Interfaces stored as value; Methods unable to update struct fields - pointers

I have a tool that I'm writing that exposes some functions that pull information out of a static database to several scripting languages that I'm embedding into the tool.
I thought; "Hey sounds like a nice use case for interfaces". So I defined an interface like so in my package scripting
type ScriptingLang interface {
RunScript(filename string) error
RunString(s string) error
Interpreter() error
Init() error
IsInit() bool
Then I store a map of them so I can look them up by a string defined like so in a different package.
var ScriptingLangs = make(map[string]scripting.ScriptingLang)
and a function to register them. Also some little helper functions like
func RunString(lang, s string) error {
if v, ok := ScriptingLangs[lang]; ok {
if !v.IsInit() {
return v.RunString(s)
} else {
return NoSuchLangErr
return nil
The problem that I ran into is it seams that interfaces can't have methods with pointer receivers. As a result my Lua struct that implements ScriptingLang isn't able to save it's *state because it's stored in ScriptingLangs.
I've tried updating the value stored in the map at the end of functions that save state and it didn't update the value.
To my understanding you shouldn't use pointers of interfaces so what are my options here? I would like to really keep the interfaces so I can do some neat stuff with git submodules.
A minimal example of my problem:
package main
import (
type ScriptingLang interface {
DoString(s string) error
Init() error
type Lua struct {
state string
func (l Lua) DoString(s string) error {
fmt.Printf("Doing '%v' with state '%v'\n", s, l.state)
return nil
func (l Lua) Init() error {
l.state = "Inited"
return nil
var lang ScriptingLang
func main() {
lang = Lua{}

If you want to mutate state, you need a pointer receiver, and your Init method doesn't have one. The fact that you're storing the value inside an interface makes no difference.
In your minimal(-ish) example, change the Init method (and any method that updates state) to have a pointer receiver, and point a pointer inside the interface and everything works:
func (l *Lua) Init() error {
l.state = "Inited"
return nil
func main() {
lang = &Lua{}
This article might help:


Interfaces and address operators

I have a problem to understand why the address operator can be used when the return type is an interface
func NewReader() IReader {
return &Reader{}
but (of course) not when a return type is a struct
func NewReader() Reader {
return &Reader{} // cannot use &Reader literal (type *Reader) as type Reader in return argument
The function signature later is func MyFuncReader(r IReader) but the reflect.TypeOf(r) is *main.Reader.
So the type IReader is hiding the fact that it is pointer?
The function signature func MyFuncReader(r IReader) doesn't tell me, that a pointer or a value was passed the func?
Full Sample with interface
Full Sample without interface
If the return type of a function is an interface type, you may return any values that implement that interface. Spec: Return statements:
The return value or values may be explicitly listed in the "return" statement. Each expression must be single-valued and assignable to the corresponding element of the function's result type.
In your first example Reader has methods with pointer receiver, so only a pointer to Reader (that is *Reader) implements the IReader interface. So you have to return &Reader{}.
If your function has a return type of a concrete type, you have to return a value of that exact concrete type, you can't return a value of a pointer to that type.
When the return type is a Reader
func NewReader() Reader {
return &Reader{} // cannot use &Reader literal (type *Reader) as type Reader in return argument
you cannot use a pointer to a Reader type in place of a Reader type. The reason being they are just not of the same type.
When you use an interface like IReader as a return type as in
func NewReader() IReader {
return &Reader{}
it basically means that any type implementing the methods of the IReader interface will classify as a type implementing that interface and thus will be acceptable. Since the type *Reader implements the IReader type in your example, it is an acceptable return value of the NewReader function here. That means if I introduce a new type which implements this interface, such as,
type dummy int
func (d dummy) GetCount() int {
return d
func (d dummy) IncreaseCount() {
fmt.Println("Increased count: %d", d)
then I can do something like
func NewReader() IReader {
var d dummy
d = 5
return d
and it would still work. The underlying type of this returned value on checking using the reflect package will be dummy.

Is it possible to implement Q_PROPERTY READ/WRITE accessors without using member functions?

Generally, a lot of code does nothing but get/set class members. For that I implemented a simple container class to have getters and setters associated
to a "field". At a first sight this looks pretty ok and results in far less code. This is how the container class looks like:
#include <functional>
template <class T>
class Member
T data;
using Getter_t = std::function<T(void)>;
using Setter_t = std::function<void(T)>;
using Notify_t = std::function<void(void)>;
Setter_t m_setterFunc;
Getter_t m_getterFunc;
Notify_t m_notifyFunc;
this->m_getterFunc = [=] (void) -> T { return this->data; };
this->m_setterFunc = [=] (T data) -> void { this->data = data; };
this->m_notifyFunc = [] (void) -> void { };
auto get() -> T { return this->m_getterFunc(); }
auto set(T data) -> void { this->m_setterFunc(data); this->m_notifyFunc(); }
auto getter(Getter_t func) -> Member& { this->m_getterFunc = func; return *this; }
auto setter(Setter_t func) -> Member& { this->m_setterFunc = func; return *this; }
auto notify(Notify_t func) -> Member& { this->m_notifyFunc = func; return *this; }
~Member() { }
I know some things are not perfect yet but that's okay for now. The next few lines show how Member instances are defined and the simple and convenient way to access underlying data. get, set and notify functions can be replaced by lambdas or function pointers to override custom behavior.
#include <iostream>
#include "Member.h"
class MyClass
Member<int> foo;
Member<std::string> bar;
void barChanged() { std::cout << "bar changed\n"; }
auto main(int argc, const char * argv[]) -> int
MyClass instance;[] () -> void { std::cout << "foo changed\n"; });, instance));;"some string");
std::cout << << " " << << std::endl;
return 0;
The problem now is that the Q_PROPERTY macro expects function names for the READ and WRITE accessors and I'm back at where I started: I have to write get and set functions for each property explicitly. Exactly what I wanted to avoid.
class MyOtherClass : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(bool flag READ getFlag WRITE setFlag NOTIFY flagChanged);
Member<bool> m_flag;
auto getFlag() -> bool { return m_flag.get(); }
auto setFlag(bool flag) -> void { this->m_flag.set(flag); }
Is it possible to directly use the already existing m_flag.get and m_flag.set functions? I tried the obvious things but they were either rejected by the moc or resulted in too much code.
As mentioned below, the MEMBER keyword makes it possible to have properties without specifying get and set functions. However, private members then only can be accessed by their names (this->property("myPropertyName")) and also there's no way to achieve more than "plain" get and set.
To make it more clear: The motivation is not to just avoid writing get and set functions but trying to implement a flexible member system which
by default performs get/set as expected
supports custom logic (for example forward newly set values to some other instance)
can be used for C++ class members and is compatible with Qt properties
And the only missing piece is the bridge between the Q_PROPERTY READ/WRITEaccessors and the get/set methods of the Member class.
Thanks for any help!
I don't think that it's possible to redirect READ or WRITE property methods to some other internal or external object without writing wrappers, but if your getters and setters do not do anything except return or set data: there is MEMBER variable association at least in latest Qt versions.
From Qt Doc:
Q_PROPERTY(type name
(READ getFunction [WRITE setFunction] |
MEMBER memberName [(READ getFunction | WRITE setFunction)])
[RESET resetFunction]
[NOTIFY notifySignal]
[STORED bool]
[USER bool]
A READ accessor function is required if no MEMBER variable was
specified. It is for reading the property value. Ideally, a const
function is used for this purpose, and it must return either the
property's type or a const reference to that type. e.g.,
QWidget::focus is a read-only property with READ function,
A WRITE accessor function is optional. It is for setting the property
value. It must return void and must take exactly one argument, either
of the property's type or a pointer or reference to that type. e.g.,
QWidget::enabled has the WRITE function QWidget::setEnabled().
Read-only properties do not need WRITE functions. e.g., QWidget::focus
has no WRITE function.
A MEMBER variable association is required if no READ accessor function
is specified. This makes the given member variable readable and
writable without the need of creating READ and WRITE accessor
functions. It's still possible to use READ or WRITE accessor functions
in addition to MEMBER variable association (but not both), if you need
to control the variable access.
Using MEMBER you do not need to write getters and setters.

How can I tell if net/http's ResponseWriter.Write() has been called?

Suppose I have a chain of net/http Handlers, and an early one responds with an HTTP error (http.StatusInternalServerError, for instance). How can I detect this in the following handlers, and avoid sending additional data to the client?
Or is this entirely the wrong approach to the problem?
http.ResponseWriter is an interface. So just compose a new instance of it:
type MyResponseWriter struct {
WroteHeader bool
func (w *MyResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
w.WroteHeader = true
return w.ResponseWriter.Write(b)
func (w *MyResponseWriter) WriteHeader(code int) {
w.WroteHeader = true
And in your handlers:
if w, ok := w.(*MyResponseWriter); ok && w.WroteHeader {
log.Println("Already wrote, skipping")
EDIT: Another thing to consider. Most of the time if you have a "chain" of handlers that means that a handler is called inside a handler. So if you have something like
type Handler1 struct { http.Handler }
type Handler2 struct { http.Handler }
type Handler3 struct { http.Handler }
var MyHandler http.Handler = Handler1{Handler2{Handler3{h}}}
as long as each of those call the inner handler as the last thing they do with w and r, you should be fine because then w and r won't even reach the inner handler. E.g.
func (h Handler2) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if somethingBadHappened() {
h.ServeHTTP(w, r) // Not called if somethingBadHappened().
First: a lighter-weight solution may exist.
However, if you cannot find one, consider using x/net/context to allow you to implement timeouts, deadlines, and of course, early termination of middleware chains.

Why a pointer needs to be returned when the return type is actually error?

I am reading the article Error handling and Go, and don't quite understand why a pointer (&errorString{text}) has to be returned when the return type is actually error?
My understanding is error is an interface, and errorString implements the interface, therefore, return errorString is also okay (but it is not the case).
// New returns an error that formats as the given text.
func New(text string) error {
return &errorString{text}
errorString implementation
// errorString is a trivial implementation of error.
type errorString struct {
s string
func (e *errorString) Error() string {
return e.s
Because error interface for errorString is implemented for a pointer (func (e *errorString) Error()), if it was implemented like below you would return the value directly:
func (e errorString) Error() string {
return e.s

map[Task]int64 where Task is an interface

Let's say I define the following interface in a Go library:
type Task interface {
Do() error
func Register(task Task) { ... }
func GetId(task Task) int64 { ... }
In Register(), the library associates a unique int64 with each task instance. GetId() must return the identifier for the given task.
My initial idea was to store the association as a map[Task]int64. This seems to work fine, but I was told that it would break if an object implementing Task was not equality-comparable (for example, a struct containing a map). I still need to check if this is true.
I was going to try and use a slice of struct { task Task; id int64 } instead and just iterate over it, but that would still require equality comparable Task instances. And AFAIU there is no identity comparison in Go.
How can I have a robust mapping from Task instances to their ID?
EDIT: Both solutions proposed so far work, but they have the disadvantage that every Task implementation has to include some repetitive code to handle the IDs. I could provide that code in a TaskBase struct that could be embedded, but ideally I would prefer a solution that doesn't require implementations to even know about the IDs (they are internal to the library and have no meaning outside of it).
A more complete example:
package main
import (
type Task interface {
Do() error
ID() int64
type XTask struct {
id int64
// other stuff
func NewXTask( /*task parameters...*/) *XTask {
t := &XTask{ /*initialize members*/} = Register(t)
// possibly more initialization...
return t
func (t *XTask) Do() error { return nil } // stub
func (t *XTask) ID() int64 { return }
var taskRegistry = map[int64]Task{}
func Register(t Task) int64 {
var id int64
for {
id = rand.Int63()
if _, exists := taskRegistry[id]; !exists {
taskRegistry[id] = t
return id
func main() {
t1 := NewXTask()
t2 := NewXTask()
fmt.Printf("%x\n", t1.ID())
fmt.Printf("%x\n", t2.ID())
I used an ID method as Daniel suggested, and I turned the map backwards from the way you had it. This is because the Task objects know their own ID, so a map from Task to ID is not needed. A map from ID to task however, is useful for guaranteeing uniqueness. It might come in handy some other time if you find yourself with only an ID and you need the corresponding Task object.
Also note this example is not goroutine-safe. If you need that you will have to add synchronization.
