dreamweaver cs6 show where style is used - css

I'm using Dreamweaver CS6 to maintain a small web site of 23 pages. I'd like to find out if a particular CSS style, like ".anchor" is used at all, and if so, which pages use it. I can't seem to find this out from a web search.
Thanks for looking at this.

Use Search and Replace to accomplish that.


Does anyone know where ASP themes are?

Does anyone know where I can go to get some ASP themes for Visual Studio? I've Googled it, but it doesn't seem that there are many out there. I was hoping someone here knew something that I don't. Thanks
Visual Studio has nothing to do with it. The CSS for a custom theme will have rules that are applied to the HTML elements rendered to the page. The structure of your HTML can vary greatly; every developer/designer have their own preferences about whether to place certain parts of the page on a form or on a master page. There is no standard way of doing this and each project will have its own set of requirements in this regard.
There really is nothing to learning how to create an ASPNET theme. If it's the CSS part that is causing you difficulty then your best bet is to install the Web Developer Toolbar in Firefox and view some CSS galleries. This tool will then allow you to investigate how some really professional sites are put together.
i think you must have to create your own CSS.

Do I need to know asp.net to create website using asp.net inside visual studio 2010

I think visual studio is wysiwyg like editor so do I need to learn programming?
Yes, you need to if you need to add dynamic functionality to your asp.net website.
WYSIWYG if just in terms of visual, like dropping Buttons and layout of the form. For functionality, you are required to code in either C# or VB.net
Unless you just want to design a set of static pages, then yes.
You might want to take a look at Lightswitch:
It depends what you mean by "website".
For anything more complex than some static pages you're going to need to learn some kind of programming.
Even with a basic site you'll want to learn CSS and HTML. The code produced by any WYSIWYG is rarely up to standard.
Yes, you need to learn programming, in some form or the other. If you're just looking to create some static HTML pages, you should probably look into something like Dreamweaver instead of Visual Studio. The learning curve with Dreamweaver isn't as steep.

Webform generator?

just wondering is there any free tool which can aid in making the GUI/interface layout of asp.net/html forms ? My forms mostly end up in being less user friendly and not good looking at all.
I have been using Bootstrap framework to get my design up to speed in no time. You can use this tool to get forms created in minutes. http://bootsnipp.com/forms?version=3
Why don't you try downloading the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar and use it to reverse-engineer some simple, good looking sites that you come across?
You can use it to grab the entire CSS of any site, or hover over areas of a page and see the various divs and their associated CSS rules highlighted.

Displaying pictures/photographs in asp.net website

I want a really nice way to load in pictures onto a webpage, like a portfolio of my work (let's say it's pottery that I sell on the web) - various fade effects and the like - what can you recommend? Is there something in JQuery?
The most popular are probably:
thickbox jquery plugin
There are plenty of jQuery plugins that will do this for you. One that I like is the Cycle plugin. There is also Cycle Lite if you don't need as many effects. For more you can search the jQuery plugin database for slideshow or carousel -- and perhaps other keywords.
I really love fancy
I'm using the LightBox on my website and have not found anything easier to work with. Best of all it is free. Here is an example of the implementation on my website.
Italy Pictures
You can download the Lightbox code here...
Lightbox 2 may be worth a look. Nice way of loading images from thumbnail links. Very simple to implement too.
Besides what has already been mentioned, I have used slideshowpro and really like it. A very inexpensive download (like $20 or something like that), its free to try, and widely used. It is a flash plugin however, so you need to be OK with that (you don't need to know flash to use it)
Its use xml files to define the gallery/pictures and has a lot of easily configurable options. Also has an add-in for Picasa that will automatically generate the XML for you from a list of files.

SharePoint Default Styles

I'm building a custom web part for SharePoint and I'm trying to use the default styles so when people theme the site, it will theme with it.
I've found a couple of decent sites that show the different styles like:
but I'm looking for something that has better examples. Specifically, I'm looking for a good table style that I can add.
Does anyone know of a site that shows the different SharePoint CSS styles with examples?
Heather Solomon's blog is the multimate reference for Sharepoint 2007 CSS (the link you posted is for SharePoint 2003). You can also use developer toolbar to find the CSS class you are looking for.
If you are doing a custom webpart, consider SPGridView for your tables, I believe it will use the standard sharepoint List table styles: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.sharepoint.webcontrols.spgridview.aspx
