Where oozie job logs are stored - oozie

When I got a need to look for oozie job logs. I got the configuration having the following entry.
I want to know,what ${oozie.log.dir} parameters resolves? Is this a path in Oozie server? If Yes, can we access it ?
Thanks in advance !


Airflow Error - Log file isn't local

I am trying to execute a Airflow script and get error when checking the logs of the Task_id in the Graph View:
I am getting a log file isn't local error when running a Airflow script. given below is the error message I get from the Graph view.
I am using Sqlite DB locally and the function I am trying to execute is connecting to a Amazon Redshift DB.
Could anyone assist. Thanks..
The url looks strange: http://:8793/log... - the host name is missing.
It seems to me that there is no correct configuration of the base_url or web_server_host parameter in airflow.cfg.
If this is all setup correctly, then the settings for log storage might be off.

Oozie launch script after Coordinator Start

I'm looking for a way to launch a custom script when a coordinator start.
So when a coordinator start the running of a job, I'd need to make for example an api call to a third party service.
Is there a way or a workaround to make this possible?
Thank you
Solution found: the key is the property oozie.wf.workflow.notification.url
add in the workflow configuration file, the following parameter
and create a webservice listening on this url

Exit code 655- Bad password error

I've managed to figure out that the job I sent to the AutoSys Server is failing and the Exit Code is -655. Can anyone please tell me what that means?
In our case, we got -655 when the disk space was full and it was not able to create new log files.
Recheck the Owner attribute. My experience is that the Owner is not entered correctly or it is not an authorized account for use on the Agent machine.
There can be many reasons for -655 error code but for all the main cause is that your job is not able to find some. If you are running a script check for the permissions on the script.

Whats the best way to log in oozie

We are using oozie workflows with a oozie main class in the action. I am not really sure what is the best logging strategy. Should we just use log4j since it seems like that is the default strategy ? Do those logs get collected on the data nodes ?
Should we just use log4j since it seems like that is the default
strategy ?
I have not found any mention of someone using an alternative logger. It seems to be discouraged:
While Oozie can technically use any valid log4j Appender or
configurations that violate the above restrictions, certain features
related to logs may be disabled and/or not work correctly, and is thus
not advised.
Your other question:
Do those logs get collected on the data nodes ?
An SO answer mentions that
the logs are distributed across your cluster, but by logging them to
the rootLogger, you should be able to see them via the job tracker (by
drilling down on the Job task attempts).
You can inspect them via
use this to print last 10 lines
$ oozie job -oozie oozie_URL -log job_ID | tail -n 10

AX 2009 batch job got stuck in executing status

We have an issue where the batch got stuck in the executing status. Kindly let us know if some one has some suggestions on how to delete the batch job or restart the batch job.
You need to set the batch job to cancelling first, then restart your Batch AOS. When the Batch AOS comes back online, you then need to reset the status on the batch job.
The easy one: restart your batch AOS service. This is not nice if it serves users as well!
