ImageResizer.Net - not resizing images - css

I have recently downloaded Image Resizer .Net due to being interested in to what it has to offer, you can see three libraries in the link I have supplied, I've gone ahead and downloaded all of them.
Rebuilt the project, then navigated to my view and specified a width,height and mode for an image that's getting displayed as shown here.
<img src="">
This URL is of a car its width is 402 and its height is 300, I want to resize is just to test the functionality, but it doesn't seem to change its size? could this be to do with the fact its referencing an external image?
This is the rendered HTML
<img src="">

I read your question again and notice the part that your trying to apply it to an external image. Image Resizer will not work with external images as the images is requested directly to the external repository. In order for the image to be able to be resized it has to be served by your hosting server's IIS, where your website (with Image Resizer) is installed.
Make a quick test with a local image and see if that works.


ASP.NET Image not showing as Resource

I have an image (Logo.png) that I'm using as a resource. It's properties are Build Action-None. For some reason it is not showing when I host it. It works when I run it locally. I read some articles about adding it to an Images folder but I can't imagine that it would be an issue where it's stored.
<img src="Resources/Logo.png" />
I set the Build Action to 'Content'. Image now displays.

How to change the background image IBM mobile anywhere app in login page

I am looking to re-design the Login page. I need to add a new background image. Let me know where should I be copying this image into the project and where should I be specifying the image reference. I see the change made directly into Login.html are not reflecting in the output.
There are two logos in Maximo Anywhere, ibmLogoDark.png and ibmLogoLight.png (for the light and dark backgounds). You will need to obtain suitable replacement (transparent backgound) logo gifs or png files from your customer, of an equivalent size.
The IBM logo image files are in:
and also in:
So that is where I put copies of my customers replacement logos.
You'll want to give them different names from the IBM logos just so they don't get overwritten so easily. There are 4 CSS files you need to update to the new name:
about.css, launch.css and login.css in:
and mdpi.css in
There are also two app.xml files you need to update to point to the new names. One in each of:
Then rebuild and you're done. Oh, and make sure you clear your browser cache (or use incognito mode) to test.

How to change Image Src(logo) in firefox using Inspect Element

When i did inspect Element on one of the website logo. Image src is as follow.
Now, I want to try different logo, that i have in my local machine folder.
Is it possible to do that? Advice me. Thanks
It is not possible to inspect and put up your local image. However, you can follow the following steps to achieve the desired result:
Put your image on Google Drive or any other storage server
Generate a sharable link for that image
Inspect the element in your browser
Change image src from src="/WSDNPortalTest/Content/themes/images/THP_img.jpg to src = "sharable-url-here.jpg"
This is how you can achieve the same effect
You can't, but the change will only be valid in that Inspect-session on your local machine. The www would like quite different if it was that easy to change a website! ;-)
see also: How to display local images placed on client machine in HTML webpages
BUT: you could save the entire page using File/Save As and then edit the code locally and replace the downloaded image with your own.

Background image path during web based development

I'm Playing around with a cloud based front end developer called Jetstrap and Divshot. A bit confused as to how I'm suppose to code the PATH for css "background image" when using a web based software like this. Where do I store the image and how do I call it? I would like to preview the background image as I develop before export.
Since I cannot find any upload function on both site, I guess you can only assign an image that they can access that image via network.
You can do it as follows:
Click on an element.
Assign that element a class.
Click the 'Edit CSS' or 'CSS/HTML' at right-bottom.
Write the css rule for the class assigned at Step 2.
Screen Shots:
At the moment Divshot only supports external images. We plan to offer image uploading in the near future. I recommend using the Public folder or a shareable link on Dropbox to host your website assets for now. Copy the public link for the background image and use it as your background image path in the CSS editor:

jquery mobile data-icon not appearing on a mobile device

I have a mobile web application (.NET MVC) and I'm using JQuery Mobile (beta 3 & jQuery 1.6.3). My question is regarding the attribute 'data-icon' on various elements. For example, I have an element:
When I run the application locally, everything appears as expected. There is a small circular button with the 'home' image inside. When I deploy my application to my host (Arvixe), this same button renders as expected in Chrome, but does not render as expected on my mobile phone (Nexus One). On my phone, the home icon image does not appear at all.
JQuery mobile is referencing the image sprites in the following manner:
I can verify this image does in fact exist in the proper location, as it appears on the desktop browser, I can get to it with a URL (Desktop and Mobile) and my host log shows that requests to that URL are coming back with a 200 response. I have even connected my web application, while hosted to a weinre server, and I can verify the DOM element does have the correct image path. What's even stranger, is that when I go to on my phone, the same icons appear, the problem seems isolated to my hosted site.
Is there something I'm overlooking? Thanks.
I think I may have solved this. When upgrading from jQuery mobile beta 2 to 3, I did not upgrade the corresponding images as well. Grabbing the updated images seems to have done the trick.
Plese place your images folder (which will come from jquery-mobile downloaded zip file) along with your css files.
Ex: If you have copied the .css files to some location named
Then please place the images folder as show below
you need to set data-role="button" on anchors for them to appear as buttons with jQM (jQuery Mobile).
see here
this is the only thing I can think of.
The latest jquerymobile has fixed this issue. If not, you need to check the following steps.
check images folder of jquerymobile and jquerymobile CSS are in the same directory
If you put jquerymobile CSS in separate folder, you need to change "path" in this stylesheet
