matching date i.e "2020-01-17" and so on for other dates of df2
df1 <- df1 %>% mutate(ts=as.Date(ts))
df2 <- df2 %>% mutate(ts=as.Date(ts))
my_function <- function(x,df){
df %>% filter(ts >= (x$ts-3) & ts <= x$ts) %>%
mutate(ts=x$ts) %>%
summarise(across(.cols = lla:lld, .fns = max)) %>%
lapply(split(df2,df2$ts),my_function,df=df1) %>%,.)
Here is an option with roll after creating a new column 4 days back
# // convert columns to Date class
df1$ts <- as.Date(df1$ts)
df2$ts <- as.Date(df2$ts)
nm1 <- names(df2)[-1]
# // change the type of NA columns from logical to numeric
setDT(df2)[, (nm1) := lapply(.SD, as.numeric), .SDcols = nm1]
# // subtract 4 days from ts to create ts1
setDT(df1)[, ts1 := ts %m-% days(4)]
# do a rolling join while getting the `max` for each column
df2[df1, (nm1) := lapply(mget(paste0("i.", nm1)), max),
on = .(ts = ts1), roll = -Inf, by = .EACHI]
Alternate approach using runner
df1$ts <- as.Date(df1$ts)
df2$ts <- as.Date(df2$ts)
df2 %>%
mutate(across(!ts, ~max_run(x = df1[[cur_column()]],
k = 4,
idx = df1$ts,
at = cur_data()[[1]])))
#> ts lla llb llc lld
#> 1 2020-01-17 14 3 2.6 12
#> 2 2020-01-24 17 6 5.6 15
#> 3 2020-01-31 20 8 8.6 167
Created on 2021-06-06 by the reprex package (v2.0.0)

Combining Data.Tables (R) with a loop or mapply

I am new to data tables in R and have managed to get 80% of the way through my analysis. The background is that I want to get the returns of a stock 5 days (before and after), and then 25 and 45 days after they report. I have successfully managed to do it for one set of dates (effectively hardcoding) but when I try and automate the process it falls apart.
I will start with my current formulas and then explain the data.
This formula successfully looks at the data tables and returns the sum that I need. The issue is that datem5 and V1 need to go through a loop (or mapply) to automate the process.
CQR_Date[CQR_DF[CQR_Date, sum(CQR), on = .(unit, date >= date1, date <= datem5),
by = .EACHI], newvar := V1, on = .(unit, date1=date)]
I tried this (along with many other variants). Please note the newvar needs to be addressed as well.
for (i in 1:4) {
CQR_Date[CQR_DF[CQR_Date, sum(CQ), on = .(unit, date >= date1, date <= cols[,..i]),
by = .EACHI], newvar := v, on = .(unit, date1=date)]
but get this error
Error: argument specifying columns specify non existing column(s): cols[3]='cols[, ..i]'
Interestingly, when I try
for (i in 1:2) {
y <- cols[,..i]}
There is no issue.
Now in terms of data;
col just contains the column headings that I need from CQR_Data
cols <- data.table("datem5", "datep5", "datep20" , "datep45")
CQ_Data has the reporting dates for the stock CQ such as the following
CQ_Date <- data.frame("date1" = anydate(c("2016-02-17", "2016-06-12", "2016-08-17")))
CQ_Date$datem5 <- CQ_Date$date1 - 5 # minus five days
CQ_Date$datep5 <- CQ_Date$date1 + 5 # plus five days
CQ_Date$datep20 <- CQ_Date$date1 + 20
CQ_Date$datep45 <- CQ_Date$date1 + 45
CQ_Date$unit <- 1 # I guess I need this for some sort of indexing
Then CQ_DF (it is the log returns for the stock) is formed by:
CQ_DF <- data.frame("unit" = rep(1,300))
CQ_DF$CQ <- rnorm(10)
CQ_DF$date <- seq(as.Date("2015-12-25"), by = "day", length.out = 300)
CQ_DF$unit <- 1
Before setting them as DT
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Note this uses
A simplified version is:
CQ_Date <- data.frame("date1" = c(10, 20))
CQ_Date$datep5 <- CQ_Date$date1 + 5 # plus five days
CQ_Date$datep20 <- CQ_Date$date1 + 10
CQ_Date$unit <- 1
CQ_DF <- data.frame("unit" = rep(1,100))
CQ_DF$CQ <- seq(1, by = 1, length.out = 100)
CQ_DF$date <- seq(1, by = 1, length.out = 100)
CQ_DF$unit <- 1
cols <- c("datep5", "datep20" )
tmp <- melt(CQ_Date, measure.vars = cols)
tmp[CQ_DF[tmp, sum(CQ), on = .( unit, date >= date1, date <= value), by =
.EACHI],newvar := V1, on = .(unit, date1=date )]
The issue is now that the sum does not appear to work correctly. It may have something to do with "variable" variable.
Instead of using mapply or for loop, try reshaping the dataset in long format using melt, create sequence between the numbers, perform the join and calculate the sum.
cols <- c("datep5", "datep20" )
tmp <- melt(CQ_Date, measure.vars = cols)
tmp <- melt(CQ_Date, measure.vars = cols)
tmp <- tmp[, list(date = seq(date1, value)), .(unit, variable, date1, value)]
tmp <- merge(tmp, CQ_DF, by = c('unit', 'date'))
tmp[, .(newvar = sum(CQ)), .(unit, variable, date1)]
# unit variable date1 newvar
#1: 1 datep5 10 75
#2: 1 datep20 10 165
#3: 1 datep5 20 135
#4: 1 datep20 20 275
If you need the data back in wide format you can use dcast.
Equivalent tidyverse option is :
CQ_Date %>%
pivot_longer(cols = cols) %>%
mutate(date = map2(date1, value, seq)) %>%
unnest(date) %>%
left_join(CQ_DF, by = c('unit', 'date')) %>%
group_by(unit, name, date1) %>%
summarise(newvar = sum(CQ))

dplyr lag of different group

I am trying to use dplyr to mutate both a column containing the samegroup lag of a variable as well as the lag of (one of) the other group(s).
Edit: Sorry, in the first edition, I messed up the order a bit by rearranging by date at the last second.
This is what my desired result would look like:
Here is a minimal code example:
df <-
x = sample(seq(as.Date('2000/01/01'), as.Date('2015/01/01'), by="day"), 10),
group = sample(c("A","B"),10,replace = T),
value = sample(1:10,size=10)
) %>% arrange(x)
df <- df %>%
group_by(group) %>%
mutate(own_lag = lag(value))
df %>% data.frame(other_lag = c(NA,1,2,7,7,9,10,10,8,6))
Thank you very much!
A solution with data.table:
# to create own lag:
setDT(df)[, own_lag:=c(NA, head(value, -1)), by=group]
# to create other group lag: (the function works actually outside of data.table, in base R, see N.B. below)
df[, other_lag:=sapply(1:.N,
function(ind) {
gp_cur <- group[ind]
if(any(group[1:ind]!=gp_cur)) tail(value[1:ind][group[1:ind]!=gp_cur], 1) else NA
# x group value own_lag other_lag
#1: 2001-12-08 B 1 NA NA
#2: 2002-07-09 A 2 NA 1
#3: 2002-10-10 B 7 1 2
#4: 2007-01-04 A 5 2 7
#5: 2008-03-27 A 9 5 7
#6: 2008-08-06 B 10 7 9
#7: 2010-07-15 A 4 9 10
#8: 2012-06-27 A 8 4 10
#9: 2014-02-21 B 6 10 8
#10: 2014-02-24 A 3 8 6
Explanation of other_lag determination: The idea is, for each observation, to look at the group value, if there is any group value different from current one, previous to current one, then take the last value, else, put NA.
N.B.: other_lag can be created without the need of data.table:
df$other_lag <- with(df, sapply(1:nrow(df),
function(ind) {
gp_cur <- group[ind]
if(any(group[1:ind]!=gp_cur)) tail(value[1:ind][group[1:ind]!=gp_cur], 1) else NA
Another data.table approach similar to #Cath's:
DT = data.table(df)
DT[, vlag := shift(value), by=group]
DT[, volag := .SD[.(chartr("AB", "BA", group), x - 1), on=.(group, x), roll=TRUE, x.value]]
This assumes that A and B are the only groups. If there are more...
DT[, volag := DT[!.BY, on=.(group)][.(.SD$x - 1), on=.(x), roll=TRUE, x.value], by=group]
How it works:
:= creates a new column
DT[, col := ..., by=] does each assignment separately per by= group, essentially as a loop.
The grouping values for the current iteration of the loop are in the named list .BY.
The subset of data used by the current iteration of the loop is the data.table .SD.
x[!i, on=] is an anti-join, looking up rows of i in x and returning x with the matched rows dropped.
x[i, on=, roll=TRUE, x.v] ...
looks up each row of i in x using the on= condition
when no exact on= match is found, it "rolls" to the nearest previous value of the final on= column
it returns v from the x table
For more details and intuition, review the startup messages shown when you type library(data.table).
I am not entirely sure whether I got your question correctly, but if "own" and "other" refers to group A and B, then this might do the trick. I strongly assume there are more elegant ways to do this:
df.x <- df %>%
dplyr::group_by(group) %>%
mutate(value.lag=lag(value)) %>%
mutate(index=seq_along(group)) %>%
df.a <- df.x %>%
filter(group=="A") %>%
df.b <- df.x %>%
filter(group=="B") %>%
rename(value.lag.b = value.lag)
df.a.b <- left_join(df.a, df.b[,c("index", "value.lag.b")], by=c("index"))
df.b.a <- left_join(df.b, df.a[,c("index", "value.lag.a")], by=c("index"))
df.x <- bind_rows(df.a.b, df.b.a)
Try this: (Pipe-Only approach)
df %>%
mutate(groupLag = lag(group),
dupLag = group == groupLag) %>%
group_by(dupLag) %>%
mutate(valueLagHelp = lag(value)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
mutate(helper = ifelse(dupLag == T, NA, valueLagHelp)) %>%
mutate(helper = case_when( ~ na.locf(helper, na.rm=F),
TRUE ~ helper)) %>%
mutate(valAfterLag = lag(dupLag)) %>%
mutate(otherLag = ifelse(, lag(value), helper)) %>%
mutate(otherLag = ifelse((valAfterLag | & !dupLag,
lag(value), otherLag)) %>%
select(c(x, group, value, ownLag, otherLag))
Sorry for the mess.
What it does it that it first creates a group lag and creates a helper variable for the case when the group is equal to its lag (i. e. when two "A"s are subsequent. Then it groups by this helper variable and it assigns to all values which are dupLag == F the correct value. Now we need to take care of the ones with dupLag == T.
So, ungroup. We need a new lagged-value helper that assigns all dupLag == T an NA, because they are not correctly assigned yet.
What's next is that we assign all NAs in our helper the last non-NA value.
This is not all because we still need to take care of some dupLag == F data points (you get that when you look at the complete tibble). First, we basically just change the second data point with the first mutate(otherLag==... operation. The next operation finalizes everything and then we select the variables which we'd like to have in the end.

groupby summarise outside of groupby dplyr

I'm trying to group ids with date in this dataset, but I want to summarise based on one of the features outside of the group.
df <- data.frame(ids = sample(c('436247', '2465347', '346654645'), 10000, replace=TRUE),
date = sample(seq.Date(ymd('2018-03-01'), ymd('2018-05-01'), by=1), 10000, replace=TRUE))
new_df <- df %>%
group_by(ids, date) %>%
summarise(events = length(ids[date >= date - 30 & date <= date]))
I'm trying to take this dataframe and answer the question - "for each of the ids, and each date, how many other records within that id, are within the past 30 days of that date". Unfortunately, when I group_by both the ids and date, it only looks within the grouped date. I've created the solution below, but not sure if there is a better one with dplyr?
groupby_function <- function(df, spec_date){
result <- df %>%
group_by(ids) %>%
summarise(events = length(ids[date >= spec_date - 30 & date <= spec_date])) %>%
mutate(date = spec_date)
date_vector <- seq.Date(ymd('2018-03-01'), ymd('2018-05-01'), by=1)
list_results <- lapply(date_vector, groupby_function, df=df)
x <-, list_results)
"for each of the ids, and each date, how many other records within that id, are within the past 30 days of that date"
For that, a "join by" condition makes sense, but isn't yet included in dplyr. Until it is, you could use data.table inside your dplyr chain:
# enumerate id-date combos of interest
grid_df = expand.grid(
id = unique(df$ids),
d = seq(min(df$date), max(df$date), by="day")
# helper function
count_matches = function(DF, targetDF, ...){
onexpr = substitute(list(...))
data.table(targetDF)[DF, on=eval(onexpr), .N, by=.EACHI]$N
# use a non-equi join to count matching rows
res = grid_df %>%
mutate(d_dn = d - 30) %>%
mutate(n = count_matches(., df, ids = id, date >= d_dn, date <= d)) %>%
# A tibble: 186 x 4
id d d_dn n
<fctr> <date> <date> <int>
1 436247 2018-03-01 2018-01-30 72
2 2465347 2018-03-01 2018-01-30 69
3 346654645 2018-03-01 2018-01-30 51
4 436247 2018-03-02 2018-01-31 123
5 2465347 2018-03-02 2018-01-31 120
6 346654645 2018-03-02 2018-01-31 100
7 436247 2018-03-03 2018-02-01 170
8 2465347 2018-03-03 2018-02-01 166
9 346654645 2018-03-03 2018-02-01 154
10 436247 2018-03-04 2018-02-02 228
# ... with 176 more rows
It should work fine for equality conditions to write either ids = id or ids == id, I think.
If you're interested, the syntax is x[i, on=, j, by=.EACHI] where x and i are tables. For each row of i, we look up rows of x based on the on= criteria (left-hand side refers to columns in x; right-hand to columns in i); then we do j for each ("by each row of i" so by=.EACHI). In this case, j = .N means that we count matched rows of x, returned as a column of counts N.
You can look at the "ungrouped" data by just going back to the original data frame(calling df$date or df$ids). So I think what you are after is
test_df <- df %>%
group_by(ids, date) %>%
summarise(events = length(df$ids[df$date >= date[1] - 30 & df$date <= date[1] & df$ids == ids[1]]))
Also, I ran your proposed function, but I did not see any difference in the result from your original group_by solution, so I don't think that is what you want.
If a 'non dplyr' solution is acceptable, this gives you what you want.
df$diff <- as.vector(
sapply(unique(df$ids), function(x)
sapply(df$date[df$ids == x], function(y)
sum(abs(y - df$date[df$ids == x]) >= 30)
Alternatively, in dplyr, you can get a result like the above using:
f <- function(x) {
sapply(x, function(y) sum(abs(y - x) >= 30))
df$diff <- unlist(
df %>%
group_by(ids) %>%
do(diff = f(.$date)) %>%
Here's an answer. But it assumes there's a continuous sequence of dates in each id.
df %>%
group_by(ids, date) %>%
count() %>%
arrange(ids, date) %>%
group_by(ids) %>%
events = cumsum(n) - cumsum(lag(n, 30, 0))

Apply function to each row of data.frame and preserve column classes

I wonder if there is a way to apply a function to each row of a data.frame such that the column classes are preserved? Let's look at an example to clarify what I mean:
test <- data.frame(startdate = as.Date(c("2010-03-07", "2013-09-13", "2011-11-12")),
enddate = as.Date(c("2010-03-23", "2013-12-01", "2012-01-05")),
nEvents = c(123, 456, 789))
Suppose I would like to expand the data.frame test by inserting all days between startdate and enddate and distribute the number of events over those days. My first try to do so was this:
eventsPerDay1 <- function(row) {
n_days <- as.numeric(row$enddate - row$startdate) + 1
data.frame(date = seq(row$startdate, row$enddate, by = "1 day"),
nEvents = rmultinom(1, row$nEvents, rep(1/n_days, n_days)))
apply(test, 1, eventsPerDay1)
This, however, is not possible because apply calls as.matrix on test and thus it gets converted to a character matrix and all column classes are lost.
I already found two workarounds which you can find below, so my question is more of a philosphical nature.
############# Workaround 1
eventsPerDay2 <- function(startdate, enddate, nEvents) {
n_days <- as.numeric(enddate - startdate) + 1
data.frame(date = seq(startdate, enddate, by = "1 day"),
nEvents = rmultinom(1, nEvents, rep(1/n_days, n_days)))
mapply(eventsPerDay2, test$startdate, test$enddate, test$nEvents, SIMPLIFY = F) %>%, .)
############# Workaround 2
seq_along(test) %>%
lapply(function(i) test[i, ]) %>%
lapply(eventsPerDay1) %>%, .)
My "problem" with the workarounds is the following:
Workaround 1: It may not be the best reason, but I simply do not like mapply. It has a different signature than the other *apply functions (as the the order of arguments differs) and I always feel that a for loop would just have been clearer.
Workaround 2: While being very flexible, I think it is not clear at first sight what is happening.
So does anyone know a function whose call would look like apply(test, 1, eventsPerDay1) and that will work?
Another idea:
test %>%
mutate(id = row_number()) %>%
group_by(startdate) %>%
complete(startdate = seq.Date(startdate, enddate, 1), nesting(id)) %>%
group_by(id) %>%
mutate(nEvents = rmultinom(1, first(nEvents), rep(1/n(), n()))) %>%
select(startdate, nEvents)
Which gives:
#Source: local data frame [152 x 3]
#Groups: id [3]
# id startdate nEvents
# <int> <date> <int>
#1 1 2010-03-07 6
#2 1 2010-03-08 6
#3 1 2010-03-09 6
#4 1 2010-03-10 7
#5 1 2010-03-11 12
#6 1 2010-03-12 5
#7 1 2010-03-13 8
#8 1 2010-03-14 5
#9 1 2010-03-15 5
#10 1 2010-03-16 9
## ... with 142 more rows
We can do this with data.table
res <- setDT(test)[,n_days := as.numeric(enddate - startdate) + 1
][, .(date = seq(startdate, enddate, by= "1 day"),
nEvents = c(rmultinom(1, nEvents, rep(1/n_days, n_days)))),
by = 1:nrow(test)][, nrow := NULL]
#Classes ‘data.table’ and 'data.frame': 152 obs. of 2 variables:
# $ date : Date, format: "2010-03-07" "2010-03-08" "2010-03-09" "2010-03-10" ...
# $ nEvents: int 5 9 7 11 6 6 10 7 12 3 ...
The above can be wrapped in a function
eventsPerDay <- function(dat){[, n_days:= as.numeric(enddate - startdate) + 1
][, .(date = seq(startdate, enddate, by= "1 day"),
nEvents = c(rmultinom(1, nEvents, rep(1/n_days, n_days)))) , 1:nrow(dat)
][, nrow := NULL][]
I have asked myself the same question.
I either end up splitting the df into a list (the base way)
xy <- data.frame()
xy.list <- split(xy, 1:nrow(xy))
out <- lapply(xy.list, function(x) ...)
answer <- unlist(out)
or try the hadleyverse dplyr way using rowwise (the blackbox way)
xy %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(newcol = function(x) ....)
I agree that their should be a base implementation of apply(xy, 1, function(x)) that doesn't coerce into character, but I imagine the R ancients implemented the matrix conversion for an advanced reason my primitive mind can't understand.
