Drupal 7 Date module All day otpion - drupal

I am using Drupal 7 Date module. I have enabled it and created a date field with Date, Time and All day option in the content type. I created a node of that content type, I set the date to 04/25/2015, checked All day option and saved the node. After saving the node I can see my date field value being saved as 04/24/2015 00:00:00 in the database. But I am expecting it to be saved as 04/24/2015 23:59:59.
Can any one please help me how to achieve this? Thanks in advance

Good morning. You should modify the submitted info after the submision of the form. Have a look at hook_node_presave(), a hook which lets you alter the node before it is inserted into database.
Hope it helps.


How to show original publish post date instead of last edited date in wordpress

I have just updated the post on my blog changed its category and now its showing the current date instead of publishing date. How to display the publish date instead of the revision/update one.
ED website
A password to access is letmein Thank you in advance.
I think you must keep in a database field the initial date, and then you must modify the template in order to display the initial date not the last. But if you go to the Gui that can edited the post and you know the date you can update manual the date for a specific post. In Wp you can put feature or older date to a post.

Drupal 7 Wrong Timestamp showing up in a custom view instead of what is there in the database table

I have a view created in a drupal 7 to display the data fields from a table in the database and one of the fields is date_entered which is a timestamp. But the data in the timestamp field shows up as same for each record as " 1969/12/31 - 19:33" instead of what's there in the table.
I have tried changing the timestamp format and applying a patch to fix the issue but nothing seems to fix this.
Do u use the date module? It solves all date and timestamp issues.
Found a work around, i created a hidden field using date module and used the default site format to populate the hidden field and used the array while doing the submit db insert which in turn populates the data base table with the current date of submission and used that date field in the view to display the date instead of the complete timestamp.

Google Docs Forms - need Pre-fill Date & Time Entry with current date and current time

Google Forms I need Pre-filled current Date & current Time Entry in date and time fields of my google form. How to do it
My solution is to make the Date field optional. The default is to assume the todays date which is what you get from the timestamp field. In case it needs to be anything else you can enter it manually.
A simple code-free solution is to make separate sections in your form and use the feature that routes users to different sections based on responses. The first section asks whether the form is for the current date/time. If yes, you use the timestamp as the date and time and route the user to the main section with your questions. If not, route them to a section to set the date and time, and then after that route them to the main section.
2023 Solution
-Google Forms has updated how dates are passed through URL parameters.
Instead of passing each component of a date as a separate param, you now pass them using the same syntax as all other fields using the YYYY-MM-DD format for your date value.
Here is an example URL:

Drupal 7 custom module/field for adding a task per hour

I am fairly new to Drupal and I am trying to create a simple content type where people can add their schedule for today.. for example from 2PM tot 4PM that person has to go to the gym.. So 2 dropdowns, 1 for every hour (2PM&4PM) and adding a textfield to that for "going to the gym" and the possibility to add more tasks.. (multiple values per day)
Any advice? Maybe a module or creating a custom field? Thx in advance.. :)
If you want to create a content type "daily schedule" and attach multiple events to it (like 14:00 Gym, 16:00 Beer with friends), I would propose Field collection. It would allow you to group time field (either simple numerical field or Time field with text field.
Hope that helped!
I will suggest you to go with contributed module intended to handle this kind of requirement. As per my understanding, you want to make functionlity for user to create their TODO list & there is a module which can do it easily for you - myTinyTodo.
Otherwise above answer is also good option to use field_collection.
I would suggest content type + date module + calendar module.
install & enable Date Module. You will be able to add a date field to content type
Add new content type "Task"
Add 2 date fields "start" (2PM) and "end" (4PM) to your content type.
Users will be able to add as many tasks as they want.
And finally, you can use Calendar module to preview task's list.

WordPress custom content type date field

Hey, I'm trying to build the most intuitive possible Event post type. I'm wondering if there's a core method to both print out and capture the contents of a date field - specifically year/month/day, I don't need hours/minutes. I also need to be able to sort entries by date to print out later - for instance, I need all of the events from January. Something that can save me formatting the fields, and then parsing and saving them manually.
Any ideas are welcomed! Thanks in advance for your time.
There was no rock solid WP core solution to this, but the system I created is composed of:
SQL CONCAT to compare a date field to CURDATE, etc.
PHP strToTime to get the date back from the database
Generally speaking, if you save your date to the DB in UNIX time format it's easy to work with in SQL queries and in your PHP output.
