What does Typo3 CMS offer (or can do) that WordPress 4 doesn't? [closed] - wordpress

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This is not an opinion based question but rather a technical limits comparison one.
From the various comparison charts about the two CMS I couldn't really find any technical difference between the two platforms. Being a long time WordPress developer I find the supplied arguments about Typo3 technical pros exist somehow in WordPress; Everything you could achieve in one can be achieved in the other as well (plugins & extensions).
Let's take for example the latest versions of both two CMS's, what does Typo3 can do that WordPress can't even with its plugins/extensions?
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Yes it is opinion base question, so there's my opinion (not an answer).
TYPO3 from the very beginning was considered as a Content Management Framework (that means CMS with possibilities of further custom development) while WordPress was just a blog. Of course with time things changed, as more and more people tried use the WP to doing more serious things. Anyway in WP the main disadvantage till now is "blog way of thinking" - in TYPO3 you have open structure - building services on the unlimited nested tree, while WordPress (probably) is still basing on the primitive structures, category/post/site (note, I'm not familiar with WP, so maybe there are some workarounds for this now).
You should install TYPO3 and compare the way how you put the content on the pages, how you can control the access for both FE and BE users and also such things like versioning workflow. with all my sympathy to WP I'm almost sure that's not so easy to do such things in it.
Also starting extensions with Extension Builder is just matter of minutes, so it allows you to deliver solutions to your clients exactly in the way as they want.
Conclusion, from my POV I wouldn't choose WordPress for most of my clients (car producers, publishing houses, building developers) on the other hand last time when I was asked by cellogue of mine for creating typical blog with TYPO3 I did it ... with WordPress and he's satisfied with it, me too.
As my partner used to say: "CMS is just a hammer, it depends on requirements which size you should choose"

As you write, the technical pros exist somehow in WordPress.
I personally think a major advantage of TYPO3 is the extension framework extbase and the template rendering engine fluid.
Developing (and maintaining) larger extensions becomes a lot easier since their introduction as well as an overall cleaner, fully object oriented code base.
3rd party extension written in that technology are easier to adapt/customize than some extensions in Wordpress which sometimes mix procedural with object oriented style.
Webpages with multiple languages are easier to handle in TYPO3 (e.g. content fallback), which makes it more interesting for bigger projects.
Take a look at the TYPO3 showcases and the Wordpress showcases, to me it looks like Wordpress is primarily used for subsites (like blogs, landingpages etc.) whereas TYPO3 is used more for corporate sites (which probably have a longer life cycle).


Wordpress vs Joomla vs Drupal - Final solution for my client? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I'm not quite getting used to using CMS, usually hand coding and uploading the site directly to the server without dealing with CMS. But recently I've got a project from a friend, aka my client, who wants to run an online magazine with a limited budget and also need a "custom design website" without any looks and feel of template or amateur site. Please guide me to the final solution which CMS between these big 3 is the best that suits our needs:
"Custom Design" magazine website - almost every single page has different layout with sophisticated design and custom functionality.
Basic features such as blog, web-board, post, and etc.
Plenty of FREE beautiful and modifiable plugins/widgets as my client has a limited budget.
A client doesn't want to pay any extra maintenance and update costs in the future. He wants to update the site content (online magazine) himself with his basic knowledge in IT and zero knowledge in html.
The main revenue of the website comes from banner, ads section (both paid and free ads) and classified ads.
Support more complex features in the future such as membership area and etc.
What should be the best CMS choice for this requirement?
According to your needs, i suggest you the wordpress.
You can hava look at for comparison those 3 CMS here
I also use wordpress and i am really happy with wordpress
I'm a Drupal guy and I'm suggesting that. I think other repliers are fine with the suggested CMS so here is how Drupal would be useful for this.
"Custom Design" magazine website - almost every single page has different layout with sophisticated design and custom functionality.
-- You have to make a theme for whatever CMS you use - "Custom theme"
Basic features such as blog, web-board, post, and etc.
-- Drupal comes with basic blog built in, but for extra awesomeness you can make a blog-like section using a custom node type.
Plenty of FREE beautiful and modifiable plugins/widgets as my client has a limited budget.
-- If you want to use "Install and everything is magically set" type of modules, consider this a minus point.
A client doesn't want to pay any extra maintenance and update costs in the future. He wants to update the site content (online magazine) himself with his basic knowledge in IT and zero knowledge in html.
-- When coupled with a WYSIWYG editor, most users can make content. Wordpress is best in ease of use I believe.
Support more complex features in the future such as membership area and etc
-- This is where you need Drupal. Drupal has virtually unlimited capabilities due to it's modular design. But as the web developer, YOU have to spend time settling things down. Nothing is automagical.
Drupal is amazing, even for small sites. I will always pick Drupal because even the smallest blog site eventually require bigger developments. I've made that mistake many times with sticking with WordPress and then a few months later, the client wants something that can be done so simply with Drupal.
Go with Drupal, many themes out there which you can build off of, easy to develop modules for, very easy to customize, and amazingly flexible.
I read the customer's requirements. All customer requirements are resolved features Drupal. Wordpress is easy to you, but the problem client. Jumla is a problem for both. Drupal is a problem for you, but convenient for the customer. And more ... I think that you're not familiar with these CMS.

Should I use Orchard or umbraco or something else? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I am building a web site for baby names. Users can submit a name, meaning and some tags, and moderators can edit/approve it. Very small amount of data is used for each entry/post.
Looking for some kind of framework that supports the following features or I can easily extend it,
Unicode support
I have large number of names, I should be able to import them into my website by code.
User roles and permision
Some kind of report options. For example, Display list of names that starts with some alphabet or list of names for a #tag
Full text search
Are there any frameworks like Orchard, Umbraco I can leverage or would I be better off writing a new ASP.NET MVC application?
If I were you I'd surely stick to some available CMS platforms (Orchard or Umbraco) instead of writing from scratch and reinventing the wheel.
From my experience with Orchard I can say that setting up a website as you described would be pretty easy and painless with this platform.
Features like those you mention are already available in Orchard, but I guess (as with just about every CMS) this will surely need a little customization to suit your particular need. All the custom functionality could be easily wrapped in a single, custom content part. How to do that is very well described in the Orchard documentation.
Of course.
Without a problem. You have three options: import directly into Orchard DB (into the corresponding tables), import using Orchard Import/Export functionality (which would involve exporting the data to XML recipe format first) or just use the current data source without the need of importing. There was a question on SO a while ago of getting data from a custom WebService. The solution provided perfectly fits here, so please take a look.
Out of the box - described here and here.
I don't know if you meant the backend (admin) view or in the frontend? Tagging and displaying tagged items is available oob. More complex, custom reporting would involve some custom coding (writing a custom content part).
Available and described here.
Sure! It's available via very nice OAuth Module, written by Nick Mayne. It allows you to bind Orchard accounts with OAuth providers.
I don't have much experience with Umbraco though, so I can't give you any direct help, but I guess it'd be nearly as easy to built your website using it.
Personally, I prefer Orchard for its flexibility, extensibility and code freshness. But the choice is a matter of your personal feeling and preferences. From what I've seen they have very similar functionality, although differ much under-the-hood.

Application extensibility in Concrete5 vs drupal [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am a novice for both concrete5 and drupal however I have been looking at Concrete5 and Drupal. I am looking to create a web application that needs to be extensible. Client requirement will start from basic content management and it will need to extend to workflow based web application. I have been looking at the architecture for Drupal and Concrete5. For those who haved used either one which one would you recommend? Thanks in advance.
My two cents... Concrete 5 is far superior to Drupal.
I have over 25 sites using C5 right now. I have had 4 drupal installs in the past and have converted all of them to C5. I have also used Joomla, Expression Engine and PyroCMS extensively.
When I first started using C5, there were some great advantages for my customers in terms of end user updates to pages. It is FAR more simple for an average non-tech user to update content. This was a major win in my eyes. Most users were struggling to update content with the other options because it wasn't fluid or as WYSIWYG. The inline editing of C5 is outstanding.
That said, it was also very easy to convert HTML into templates using the tagging commands of C5. So in no time at all, I could take a site that was static HTML or PHP and convert it into a C5 instance. Again, very simple.
Within the last 6 months or so, I would say the extensibility has increased dramatically. New modules are added to the marketplace nearly daily. Some are FREE and some are paid, but I think ALL of them are cheap for the functionality and worth it. Most are $20 in that range.
If you know PHP well, you can write your own modules easily and not have to pay a dime and also not worry about the C5 core upgrades. There are lots of mechanisms built in that help developers take advantage of the system without having to worry about getting lost in software upgrades. This was another great advantage, that has cost me in the past with other CMS platforms.
In summary... Concrete5 is a top-notch CMS that is widely extensible with a ton of functionality that is super easy for anyone to use.
I've been using concrete5 for about 2 years now and I can wholeheartedly recommend it. Drupal is more powerful, but the amount of work that needs to be done to get to the starting point that c5 gives you right after install is huge. The concrete5 core provides you with a whole lot of stuff out of the box, and adding further functionality is straightforward with its comprehensive (although not always terribly well documented) API and active forums.
In terms of downloadable addons, there are many which cost but I've found that in many cases it's simpler to pay what is normally a low sum to get the functionality I need than to spend all the time (and time = money) coding it myself. Those situations where I've had to code a solution have been pretty painless - any trouble has been my failing, not the CMS'. Hooking into the core is really easy, including adding Dashboard pages for particular functionality (there's a helpful howto from Andrew, the core dev, on the site which explains how to do it).
Of course, the trump card is users' ability to edit their sites without having to understand UI 'metaphors' and 'paradigms'. It just works. You go to the page, click edit, and type away. Simples. My experience with pretty computer-illiterate clients has been very positive indeed, and I feel genuinely confident when I tell new prospects that they can expect to learn how to edit their site in 5 minutes.
I have been using C5 for over a year now. The core team for C5 is committed to making it better and better every release, and they often implement contributed Code....but the thing I like most over say, Joomla, is that the directive of the CMS doesn't change. while it is open source in that solid community contributions that line up with the overall vision will be included, the core team (original developers) oversee all aspects of the code. So it's more carefully comed over than other "community driven" CMS's.
There is a huge community involvement and help in everything from getting started to deep programming.
And above all other things...Clients pick up using the C5 dashboard in minutes. You'll be lucky to get that in most other CMS's.
I have enough experience with to confidently say that it is pretty extensible. There are modules for most common things that you would want to do. If there isn't you can always create you own module. Downside is that the learning curve can be a bit overwhelming at first. Drupal's UI had been lacking but it's been improved with Drupal 7. But it also benefits from a decent sized community.
I also dabbled a bit in Concrete5 and was impressed with it's easy to use content editing functions. From what I remember, there was a smaller learning curve and the metaphor they used for content mimicked a normal static website with files and folders. The other big difference I noticed was that most of the modules have to be paid for. Not sure if that means they would be of higher quality but something else to consider.
I'm also interested in some perspectives from Concrete5 users.
Concrete5 hands down is the best CMS I have used. I'll second what Chad says about clients picking up on C5 in no time at all. When I demo Concrete5 to potential clients that first thing they usually say is "I can do that." Users also love that amount of functionality that comes rigth out of the box and I like that fact that most of the code that I have worked with in my experience has been pretty solid.
As CTO of concrete5 I'm a little bit biased, but I can tell you that concrete5 does offer a lot of extendability, and we try to do so in a way that scales the learning curve along with your knowledge of the system.
For example, the CMS tools are simple to understand right out of the gate. You can build sites with no customization that clients can easily edit. Then, when you need a bit more, you can go to our marketplace to download free or commercial add-ons that extend the functionality of your site. Once that isn't enough, it's easy to create custom block types which present small, encapsulated bits of presentational content on your site, and let your clients use the CMS to place new instances of them. If you need more than just bits of content, you can use concrete5's custom model-view-controller functionality to start working with full pages and external scripts. From there you can start diving into the framework itself, including our concept of events (similar to hooks in Drupal/Wordpress), helpers, attributes, and libraries, and start working with our file manager, user manager, permissions and interface at a low level. You don't need to know any of that stuff to get started, however, which is what we think makes concrete5 so compelling.
And, as Chad mentioned, when you get the stuck, the community is one of the best and most responsive out there.

Wordpress or Drupal? [closed]

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Closed 12 years ago.
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I am planning to build a training site which will accommodate multiple users. It will also have lots of custom pages with videos in them. Which CMS/CMF is better suited for this project? Please advise..
Wordpress is designed from the ground up to be a blog, but also to be modular. Drupal is designed to be a complete CMS out of the box, but there are also extensions for Drupal too. Both are CMS systems, but again, Wordpress is really designed to be a blogging platform. Also, Drupal is a little more complicated at first and has a higher learning curve.
However, you can do what you are trying to do with either one. In addition to out of the box functionality, you can customize both Drupal or Wordpress. People tend to specialize in one or the other, and the choice comes down to personal preference (people make a living off of being Drupal or Wordpress developers, that's what's great about open source!). Once you become proficient in PHP and the CMS platform of choice, you can build your own extensions/modules and have a very custom website, but I would minimize customization to only what you absolutely need. If you are creative in using the framework and freely available modules, you may not need to write any code.
Lastly, Drupal is getting a complete re-write with version 7, which people have been waiting a long time for! If you want to get into Drupal, you may want to look into the newest version.
Edit: Personally, I prefer Wordpress, I think the admin section looks great, gives you a lot of control, but without being overwhelming (however, my opinion doesn't really matter). I really think Wordpress has a lower learning curve. I'm also pretty sure, although you haven't given many details, but if you are planning on having simple pages with videos on them, and want access to those pages to be restricted only to authenticated users, I'm pretty sure you can do that without any custom PHP coding, just some HTML.
Here's a couple helpful links for Wordpress:
Restrict Page View to Authenticated Users
Setting your Posts or Entire Blog to Private
It can be confusing trying to decide which CMS to dive into; I hope that helps a little!
The answer is Drupal.
I've been running various websites, and few years ago I decided to use Drupal as my main CMS engine and I never looked back.
I used Joomla, phpNuke, Mambo and WordPress before and nothing is as flexible, as maintainable as Drupal.
My biggest website – www.mugen.pl has 14853 registered users so I can confirm Drupal is just perfect for big, heavily used web portals.
Drupal has few wonderful 'social-networking' modules I make an excellent use of to make sure my users are keen to stay on the website, sneak preview: (sorry, I've got only screenshots in Polish):
(source: mugen.pl)
Unfortunately for Drupal, sometimes it takes a while to understand this system. Some theming stuff is not that obvious at first, but the online community is huge and always helpful.
Additionally, Drupal has excellent support for SEO. It’s built-in “path” module allows to set custom URLs for every item on the page, and other available modules (i.e. Nodewords) allow to set custom meta data for every subpage.
When you decided to go with Drupal, you should have a look at the following modules:
Content Construction Kit - http://drupal.org/project/cck
Views - http://drupal.org/project/views
Custom breadcrumbs - http://drupal.org/project/custom_breadcrumbs
Last Node - http://drupal.org/project/last_node
Nodewords - http://drupal.org/project/nodewords
Fivestar - http://drupal.org/project/fivestar
Go with Drupal ;-)
With the new release of WordPress 3.0, I would have to say WP. Many useful updates just came around the bend (menu system et al) that make it even easier to create a "site" out of a WP installation instead of just a "blog".
Drupal is extremely powerful and accommodating to the time-allowed developer, but falls short on the ease-of-use-side of things (at least from my experiences.
In short, if you're looking to make a site that's easy to install, update, and maintain - especially for posting media, go with WordPress.
Hope that helps.
Read both JohnB's and Lance May's answers. The choice is quite tricky so the only way you can make a good decision is to do your own feature comparison/score matrix.
List all the features that you need and assign importance score to them - then objectively go through both systems (or ask again on so) to get their scores.
This will also help you if you have to justify your decision later.
In the end both are good, both have quirks and both will get the job done.
WordPress is just easy to understand, for both the developer and the content editors.
WordPress is best suited for sites with:
1) Typical CMS needs - Pages, Posts, Menus - I would also include embedded videos in this list
2) Low to Moderate Traffic Loads - I know there are sites like Smashing Magazine that user WordPress under high-load, but I am sure there is some custom code added to introduce a better caching architecture and multiple servers
3) Hand off to Client for Content Editing - In my opinion, the best feature of WP is the admin user interface. The sleek visual design, smart use of ajax controls, and the simple layout makes it possible to hand off content editing to "non-technical" people
When I start a WP site, I create a new theme with two files, index.php and styles.css. Then I build my own, custom theme, that is uniquely designed for my project. Examples of my work are http://perqworks.com, http://janemonheitonline.com and http://generalordersno9.com. As you can see, these are not blogs, but CMS sites. I agree, WP was a blog platform, but it has proven itself as a CMS-lite application.
I prefer WordPress because of its extensibility and easy install and modifications.
Version 2.0 has introduced a bunch of features (like custom post types) that makes using it as a CMS easy.
Wordpress is mostly use for blogging and Drupal is used for creating websites. YOu should consider using drupal for that ;)
You may be lured to WP immediately from how quick it is to get started. But in the long term, do yourself a favor and use Drupal. It's a proven CMS framework and less prone to security issues from contributed modules. I can count on two hands how many times a WP plugin has bit me in the ass, even highly rated ones. It has very granular security also, so you know exactly what your users can and cannot do.
I've used both and Drupal is just easier to extend and configure. I don't get why people think it has a huge learning curve.
I also think a big deal breaker is the end user experience - WordPress makes it just so damn easy to manage your website, all whilst looking (in my opinion) rather beautiful at the same time.
Every client I've handed a WP site to has been impressed with it's simplicity - as the iPad put it;
You already know how to use it!
I prefer Drupal over Wordpress . Drupal is made for flexibility . But you must know how to do it , ie all . You may need some time to read how to do with that module x and how to with module Y . But once you have learned you will be comfortable to do any site.
The main advantage of Drupal is CCK and Views . Wordpress 3 have come with CCK , but Drupal has it from version 5. Now we are moving to 7, and it still misses Views :) . Yes ofcourse wordpress is a wonderful tool for blogging with ease. But when talking other than blog, you may want to opt for Drupal . Once you have learned how to do with drupal , you will never say wordpress .
If some one is against Drupal then he may have not used or learned it to the extent :) . So my suggestion for you to checkout Drupal 6 for now , as Drupal 7 is still in alpha for the present time.

What makes Drupal better/different from Joomla [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I talked to a few friends who say that Drupal is amazing, and it is a way better than Joomla. What are the major differences/advantages?
The general consensus is that programmers prefer Drupal whereas mere mortals prefer Joomla. Joomla is praised for having a simpler user interface. (I personally don't agree with that; I think Joomla's UI is pretty painful to use. But then again, I'm looking at it with a programmer's eye.) Drupal, on the other hand, is praised for its high level of extensibility, along with its large library of high-quality (more or less) plug-ins that add features ("modules" in Drupal lingo) and many of which are extensible themselves.
Start using Joomla today, and you'll probably end up with a decent but not quite perfect web site tonight. Start using Drupal today, and you'll be able to build exactly the web site you're wishing for - once you've put the time in.
If you're considering parlaying your skills into a paid job one day, you should definitely side with Drupal.
The community around drupal - theres a module to do just about everything. Sometimes, theres more than one way to do something too.
If you want to change almost anything, from presentation (themes) to function (hooks), its possible. However, its not MVC and it does take a lot of getting used to.
With Views + CCK + Panels Module, you rarely need to touch code to create a wide variety of pages.
Finally, Drupal's User and Roles system is much more flexible.
The API. Every form and pretty much every bit of functionality can be modified via a module that hooks into the API, without having touch core code. This makes upgrades much easier, as your customisations aren't overwritten.
The code it outputs by default is much nicer, as well.
Under the hood, Joomla runs on mostly an OO architecture, whereas Drupal is almost entirely procedural with OO paradigms. Joomla has no form builder (that I am aware of), so you are forced to hand-code entire blocks of html for the form, whereas, with Drupal, you create forms as structured arrays. In Joomla, creating administrative features and front end featured requires that you place files in both administrative directories and in front end directories or create an install file to correctly partition things for you. In Drupal, everything pertaining to a particular module is contained in 1 directory, and you control access and url structure.
In general, Joomla's admin GUI is considered prettier and more user-friendly than Drupal's, but Joomla is, in my opinion, a less intuitive system at the programming level and makes certain tasks more difficult than necessary. 2 areas where Drupal truly outshines Joomla in my opinion is in the ability to create various content types - with various fields - on the fly to easily segment data, and the ability to create pretty seo-friendly urls with path or, even better, with pathauto.
Bottom Line: Joomla tends to look pretty from an administration perspective, but Drupal tends to outperform Joomla and be a more easily customizable system to achieve many of the things you really want out of a CMS.
Starting off, Joomla is fun and easy, from both an administrative and user view, but once the site needs to be customised (naturally), it becomes a pain.
In my opinion, Drupal is opposite. It has a steep learning curve (the pain part), but becomes easier not harder over time. This is from both the admin and user part.
For what it's worth Joomla before 1.5 was pretty ugly, and the API included a lot of very specific calls related to older Mambo code. The most recent version, and all future versions are built ontop of a very powerful OO framework, so if you haven't looked at it recently, do now.
Drupal shines with these two modules.
CCK: Adds custom fields to nodes
Views: Controls how lists of content are presented; it is essentially a smart query builder
What I like about Drupal is the plugin model: you have your core of drupal, and you can customize it however you want it by creating your own seperate template directory and modules (the plugins).
For a complete technical overview you can also tick Drupal and Joomla in http://www.cmsmatrix.org/matrix/cms-matrix
