What does the t in tapply stand for? - r

There seems to be general agreement that the l in "lapply" stands for list, the s in "sapply" stands for simplify and the r in "rapply" stands for recursively. But I could not find anything on the t in "tapply". I am now very curious.

Stands for table since tapply is the generic form of the table function. You can see this by comparing the following calls:
x <- sample(letters, 100, rep=T)
tapply(x, x, length)
although obviously tapply can do more than counting.
Also, some references that refer to "table-apply":
R and S Plus companion
Modern Applied Biostatistical Methods

I think of it as 'table'-apply since the result comes as a matrix/table/array and its dimensions are established by the INDEX arguments. An R table-classed object is really very similar in contrcution and behavior to an R matrix or array. The application is being performed in a manner similar to that of ave. Groups are first assembled on the basis of the "factorized" INDEX argument list (possibly with multiple dimensions) and a matrix or array is returned with the results of the FUN applied to each cross-classified grouping.
The other somewhat similar function is 'xtabs'. I keep thinking it should have a "FUN" argument, but what I'm probably forgetting at that point is really tapply.

tapply is sort of the odd man out. As far as I know, and as far as the R documentation for the apply functions goes, the 't' does not stand for anything, unlike the other apply functions which indicate the input or output options.


Replace for loop with vectorized call of a function returning multiple values

I have the following function: problema_firma_emprestimo(r,w,r_emprestimo,posicao,posicao_banco), where all input are scalars.
This function return three different matrix, using
return demanda_k_emprestimo,demanda_l_emprestimo,lucro_emprestimo
I need to run this function for a series of values of posicao_banco that are stored in a vector.
I'm doing this using a for loop, because I need three separate matrix with each of them storing one of the three outputs of the function, and the first dimension of each matrix corresponds to the index of posicao_banco. My code for this part is:
demanda_k_emprestimo = zeros(num_bancos,na,ny);
demanda_l_emprestimo = similar(demanda_k_emprestimo);
lucro_emprestimo = similar(demanda_k_emprestimo);
for i in eachindex(posicao_bancos)
demanda_k_emprestimo[i,:,:] , demanda_l_emprestimo[i,:,:] , lucro_emprestimo[i,:,:] = problema_firma_emprestimo(r,w,r_emprestimo[i],posicao,posicao_bancos[i]);
Is there a fast and clean way of doing this using vectorized functions? Something like problema_firma_emprestimo.(r,w,r_emprestimo[i],posicao,posicao_bancos) ? When I do this, I got a tuple with the result, but I can't find a good way of unpacking the answer.
Unfortunately, it's not easy to use broadcasting here, since then you will end up with output that is an array of tuples, instead of a tuple of arrays. I think a loop is a very good approach, and has no performance penalty compared to broadcasting.
I would suggest, however, that you organize your output array dimensions differently, so that i indexes into the last dimension instead of the first:
for i in eachindex(posicao_bancos)
demanda_k_emprestimo[:, :, i] , ...
This is because Julia arrays are column major, and this way the output values are filled into the output arrays in the most efficient way. You could also consider making the output arrays into vectors of matrices, instead of 3D arrays.
On a side note: since you are (or should be) creating an MWE for the sake of the people answering, it would be better if you used shorter and less confusing variable names. In particular for people who don't understand Portuguese (I'm guessing), your variable names are super long, confusing and make the code visually dense. Telling the difference between demanda_k_emprestimo and demanda_l_emprestimo at a glance is hard. The meaning of the variables are not important either, so it's better to just call them A and B or X and Y, and the functions foo or something.

Use values from 2 matrices to index a third in R

I'm optimizing a more complex code, but got stuck with this problem.
I need to use the values in a & m to index f and assign the value from f to g
i.e. g[1,1]<-f[a[1,1],m[1,1]] except for all the indexes, and as optimally/fast as possible
I could obviously make a for loop to do this for me but that seems rather dumb and slow. It seems like I should be able to us something in the apply family, but I've had no luck with figuring out how to do that. I do need to keep the data structured as it is here so that I can use matrix operations in different parts of my code. I've been searching for an answer to this but haven't found anything particularly helpful yet.
g[] <- f[cbind(c(a), c(m))]
This takes advantage of the fact that matrices can be addressed as vectors and using a matrix as the index.

Sapply (from R) equivalent for Julia?

Suppose I have an 2 dimensional array and I want to apply several functions to each of its columns. Ideally I would like to get the results back in the form of a matrix (with one row per function, and one column per input column).
The following code generates the values I want, but as an Array of Arrays.
A = rand(10,10)
[mapslices(f, A, 1) for f in [mean median iqr]]
Another similar example is here [Julia: use of pmap with matrices
Is there a better syntax for getting the results back in the form of a 2 dimensional array, instead of an array of arrays?
What I'd really like is something with a functionality similar to sapply from R. [https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/lapply.html]
You can use an anonymous function as in
mapslices(t -> [mean(t), median(t), iqr(t)], A, 1)
but using comprehensions and splatting, as in your last example, is also fine. For very large arrays, you might want to avoid the temporary allocations introduced by transpose and splatting, but in most cases you don't have to pay attention to that.
After playing around a bit I found one option, but I am still interested in hearing if there are any better ways of doing it.
[[mapslices(f, A, 1)' for f in [mean median iqr]]...]

Yet another apply Questions

I am totally convinced that an efficient R programm should avoid using loops whenever possible and instead should use the big family of the apply functions.
But this cannot happen without pain.
For example I face with a problem whose solution involves a sum in the applied function, as a result the list of results is reduced to a single value, which is not what I want.
To be concrete I will try to simplify my problem
assume N =100
sapply(list(1:N), function(n) (
choose(n,(floor(n/2)+1):n) *
eps^((floor(n/2)+1):n) *
(1- eps)^(n-((floor(n/2)+1):n))))
As you can see the function inside cause length of the built vector to explode
whereas using the sum inside would collapse everything to single value
sapply(list(1:N), function(n) (
choose(n,(floor(n/2)+1):n) *
eps^((floor(n/2)+1):n) *
(1- eps)^(n-((floor(n/2)+1):n))))
What I would like to have is a the list of degree of N.
so what do you think? how can I repair it?
Your question doesn't contain reproducible code (what's "eps"?), but on the general point about for loops and optimising code:
For loops are not incredibly slow. For loops are incredibly slow when used improperly because of how memory is assigned to objects. For primitive objects (like vectors), modifying a value in a field has a tiny cost - but expanding the /length/ of the vector is fairly costly because what you're actually doing is creating an entirely new object, finding space for that object, copying the name over, removing the old object, etc. For non-primitive objects (say, data frames), it's even more costly because every modification, even if it doesn't alter the length of the data.frame, triggers this process.
But: there are ways to optimise a for loop and make them run quickly. The easiest guidelines are:
Do not run a for loop that writes to a data.frame. Use plyr or dplyr, or data.table, depending on your preference.
If you are using a vector and can know the length of the output in advance, it will work a lot faster. Specify the size of the output object before writing to it.
Do not twist yourself into knots avoiding for loops.
So in this case - if you're only producing a single value for each thing in N, you could make that work perfectly nicely with a vector:
#Create output object. We're specifying the length in advance so that writing to
#it is cheap
output <- numeric(length = length(N))
#Start the for loop
for(i in seq_along(output)){
output[i] <- your_computations_go_here(N[i])
This isn't actually particularly slow - because you're writing to a vector and you've specified the length in advance. And since data.frames are actually lists of equally-sized vectors, you can even work around some issues with running for loops over data.frames using this; if you're only writing to a single column in the data.frame, just create it as a vector and then write it to the data.frame via df$new_col <- output. You'll get the same output as if you had looped through the data.frame, but it'll work faster because you'll only have had to modify it once.

Calculate e.g. a mean in a list with multi-column data.frames

I have a list of several data.frames. Each data.frame has several columns.
By using
I can get the mean for a in this one data.frame.
However I do not know how to calculate over all the data.frames stored in my list or how for specific data.frames.
I could use a loop but I was told that
apply() and its variations are better
I tried using several solutions I found via search but somehow it just doesn't work.
I assume I need to use
Could you provide an example of how to calculate e.g. a mean for a data structure like mine.
A list with several data.frames containing several columns.
I'm sorry for the confusion. I wanted the grand mean for a specific column in all dataframes.
Thanks to Thomas for providing a working solution for calculating a grand mean for a specific column in all dataframes and to psychometriko for providing a useful solution for calculating means over all columns in all dataframes (& even for the case when not numeric data is involved).
Is this what you are looking for?
mylist <- list(a=data.frame(foo=rnorm(10),
foo bar
0.1163340 -0.1696556
Note: do.call("rbind",mylist) returns something similar to what you referred to above with the unlist function, and then sapply, as referred to by Roland in his answer, just calls the function mean on each component (column) of the data.frame that results from the above do.call function.
Edit: In response to the question of how to deal with non-numeric data.frame components, the below solution admittedly isn't very elegant and I'm sure better ones exist, but here's the first thing I was able to think of:
mylist <- list(a=data.frame(rand=rnorm(10),
sapply(do.call("rbind",mylist),function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x)) mean(x)
[1] -0.02470602
This basically just creates a custom function that first tests whether each component is numeric and, if it is, returns the mean. If it isn't, it skips it.
The whole do.call('rbind', List) thing can be quite slow and prone to mishaps. If there is only one column you need the mean for, the best way is:
mean(sapply(mylist, function(X) X$rand))
It's about 10x faster the the do.call method.
