Is Single Page Application suitable for blogging? [closed] - wordpress

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am about to start working on the redesign of the blog of the company I work for and I wonder whether it's a good idea to make it a single page app. It's an ordinary blog with nothing specific to tell about it. So far the arguments for making it SPA are better page load time and no need to refresh the whole page when moving from article to article. The argument against is a probable SEO disaster. I have never done single page apps before (except some funnels) and the statements above are just my assumptions based on what I read on the web. I tried to find a working blog made as SPA in the internet, but surprisingly with no success. My major question as the title says is what are pros and cons of a blog operating as a SPA? Are there any such blogs around? I would really appreciate the links
Another choice I have to make is to develop frontend as a Wordpress theme or to use WP only as backend (with WP REST API) and create a separate frontend on NodeJS. The obvious disadvantage of the latter option is inability of using a big part of WP plugins. The advantage is a backend-agnostic frontend. Can somebody with experience of using WP as backend only tell if it's worth it?

As you said SPA's are a real pain for SEO there are ways around it but they take some setup. The benefit is that you don't have to reload the page but in a blog you generally spend a long time on a page and one of the big reasons for having one is SEO. So unless you are a huge blogging company it probably isn't worth the benefit.
I have seen several sites which do some cool stuff with blogs which are SPA'ish'. For example, right now LinkedIn pulse loads a post and as you scroll down it loads a new post at the bottom and changes the url. See:
As for the WP approach I have looked at using the WP REST API but we found as we looked through it that you probably would only want to use it for displaying the blog and stick with the full WP admin area for editing the blog. The main reason being that by the time you take away the admin side you don't really get much from WP and you might as well use something less complex. This might be what you are saying anyway but just wanted to be clear. I would still only do this if you don't like theming WP but WP isn't bad to theme around and you can find plenty of people who know how theme it.


Creating a custom WordPress theme: Need some advice from WordPress experts [closed]

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Closed last year.
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My website layout is pretty unique. So, I was not able to find a similar WP theme.
I need to customize an existing theme or create my own theme. (Although I don't have much experience with WordPress, I am proficient in HTML/CSS.)
Which option is the most efficient way to build a customized WP site?
Option 1. Create a custom WP - I found this online tutorial.
Please advise me if you know any other useful online tutorials.
Option 2. Use a blank WP theme (i.e. root, underscores, etc.)
Option 3. Modify an existing WP theme using plugins (i.e. Elementor) - Is the Elementor PRO worthy? Do you know any other plugins for customization?
I am open to any suggestions. Thank you for reading!
You refer to the layout being unique specifically, and you don't seem to shy away from coding yourself. Thus I'd recommend a fourth route:
Use Oxygen.
Oxygen is a visual builder that lets you easily build the basic templates you'll need and more. It allows for complete custom coding, outputs very sleek code (way less bloat than i.e. Elementor), has a simplistic interface and is easy to learn. There's a very active and friendly community on Facebook with about 30k members and tons of tutorials on Youtube.
There are also 3rd party extensions. That said, you can achieve everything with the basic builder solely. Version 4 is in its alpha stage right now. It'll fix some minor issues and give the interface an overhaul.
Oxygen has a unique approach to theming WP, as it goes entirely without a theme. It saves everything in the database.
Here are some tutorials:
You can try it for free in one of their sandboxes.
Regarding your other choices:
I would shy away from modifying existing WP themes more than slightly regarding your other options. It usually brings more pain than gain.
Also, I can't recommend Elementor or WPBakery. Mostly because of the bloated and unpretty code and the costs. Alternative builders are, i.e. Beaver, Bricks, Brizy.
If you're not proficient in PHP and at least a little jQuery/JS, I would not recommend coding a complete theme from scratch. Yes, it has the most significant learning effect, and it'll be uniquely yours. But it is a lot to learn.

What does Typo3 CMS offer (or can do) that WordPress 4 doesn't? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This is not an opinion based question but rather a technical limits comparison one.
From the various comparison charts about the two CMS I couldn't really find any technical difference between the two platforms. Being a long time WordPress developer I find the supplied arguments about Typo3 technical pros exist somehow in WordPress; Everything you could achieve in one can be achieved in the other as well (plugins & extensions).
Let's take for example the latest versions of both two CMS's, what does Typo3 can do that WordPress can't even with its plugins/extensions?
Please instead of down voting the question, provide at least 1 reason for your vote.
Yes it is opinion base question, so there's my opinion (not an answer).
TYPO3 from the very beginning was considered as a Content Management Framework (that means CMS with possibilities of further custom development) while WordPress was just a blog. Of course with time things changed, as more and more people tried use the WP to doing more serious things. Anyway in WP the main disadvantage till now is "blog way of thinking" - in TYPO3 you have open structure - building services on the unlimited nested tree, while WordPress (probably) is still basing on the primitive structures, category/post/site (note, I'm not familiar with WP, so maybe there are some workarounds for this now).
You should install TYPO3 and compare the way how you put the content on the pages, how you can control the access for both FE and BE users and also such things like versioning workflow. with all my sympathy to WP I'm almost sure that's not so easy to do such things in it.
Also starting extensions with Extension Builder is just matter of minutes, so it allows you to deliver solutions to your clients exactly in the way as they want.
Conclusion, from my POV I wouldn't choose WordPress for most of my clients (car producers, publishing houses, building developers) on the other hand last time when I was asked by cellogue of mine for creating typical blog with TYPO3 I did it ... with WordPress and he's satisfied with it, me too.
As my partner used to say: "CMS is just a hammer, it depends on requirements which size you should choose"
As you write, the technical pros exist somehow in WordPress.
I personally think a major advantage of TYPO3 is the extension framework extbase and the template rendering engine fluid.
Developing (and maintaining) larger extensions becomes a lot easier since their introduction as well as an overall cleaner, fully object oriented code base.
3rd party extension written in that technology are easier to adapt/customize than some extensions in Wordpress which sometimes mix procedural with object oriented style.
Webpages with multiple languages are easier to handle in TYPO3 (e.g. content fallback), which makes it more interesting for bigger projects.
Take a look at the TYPO3 showcases and the Wordpress showcases, to me it looks like Wordpress is primarily used for subsites (like blogs, landingpages etc.) whereas TYPO3 is used more for corporate sites (which probably have a longer life cycle).

Client Friendly CMS [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am looking for the most Client Friendly CMS out there. What exactly do I mean by this? Well I want something that is intuitive to use, maybe uses some drag and drop stuff, and click/edit stuff as well. I have developed a number of wordpress and Joomla sites. And while both products are great, I continually get clients that come to me and just say, "I hate Wordpress, I don't want a Wordpress Site".
I have done some quick research (mostly through this site) and I have found basically two options that people have talked about. SilverStripe, and ModX. Both look like viable alternatives to the Wordpress/Joomla CMS's, but I was curious if anyone has any other options? And if not, and you recommend one of the two I mentioned, can you tell me the advantages over one another, and which one "YOU" think is the most client friendly. Obviously I could dive into both and explore the framework, but if others have experience in them, maybe you could just save me some time and point me towards the right one...
It would also be nice if it was developer friendly as well :) but the most important thing is making it easy for the client to add/edit content without really knowing much about HTML/CSS.
I discovered Processwire a while ago and really recommend it. I think it's intuitive for both developers and clients. It won a Best Free CMS award from last year, and the community is very friendly and helpful.
Before i mostly had worked with Drupal, but it always felt like a behemoth. Processwire on the other hand feels very light, fast and easy in comparison. The API is a joy to program with and the administration backend is minimalistic and straight-forward.
Here is a link to video tutorials and introduction:
Here is a forum discussion on PW vs. WordPress et al:
A quote (from the above link):
I have yet to discover one client who didn't prefer ProcessWire over WordPress after a 5 minute demo. Another quick fix would be to let a prospect talk to one of your previous clients. Let them tell the prospect how they work and how little time they have to spend to actually edit their website instead of wandering around a (looking beautiful, but UX wise dramatic) backend. ProcessWire is point and click and it does what a client expects.
And here is the cmscritic review:
I have never heard of ModX, but can say for certain that SilverStripe is the most user friendly CMS I have seen so far. and above that, it is extremely developer friendly as well.
if you ask me, SilverStripe is perfect for developers.
for web designers I am not so sure, the thing is, there are not so much SilverStripe modules.
but thats not a problem for a developer because in SilverStripe creating new modules is so easy, that you are often faster coding a module on your own than searching and installing one.
of course SilverStripe is not perfect, there are some rough edges here and there, but overall, I am extremely happy with it.
I am using SilverStripe since years now and have only received positive feedback from my clients about the CMS.
if you are interrested in SilverStripe, checkout the demo at or jump right into the basic tutorial:
I do in fact build all of my client sites with WordPress. The administration is very smooth and impresses them upon first login. Its easy to design for and the community maintains some awesome plugins I use on every project.
People often express dislike for Wordpress but I have never heard a valid issue when it comes to WordPress being 19+% of the internet and one of the best client solutions out there.

Wordpress vs Joomla vs Drupal - Final solution for my client? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm not quite getting used to using CMS, usually hand coding and uploading the site directly to the server without dealing with CMS. But recently I've got a project from a friend, aka my client, who wants to run an online magazine with a limited budget and also need a "custom design website" without any looks and feel of template or amateur site. Please guide me to the final solution which CMS between these big 3 is the best that suits our needs:
"Custom Design" magazine website - almost every single page has different layout with sophisticated design and custom functionality.
Basic features such as blog, web-board, post, and etc.
Plenty of FREE beautiful and modifiable plugins/widgets as my client has a limited budget.
A client doesn't want to pay any extra maintenance and update costs in the future. He wants to update the site content (online magazine) himself with his basic knowledge in IT and zero knowledge in html.
The main revenue of the website comes from banner, ads section (both paid and free ads) and classified ads.
Support more complex features in the future such as membership area and etc.
What should be the best CMS choice for this requirement?
According to your needs, i suggest you the wordpress.
You can hava look at for comparison those 3 CMS here
I also use wordpress and i am really happy with wordpress
I'm a Drupal guy and I'm suggesting that. I think other repliers are fine with the suggested CMS so here is how Drupal would be useful for this.
"Custom Design" magazine website - almost every single page has different layout with sophisticated design and custom functionality.
-- You have to make a theme for whatever CMS you use - "Custom theme"
Basic features such as blog, web-board, post, and etc.
-- Drupal comes with basic blog built in, but for extra awesomeness you can make a blog-like section using a custom node type.
Plenty of FREE beautiful and modifiable plugins/widgets as my client has a limited budget.
-- If you want to use "Install and everything is magically set" type of modules, consider this a minus point.
A client doesn't want to pay any extra maintenance and update costs in the future. He wants to update the site content (online magazine) himself with his basic knowledge in IT and zero knowledge in html.
-- When coupled with a WYSIWYG editor, most users can make content. Wordpress is best in ease of use I believe.
Support more complex features in the future such as membership area and etc
-- This is where you need Drupal. Drupal has virtually unlimited capabilities due to it's modular design. But as the web developer, YOU have to spend time settling things down. Nothing is automagical.
Drupal is amazing, even for small sites. I will always pick Drupal because even the smallest blog site eventually require bigger developments. I've made that mistake many times with sticking with WordPress and then a few months later, the client wants something that can be done so simply with Drupal.
Go with Drupal, many themes out there which you can build off of, easy to develop modules for, very easy to customize, and amazingly flexible.
I read the customer's requirements. All customer requirements are resolved features Drupal. Wordpress is easy to you, but the problem client. Jumla is a problem for both. Drupal is a problem for you, but convenient for the customer. And more ... I think that you're not familiar with these CMS.

Wordpress or Drupal? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am planning to build a training site which will accommodate multiple users. It will also have lots of custom pages with videos in them. Which CMS/CMF is better suited for this project? Please advise..
Wordpress is designed from the ground up to be a blog, but also to be modular. Drupal is designed to be a complete CMS out of the box, but there are also extensions for Drupal too. Both are CMS systems, but again, Wordpress is really designed to be a blogging platform. Also, Drupal is a little more complicated at first and has a higher learning curve.
However, you can do what you are trying to do with either one. In addition to out of the box functionality, you can customize both Drupal or Wordpress. People tend to specialize in one or the other, and the choice comes down to personal preference (people make a living off of being Drupal or Wordpress developers, that's what's great about open source!). Once you become proficient in PHP and the CMS platform of choice, you can build your own extensions/modules and have a very custom website, but I would minimize customization to only what you absolutely need. If you are creative in using the framework and freely available modules, you may not need to write any code.
Lastly, Drupal is getting a complete re-write with version 7, which people have been waiting a long time for! If you want to get into Drupal, you may want to look into the newest version.
Edit: Personally, I prefer Wordpress, I think the admin section looks great, gives you a lot of control, but without being overwhelming (however, my opinion doesn't really matter). I really think Wordpress has a lower learning curve. I'm also pretty sure, although you haven't given many details, but if you are planning on having simple pages with videos on them, and want access to those pages to be restricted only to authenticated users, I'm pretty sure you can do that without any custom PHP coding, just some HTML.
Here's a couple helpful links for Wordpress:
Restrict Page View to Authenticated Users
Setting your Posts or Entire Blog to Private
It can be confusing trying to decide which CMS to dive into; I hope that helps a little!
The answer is Drupal.
I've been running various websites, and few years ago I decided to use Drupal as my main CMS engine and I never looked back.
I used Joomla, phpNuke, Mambo and WordPress before and nothing is as flexible, as maintainable as Drupal.
My biggest website – has 14853 registered users so I can confirm Drupal is just perfect for big, heavily used web portals.
Drupal has few wonderful 'social-networking' modules I make an excellent use of to make sure my users are keen to stay on the website, sneak preview: (sorry, I've got only screenshots in Polish):
Unfortunately for Drupal, sometimes it takes a while to understand this system. Some theming stuff is not that obvious at first, but the online community is huge and always helpful.
Additionally, Drupal has excellent support for SEO. It’s built-in “path” module allows to set custom URLs for every item on the page, and other available modules (i.e. Nodewords) allow to set custom meta data for every subpage.
When you decided to go with Drupal, you should have a look at the following modules:
Content Construction Kit -
Views -
Custom breadcrumbs -
Last Node -
Nodewords -
Fivestar -
Go with Drupal ;-)
With the new release of WordPress 3.0, I would have to say WP. Many useful updates just came around the bend (menu system et al) that make it even easier to create a "site" out of a WP installation instead of just a "blog".
Drupal is extremely powerful and accommodating to the time-allowed developer, but falls short on the ease-of-use-side of things (at least from my experiences.
In short, if you're looking to make a site that's easy to install, update, and maintain - especially for posting media, go with WordPress.
Hope that helps.
Read both JohnB's and Lance May's answers. The choice is quite tricky so the only way you can make a good decision is to do your own feature comparison/score matrix.
List all the features that you need and assign importance score to them - then objectively go through both systems (or ask again on so) to get their scores.
This will also help you if you have to justify your decision later.
In the end both are good, both have quirks and both will get the job done.
WordPress is just easy to understand, for both the developer and the content editors.
WordPress is best suited for sites with:
1) Typical CMS needs - Pages, Posts, Menus - I would also include embedded videos in this list
2) Low to Moderate Traffic Loads - I know there are sites like Smashing Magazine that user WordPress under high-load, but I am sure there is some custom code added to introduce a better caching architecture and multiple servers
3) Hand off to Client for Content Editing - In my opinion, the best feature of WP is the admin user interface. The sleek visual design, smart use of ajax controls, and the simple layout makes it possible to hand off content editing to "non-technical" people
When I start a WP site, I create a new theme with two files, index.php and styles.css. Then I build my own, custom theme, that is uniquely designed for my project. Examples of my work are, and As you can see, these are not blogs, but CMS sites. I agree, WP was a blog platform, but it has proven itself as a CMS-lite application.
I prefer WordPress because of its extensibility and easy install and modifications.
Version 2.0 has introduced a bunch of features (like custom post types) that makes using it as a CMS easy.
Wordpress is mostly use for blogging and Drupal is used for creating websites. YOu should consider using drupal for that ;)
You may be lured to WP immediately from how quick it is to get started. But in the long term, do yourself a favor and use Drupal. It's a proven CMS framework and less prone to security issues from contributed modules. I can count on two hands how many times a WP plugin has bit me in the ass, even highly rated ones. It has very granular security also, so you know exactly what your users can and cannot do.
I've used both and Drupal is just easier to extend and configure. I don't get why people think it has a huge learning curve.
I also think a big deal breaker is the end user experience - WordPress makes it just so damn easy to manage your website, all whilst looking (in my opinion) rather beautiful at the same time.
Every client I've handed a WP site to has been impressed with it's simplicity - as the iPad put it;
You already know how to use it!
I prefer Drupal over Wordpress . Drupal is made for flexibility . But you must know how to do it , ie all . You may need some time to read how to do with that module x and how to with module Y . But once you have learned you will be comfortable to do any site.
The main advantage of Drupal is CCK and Views . Wordpress 3 have come with CCK , but Drupal has it from version 5. Now we are moving to 7, and it still misses Views :) . Yes ofcourse wordpress is a wonderful tool for blogging with ease. But when talking other than blog, you may want to opt for Drupal . Once you have learned how to do with drupal , you will never say wordpress .
If some one is against Drupal then he may have not used or learned it to the extent :) . So my suggestion for you to checkout Drupal 6 for now , as Drupal 7 is still in alpha for the present time.
