how to add a checkbox in Master Details view in Devexpress - devexpress

I am implementing master detail view in devexpress grid control in winforms using C#.
In MasterRowGetChildList event I am binding data at runtime on expansion of grid using e.childlist property.
how to add a checkbox in dynamic data grid.

this.gridname.OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode = DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridMultiSelectMode.CheckBoxRowSelect;
this.grdname.OptionsSelection.MultiSelect = true;


Get a SqlControlSource to pass a parameter from a devexpress grid

I am creating a SqlDataSource connected to a stored procedure that needs parameters. I have connected my SqlDataSource to a ASP.NET devexpress grid and would like to use a combo box drop down from the grid to be the parameter to the SQLDataSource Parameter source Control. I can see other controls in the list but not any from the grid.
How can I get a Combo Drop down to be the control for the parameter? I am using VB.Net
Select the required ASPxComboBox control from the ControlID list and ASPxComboBox.Value property as PropertyName:
Tutorial 5: Declarative Parameters
Take a look at the following samples, which may be helpful:

How to create queryextender control dynamically in the page

I created two table and make regNo as reference using linq.How to add query extender control dynamically in page.
I would suggest you to go through QueryExtender Class for implementation of this control..
Create the object of this control class and add it to the page at the Page_Init event:
QueryExtender control = new QueryExtender ();
//Set it's properties and Expressions collection or filters etc
Target Control and other as you see in the typed implementation...
Check this for implementation information
Working with Query Extender control

ListView InsertItemTemplate in WPF

Is there in WPF ListView something like InsertItemTemplate for ListView in ASP.NET?
No, I'm not quite sure what you are after, but you could provide normal form controls to add an additional item to the list (i.e. outside the markup of the ListView), or use a third party grid which provides in place editing such as the Telerik RadGridView or the Infragistics XamDataGrid.
You could also swap out the CellTemplate based on the currently selected ListViewItem as described here.

how can i use a grid view in to another grid view

i want to use a grid view into the row of a grid view can i use it? any ways
Here are some good tutorials for you:
Gridview Inside a GridView in ASP.NET 2.0
Build a Nested GridView Control with ASP.NET

How to add hyperlink control items to a ListBox control?

I want to add multiple hyperlink control items to a listbox control. I have written below code but it is not generating required output.
lstBoxAttachments.Controls.Add(new HyperLink() { Text = someText, NavigateUrl = someURL });
Any help would be appreciated.
A list box cannot contain hyperlinks. This is a limitation of HTML, not specific to
Try using a repeater control instead.
