wordpress : facebook comment - wordpress

i hope you don't mind if i ask this question here, however,
is there any wordpress plugin that allow us to comment using facebook account ?
for example, there's a case like this,
i've made an article about stackoverflow in myblog.com, then i share them to my facebook fanpage of myblog.com. then, a friend of mine comment in the fanpage facebook. when i open the page myblog.com/stackoverflow , i am able to see my friends comment here, and i am able to reply them from the site using facebook account. then, my comment is shown in my facebook fanpage
is there any wordpress plugin to be the solution of my mentioned case ? do i have to modify some facebook comment or facebook API to do this ?

Try wordpress Plugin 'facebook-comments-master' . I think this will help to implment the facebook comment in your blog directly. Or you can try onther plugin facebook-comments-plugin


WordPress Facebook comments error "Can't download"

I want Facebook comments on my images on WordPress. I'm using the Social Gallery Lite plugin for WordPress. It shows a comment lightbox for each image.
I have two problems:
The comments are not appearing in my moderation tool / I'm not getting notifications of new comments
Every time I add a new comment, I get an errormessage saying "Can't download", nothing more. When I refresh, the comment is added. When I add another comment on the same image, I don't get any errors. When I add another comment on another image, I get the error again.
This is what I did:
installed and acitvated the plugin
created a new app on facebook
copy pasted the APP ID in my plugin
made sure that I am the admin of the app
published the app (not even sure if this was necessary)
Am I missing a step?
Not really a coding related question here. So possibly on the wrong forum, best asked on the Wordpress community.
However, will attempt an answer here, it would seem that on the plugin itself does not need a facebook app to be created screenshot for app ID, it has a native app to do that. What you need to do is to provide your admin ID to the plugin to access your comments screenshot for admin access.

how do I test a facebook feed plugin on a website under development on localhost

I am building a website for a friend. I am using WordPress and doing the work on a localhost. My friend wants a Facebook feed. I have a plugin I like. I signed up as a test user on Facebook but because it's a test user and not a real user on a live site I can't get the plugin to work. I now understand that I am doing the wrong thing trying to use a test user Facebook page to give content to the plugin but I don't know what the right way is. Please tell me the correct way to use "dummy" Facebook content to test a Wordpress plugin on a non-live site. I will delete my test user as soon as I know the correct way. I'm working very hard to learn how to develop websites and how to correctly use Wordpress. I am also researching this on the Wordpress forum and on Google but I also need expert advice. Thank you.

Upload info that appear when share web link on Facebook

I have made a website. I did it with wordpress, making a custom theme.
All works fine, but I have a problem.
When I share any url on facebook, the info is not showed correctly. Only shows correctly if I go to open graph stories and I fetch the newest info.
I must do it for any url of the website?
Is posible do it for all urls once?
Or any other option?
Thank you!
I would propose to check if ALL your OG tags are correct, https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/
or just simply use Facebook OGP plugin for Wordpress, which makes your work easy. Search WP plugins here https://wordpress.org/plugins/search.php?type=term&q=facebook+OGP

How to add facebook comment to my wordpress blog?

I have wordpress blog , http://luckyleosan.wordpress.com/2014/03/07/sample-photo/#comments. i wanna add facebook comment to wordpress blog. how can i do that? i have searched about this in google. but in facebook developer site, its asking the domain name- if i give my above url, its showing the error of url should be canvas url.?
canvas url in facebook means?
what i will do it now?
how to add facebook comment to above url blog?
please help me. am facebook and wordpress newb..
The Facebook site you are looking at is designed for developers looking to build plugins that integrate Facebook with WordPress and other platforms. Hence the registration requirements.
Instead, you can use the official Facebook plugin for WordPress. It will replace default WordPress comments with the Facebook comment box. It will also give you some handy features like shortcodes for a like button and open graph meta setup.
You can use the Facebook Comments Plugin for fb comments.

Add facebook like button in wordpress e-commerce site

I'm building wordpress e-commerce site (using wp e-commerce plugin), so i added Facebook Open Graph Protocol, so now my site is connected to facebook and i can put facebook like button for the entire web site or for pages or for posts,but i want to add like button for all of the products of my sites, i tried many plugins but none of them works for me. I read on some forums that i should add some code to single-product.php, but there are 3 files with that name.
If anybody knows how this works, please help me.
You can find a detailed tutorial on how to integrate the Facebook Like Button with Wordpress on my blog here:
If you follow the steps you should be able to add the XFBML tags anywhere in your theme.
