I want an image to be displayed when a text is clicked, I have this code at the moment and it works perfectly fine but how would I change the code so I can use a image for my own directory instead of an image from online
<iframe src="" name="bettie"></iframe>
Use the local URL instead of the remote URL.
download this image: http://www.bettiepage.com/images/photos/bikini/bikini1.jpg
place it in the same folder/directory as your index.html page
change Bettie
I am using this code to display image in my Gallery View but unfortunately i its shows blank infact it does not show any kind of error.
<img src="#Url.Content("~/Content/images/b.jpg")" alt="">
The Code which i am using in my project.
Create a folder in your project called "images", then put the picture you want to display on it and add an existing item to the folder on vs selecting your image.
On the view just use this:
<img src="~/images/yourimagename.jpg or png" alt"">
I have a banner in html5, i have all the files, imagens that will be displayed on banner and index.html, this file contain all codes.
Its ok, i upload all the files into my host server, and i use this code to show the banner.
<div align="center"><iframe src="http://www.edgarlisboa.com.br/wp-content/superbanner/index.html" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" height = "90" width = "728">
but, they send me another file, A xls file, and i need to insert it into the banner, this file will redirect when they click on banner, and contain a code like google analytics. I really need to insert this xls into the banner.
I use Wordpress and locaweb server host.
I have modified the header.php to pull in an image instead of icons on my blog hoesbeforedoughs.co.uk, however the image only shows in firefox, it currently does not show in ie, chrome or safari.
Any ideas?
<div id ="icons">
<?php if ( $bavotasan_theme_options['header_icon'] ) { ?>
<img src='http://hoesbeforedoughs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/icons-01.png'></img>
<?php } else {
$space_class = ' class="margin-top"';
} ?>
your image http://hoesbeforedoughs.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/icons-01.png does not exist anymore. Your Firefox browser cached it and that is why you are seeing it on firefox. Reupload the image to the correct folder with same name. Clear browsers cache. You will see it on all browser.
I tried opening your website in Firefox and the image is not found.
This could be a result of uploading images with the same name (or the same image multiple times). Wordpress automatically renames images with the same name. Perhaps you accidentally removed the duplicate with this url. If the image is still shown (especially if it's only for one browser) it may be cached. If you delete your cache I doubt you will still see the image.
To solve this, go to the "media" section of the admin area and check if the image is still there. If so, click on it and take the exact url for the image and put it as the source for your image in the php file.
I created slider on masterpage, the images of the slider are inside "slider images" folder. my default page is naked in the solution explorer. so the slider works fine there. but my "About US" page is inside new folder and the problem is the slider doesnot show images on the about us page. can anyone help please..[![enter image description here][1]][1]
You can either use the ~ to point back to the root folder or make use of the .net ResolveClientUrl
<img src="~/slider images/02.jpg" alt="Image is Broken"/>
<img src='<%=ResolveClientUrl("slider images/02.jpg")%>' alt="Image is Broken"/>
And if possible then remove the space from the name of the folder.
I have Gallery plugin installed.
I've uploaded my images and used snippet like this: [[Gallery? &album=1]].
Now I have thumbnails shown fine, but after clicking on image I'm sent to /index.php?id=4&galItem=2&galAlbum=1&galTag= address and nothing happens - this page is the same as the previous one.
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
You get the link to your page with id=4. In this page you have to get galItem, galAlbum and galTag and show corresponding image. I'm not sure you have handling this in your template.
Just try this:
[[Gallery? &album=1 &linkToImage=`1`]]
You will get the direct link to your image if you keep your thumbTpl chunk as in sample:
<a href="[[+linkToImage:if=`[[+linkToImage]]`:is=`1`:then=`[[+image_absolute]]`:else=`[[~[[*id]]?
&[[+tagRequestVar]]=`[[+tag]]` ]]`]]">
Now you just get else part.