Is There a Practical Encryption Algorithm Which Maintains Comparability - encryption

Is there a secure encryption algorithm, which is practical and maintains comparability?
For example, if you have strings A, B, and C and A < B < C then if ran through the encryption algorithm it and the resulting values are compared then enc(A) < enc(B) < enc(C).
I specifically mention practical too, as I don't want enc(input) to be too much bigger than input.

No. The theoretical ability to do computation has been established, and the field is known as Homomorphic encryption. It's just not practical.
But just consider what your trivial scheme implies. I can brute force B from enc(B) by doing a binary search. Just start with enc(MIN), enc(MAX) and enc(MIN+MAX/2). enc(B) is bigger or smaller than enc(MIN+MAX/2) which halves the possible range of B. An "encryption" scheme which can be brute forced in O(log N) is incredibly poor.
This is effectively solved by "encrypting" > as well.


In RSA encryption algorithm, Can we find P ,Q and totient of N if we have N value?

N is p*q while totient(N) is a product of (p-1)(q-1) and (P-1),(Q-1) will not be prime after taken 1 from them. For an example N is 51. 51 = p*q while Totient(N) is a product of pq -p -q + 1. So the totient(N) = 51-p-q+1. What should I do after this? How to get p,q from N value (RSA)?
The only analytic (non-implementation) way of obtaining p,q from n is to factor n. For a toy value like 51, this is easy; just try possible values of p until you find p=3 q=17 (or swap to p=17 q=3 if you like). For the sizes of n used in practice -- until a few years ago usually 1024 bits which is about 308 decimal digits, now at least 2048 bits (616 digits) and sometimes more -- there is no known way to factor in less than thousands of years, and that is why RSA is considered generically secure, because knowing p,q enables you to trivially recover the private exponent and decrypt and/or forge data.
Particular implementations sometimes choose the RSA primes badly when generating keys, or leak information about them through side channels, or leak information about the resulting private exponent (d). These attacks are specific to an implementation, and depend on a lot of details and a much higher level of knowledge than exhibited in your question. Knowing d plus the public key allows you to compute p,q; this has been asked and answered many times on other stacks which I'll dig up later. Note that your question is really about the mathematics behind RSA not any program code or language(s), although if there were a method it could well be embodied in code, so it is less suitable here and would be more suitable (but trivial or duplicate) on or .
It is believed that if and when research into quantum computers is successful they will be vastly more efficient at factoring, enough to make RSA insecure. If and when this happens you can expect to see it on every news channel and site in the world.

Truncation in Homomorphic Encryption

How do you implement truncation in homomorphic encryption libraries like HELib or SEAL when no division operation is allowed?
I have two floating point numbers a=2.3,b=1.5 which I scale to integers with 2-digit precision. Hence my encoder looks basically like this encode(x)=x*10^2. Assuming enc(x) is the encryption function, then enc(encode(a))=enc(230) and enc(encode(b))=enc(150).
Upon multiplication we obtain the huge value of a*b=enc(23*15)=enc(34500) because the scaling factors multiply too. This means that my inputs grow exponentially unless I can truncate the result, so that trunate(enc(34500))=truncate(enc(345)).
I assume such a truncation function is not possible because it cant be represented by a polynomial. Nonetheless, I wonder if there is any trick on how to perform this truncation mathematically or whether it is just an unsolved problem?
It is possible but difficult to perform such truncation in the BFV and BGV schemes, and is unlikely to result in acceptable performance in most use-cases. This problem is very much related to the complexity of bootstrapping said schemes; for more details, see and
On the other hand, truncation is much easier to achieve in the CKKS scheme (see where it is a natural operation. However, the downside of the CKKS scheme is that all computations only yield approximately correct results which may not be what you want.

Why are "large prime numbers" used in RSA/encryption?

I've learned the theory of public key encryption but I'm missing the connection to the physical world. e.g.
I've been told that good RSA encryption should rely on prime numbers with 300 decimal digits but why? who came up with this number? How long it will take to break such encryption (statistics about different machines).
I've tried Google, but couldn't find what I wanted. anyone?
The key of asymmetric cryptography is to have an asymmetric function which allow decrypting message encrypted by the asymmetric key, without allowing to find the other key. In RSA, the function used is based on factorization of prime numbers however it is not the only option (Elliptic curve is another one for example).
So, basically you need two prime numbers for generating a RSA key pair. If you are able to factorize the public key and find these prime numbers, you will then be able to find the private key. The whole security of RSA is based on the fact that it is not easy to factorize large composite numbers, that's why the length of the key highly change the robustness of the RSA algorithm.
There are competitions to factorize large prime numbers with calculators each years with nice price. The last step of factorizing RSA key was done in 2009 by factorizing 768 bits keys. That's why at least 2048 bit keys should be used now.
As usual, Wikipedia is a good reference on RSA.
All public key algorithms are based on trapdoor functions, that is, mathematical constructs that are "easy" to compute in one way, but "hard" to reverse unless you have also some additional information (used as private key) at which point also the reverse becomes "easy".
"Easy" and "hard" are just qualitative adjectives that are always more formally defined in terms of computational complexity. "Hard" very often refers to computations that cannot be solved in polynomial time O(nx) for some fixed x and where n is the input data.
In the case of RSA, the "easy" function is the modular exponentiation C = Me mod N where the factors of N are kept secret. The "hard" problem is to find the e-th root of C (that is, M). Of course, "hard" does not mean that it is always hard, but (intuitively) that increasing the size of N by a certain factor increases the complexity by a much larger factor.
The sizes of the modulus which are recommended (2048 bits, or 617 decimal digits) relate to the availability of computation power at present time, so that if you stick to them you are assured that it will be extremely expensive for the attacker to break it. For more details, I should refer you to a brilliant answer on cryptography.SE (go and upvote :-)).
Finally, in order to have a trapdoor, N is built so as to be a composite number. It theory, for improved performance, N may have more than 2 factors, but the general security rule is that all factors must be balanced and have roughly the same size. That means that if you have K factors, and N is B bits long, each factor is roughly B/K bits longs.
This problem to solve is not the same as the integer factorization problem though. The two are related in that if you manage to factor N you can compute the private key by re-doing what the party that generated the key did. Typically, the exponent e being used is very small (3); it cannot be excluded that someday somebody devises an algorithm to compute the e-th without factoring N.
EDIT: Corrected the number of decimal digits for the modulus of a 2048 bits RSA key.
RSA uses the idea of one-way math functions, so that it's easy to encrypt and decrypt if you have the key, but hard (as in it takes lots and lots of CPU cycles) to decrypt if you don't have the key. Even before they thought of using prime numbers, mathematicians identified the need for a one-way function.
The first method they hit upon was the idea that if your "key" is a prime number, and your message is another number, then you can encrypt by multiplying the two together. Someone with the key can easily divide out the prime number and get the message, but for someone without the prime number, figuring out the prime number key is hard.

Quantum Computing and Encryption Breaking

I read a while back that Quantum Computers can break most types of hashing and encryption in use today in a very short amount of time(I believe it was mere minutes). How is it possible? I've tried reading articles about it but I get lost at the a quantum bit can be 1, 0, or something else. Can someone explain how this relates to cracking such algorithms in plain English without all the fancy maths?
Preamble: Quantum computers are strange beasts that we really haven't yet tamed to the point of usefulness. The theory that underpins them is abstract and mathematical, so any discussion of how they can be more efficient than classical computers will inevitably be long and involved. You'll need at least an undergraduate understanding of linear algebra and quantum mechanics to understand the details, but I'll try to convey my limited understanding!
The basic premise of quantum computation is quantum superposition. The idea is that a quantum system (such as a quantum bit, or qubit, the quantum analogue of a normal bit) can, as you say, exist not only in the 0 and 1 states (called the computational basis states of the system), but also in any combination of the two (so that each has an amplitude associated with it). When the system is observed by someone, the qubit's state collapses into one of its basis states (you may have heard of the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment, which is related to this).
Because of this, a register of n qubits has 2^n basis states of its own (these are the states that you could observe the register being in; imagine a classical n-bit integer). Since the register can exist in a superposition of all these states at once, it is possible to apply a computation to all 2^n register states rather than just one of them. This is called quantum parallelism.
Because of this property of quantum computers, it may seem like they're a silver bullet that can solve any problem exponentially faster than a classical computer. But it's not that simple: the problem is that once you observe the result of your computation, it collapses (as I mentioned above) into the result of just one of the computations – and you lose all of the others.
The field of quantum computation/algorithms is all about trying to work around this problem by manipulating quantum phenomena to extract information in fewer operations than would be possible on a classical computer. It turns out that it's very difficult to contrive a "quantum algorithm" that is faster than any possible classical counterpart.
The example you ask about is that of quantum cryptanalysis. It's thought that quantum computers might be able to "break" certain encryption algorithms: specifically, the RSA algorithm, which relies on the difficulty of finding the prime factors of very large integers. The algorithm which allows for this is called Shor's algorithm, which can factor integers with polynomial time complexity. By contrast the best classical algorithm for the problem has (almost) exponential time complexity, and the problem is hence considered "intractable".
If you want a deeper understanding of this, get a few books on linear algebra and quantum mechanics and get comfortable. If you want some clarification, I'll see what I can do!
Aside: to better understand the idea of quantum superposition, think in terms of probabilities. Imagine you flip a coin and catch it on your hand, covered so that you can't see it. As a very tenuous analogy, the coin can be thought of as being in a superposition of the heads and tails "states": each one has a probability of 0.5 (and, naturally, since there are two states, these probabilities add up to 1). When you take your hand away and observe the coin directly, it collapses into either the heads state or the tails state, and so the probability of this state becomes 1, while the other becomes 0. One way to think about it, I suppose, is a set of scales that is balanced until observation, at which point it tips to one side as our knowledge of the system increases and one state becomes the "real" state.
Of course, we don't think of the coin as a quantum system: for all practical purposes, the coin has a definite state, even if we can't see it. For genuine quantum systems, however (such as an individual particle trapped in a box), we can't think about it in this way. Under the conventional interpretation of quantum mechanics, the particle fundamentally has no definite position, but exists in all possible positions at once. Only upon observation is its position constrained in space (though only to a limited degree; cf. uncertainty principle), and even this is purely random and determined only by probability.
By the way, quantum systems are not restricted to having just two observable states (those that do are called two-level systems). Some have a large but finite number, some have a countably infinite number (such as a "particle in a box" or a harmonic oscillator), and some even have an uncountably infinite number (such as a free particle's position, which isn't constrained to individual points in space).
It's highly theoretical at this point. Quantum Bits might offer the capability to break encryption, but clearly it's not at that point yet.
At the Quantum Level, the laws that govern behavior are different than in the macro level.
To answer your question, you first need to understand how encryption works.
At a basic level, encryption is the result of multiplying two extremely large prime numbers together. This super large result is divisible by 1, itself, and these two prime numbers.
One way to break encryption is to brute force guess the two prime numbers, by doing prime number factorization.
This attack is slow, and is thwarted by picking larger and larger prime numbers. YOu hear of key sizes of 40bits,56bits,128bits and now 256,512bits and beyond. Those sizes correspond to the size of the number.
The brute force algorithm (in simplified terms) might look like
for(int i = 3; i < int64.max; i++)
if( key / i is integral)
//we have a prime factor
So you want to brute force try prime numbers; well that is going to take awhile with a single computer. So you might try grouping a bunch of computers together to divide and conquer. That works, but is still slow for very large keysizes.
How a quantum bit address this is that they are both 0 and 1 at the same time. So say you have 3 quantum bits (no small feat mind you).
With 3 qbits, your program can have the values of 0-7 simulatanously
(000,001,010,011 etc)
, which includes prime numbers 3,5,7 at the same time.
so using the simple algorithm above, instead of increasing i by 1 each time, you can just divide once, and check
all at the same time.
Of course quantum bits aren't to that point yet; there is still lots of work to be done in the field; but this should give you an idea that if we could program using quanta, how we might go about cracking encryption.
The Wikipedia article does a very good job of explaining this.
In short, if you have N bits, your quantum computer can be in 2^N states at the same time. Similar conceptually to having 2^N CPU's processing with traditional bits (though not exactly the same).
A quantum computer can implement Shor's algorithm which can quickly perform prime factorization. Encryption systems are build on the assumption that large primes can not be factored in a reasonable amount of time on a classical computer.
Almost all our public-key encryptions (ex. RSA) are based solely on math, relying on the difficulty of factorization or discrete-logarithms. Both of these will be efficiently broken using quantum computers (though even after a bachelors in CS and Math, and having taken several classes on quantum mechanics, I still don't understand the algorithm).
However, hashing algorithms (Ex. SHA2) and symmetric-key encryptions (ex. AES), which are based mostly on diffusion and confusion, are still secure.
In the most basic terms, a normal no quantum computer works by operating on bits (sates of on or off) uesing boolean logic. You do this very fast for lots and lots of bits and you can solve any problem in a class of problems that are computable.
However they are "speed limits" namely something called computational complexity.This in lay mans terms means that for a given algorithm you know that the time it takes to run an algorithm (and the memory space required to run the algorithm) has a minimum bound. For example a algorithm that is O(n^2) means that for a data size of n it will require n^2 time to run.
However this kind of goes out the window when we have qbits (quantum bits) when you are doing operations on qbits that can have "in between" values. algorithms that would have very high computational complexity (like factoring huge numbers, the key to cracking many encryption algorithms) can be done in much much lower computational complexity. This is the reason that quantum computing will be able to crack encrypted streams orders of magnitude quicker then normal computers.
First of all, quantum computing is still barely out of the theoretical stage. Lots of research is going on and a few experimental quantum cells and circuits, but a "quantum computer" does not yet exist.
Second, read the wikipedia article:
In particular, "In general a quantum computer with n qubits can be in an arbitrary superposition of up to 2^n different states simultaneously (this compares to a normal computer that can only be in one of these 2^n states at any one time). "
What makes cryptography secure is the use of encryption keys that are very long numbers that would take a very, very long time to factor into their constituent primes, and the keys are sufficiently long enough that brute-force attempts to try every possible key value would also take too long to complete.
Since quantum computing can (theoretically) represent a lot of states in a small number of qubit cells, and operate on all of those states simultaneously, it seems there is the potential to use quantum computing to perform brute-force try-all-possible-key-values in a very short amount of time.
If such a thing is possible, it could be the end of cryptography as we know it.
quantum computers etc all lies. I dont believe these science fiction magazines.
in fact rsa system is based on two prime numbers and their multipilation.
p1,p2 is huge primes p1xp2=N modulus.
rsa system is
like that
choose a prime number..maybe small its E public key
find a D number that makes E*D=1 mod(R)
we are sharing (E,N) data as public key publicly
we are securely saving (D,N) as private.
To solve this Rsa system cracker need to find prime factors of N.
*mass of the Universe is closer to 10^53 kg*
electron mass is 9.10938291 × 10^-31 kilograms
if we divide universe to electrons we can create 10^84 electrons.
electrons has slower speeds than light. its move frequency can be 10^26
if anybody produces electron size parallel rsa prime factor finders from all universe mass.
all universe can handle (10^84)*(10^26)= 10^110 numbers/per second.
rsa has limitles bits of alternative prime numbers. maybe 4096 bits
4096 bit rsa has 10^600 possible prime numbers to brute force.
so your universe mass quantum solver need to make tests during 10^500 years.
rsa vs universe mass quantum computer
1 - 0
maybe quantum computer can break 64/128 bits passwords. because 128 bit password has 10^39 possible brute force nodes.
This circuit is a good start to understand how qubit parallelism works. The 2-qubits-input is on the left side. Top qubit is x and bottom qubit ist y. The y qubit is 0 at the input, just like a normal bit. The x qubit on the other hand is in superposition at the input. y (+) f(x) stands here for addition modulo 2, just meaning 1+1=0, 0+1=1+0=1. But the interesting part is, since the x-qubit is in superposition, f(x) is f(0) and f(1) at the same time and we can perform the evaluation of the f function for all states simultaneously without using any (time consuming) loops. Having enough quibits we can branch this into endlessly complicating curcuits.
Even more bizarr imo. is the Grover's algorithm. As input we get here an unsorted array of integers with arraylength = n. What is the expected runtime of an algorithm, that finds the min value of this array? Well classically we have at least to check every 1..n element of the array resulting in an expected runtime of n. Not so for quantum computers, on a quantum computer we can solve this in expected runtime of maximum root(n), this means we don't even have to check every element to find the guaranteed solution...

Do cryptographic hash functions reach each possible values, i.e., are they surjective?

Take a commonly used binary hash function - for example, SHA-256. As the name implies, it outputs a 256 bit value.
Let A be the set of all possible 256 bit binary values. A is extremely large, but finite.
Let B be the set of all possible binary values. B is infinite.
Let C be the set of values obtained by running SHA-256 on every member of B. Obviously this can't be done in practice, but I'm guessing we can still do mathematical analysis of it.
My Question: By necessity, C ⊆ A. But does C = A?
EDIT: As was pointed out by some answers, this is wholly dependent on the has function in question. So, if you know the answer for any particular hash function, please say so!
First, let's point out that SHA-256 does not accept all possible binary strings as input. As defined by FIPS 180-3, SHA-256 accepts as input any sequence of bits of length lower than 2^64 bits (i.e. no more than 18446744073709551615 bits). This is very common; all hash functions are somehow limited in formal input length. One reason is that the notion of security is defined with regards to computational cost; there is a threshold about computational power that any attacker may muster. Inputs beyond a given length would require more than that maximum computational power to simply evaluate the function. In brief, cryptographers are very wary of infinites, because infinites tend to prevent security from being even defined, let alone quantified. So your input set C should be restricted to sequences up to 2^64-1 bits.
That being said, let's see what is known about hash function surjectivity.
Hash functions try to emulate a random oracle, a conceptual object which selects outputs at random under the only constraint that it "remembers" previous inputs and outputs, and, if given an already seen input, it returns the same output than previously. By definition, a random oracle can be proven surjective only by trying inputs and exhausting the output space. If the output has size n bits, then it is expected that about 2^(2n) distinct inputs will be needed to exhaust the output space of size 2^n. For n = 256, this means that hashing about 2^512 messages (e.g. all messages of 512 bits) ought to be enough (on average). SHA-256 accepts inputs very much longer than 512 bits (indeed, it accepts inputs up to 18446744073709551615 bits), so it seems highly plausible that SHA-256 is surjective.
However, it has not been proven that SHA-256 is surjective, and that is expected. As shown above, a surjectivity proof for a random oracle requires an awful lot of computing power, substantially more than mere attacks such as preimages (2^n) and collisions (2^(n/2)). Consequently, a good hash function "should not" allow a property such as surjectivity to be actually proven. It would be very suspicious: security of hash function stems from the intractability of their internal structure, and such an intractability should firmly oppose to any attempt at mathematical analysis.
As a consequence, surjectivity is not formally proven for any decent hash function, and not even for "broken" hash functions such as MD4. It is only "highly suspected" (a random oracle with inputs much longer than the output should be surjective).
Not necessarily. The pigeonhole principle states that once one more hash beyond the size of A has been generated that there is a probability of collision of 1, but it does not state that every single element of A has been generated.
It really depends on the hash function. If you use this valid hash function:
Int256 Hash (string input) {
return 0;
then it is obvious that C != A. So the "for example, SHA256" is a pretty important note to consider.
To answer your actual question: I believe so, but I'm just guessing. Wikipedia does not provide any meaningful info on this.
Not necessarily. That would depend on the hash function.
It would probably be ideal if the hash function was surjective, but there are things that're usually more important, such as a low likelihood of collisions.
It is not always the case. However, quality required for an hash algorithm are:
Cardinality of B
Repartition of hashes in B (every value in B must have the same probability to be a hash)
