Obtaining noise in DBSCAN using R - r

I have a dataset consisting of bets for soccer matches. I am carrying out outlier detection using 3 parameters, the odds that the home team wins, the odds that the match ends in a draw, and the odds that the away team wins.
Each record looks something like this:
Home Draw Away
1.320 5.700 13.500
I have identified the clusters but am having difficulty identifying which one contains the noise, the most plausible seems to be the last cluster (i.e if I have 10 clusters, cluster 10 would be the noise.)
Is this the correct way of obtaining outliers from my dataset using DBSCAN, is there a better way?
Also how can I know how much clusters I have to obtain the last one (the one with the noise) without manually checking?
I am completely new to statistical programming and outlier detection, I apologise if I sound utterly clueless.

Read the documentation, please.
integer vector coding cluster membership with noise observations (singletons) coded as 0
It's there, just search for the word "noise" in the manual of dbscan.


Optimal number of cluster in a dendrogram [duplicate]

I could use some advice on methods in R to determine the optimal number of clusters and later on describe the clusters with different statistical criteria. I’m new to R with basic knowledge about the statistical foundations of cluster analysis.
Methods to determine the number of clusters: In the literature one common method to do so is the so called "Elbow-criterion" which compares the Sum of Squared Differences (SSD) for different cluster solutions. Therefore the SSD is plotted against the numbers of Cluster in the analysis and an optimal number of clusters is determined by identifying the “elbow” in the plot (e.g. here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DataClustering_ElbowCriterion.JPG)
This method is a first approach to get a subjective impression. Therefore I’d like to implement it in R. The information on the internet on this is sparse. There is one good example here: http://www.mattpeeples.net/kmeans.html where the author also did an interesting iterative approach to see if the elbow is somehow stable after several repetitions of the clustering process (nevertheless it is for partitioning cluster methods not for hierarchical).
Other methods in Literature comprise the so called “stopping rules”. MILLIGAN & COOPER compared 30 of these stopping rules in their paper “An examination of procedures for determining the number of clusters in a data set” (available here: http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2FBF02294245) finding that the Stopping Rule from Calinski and Harabasz provided the best results in a Monte Carlo evaluation. Information on implementing this in R is even sparser.
So if anyone has ever implemented this or another Stopping rule (or other method) some advice would be very helpful.
Statistically describe the clusters:For describing the clusters I thought of using the mean and some sort of Variance Criterion. My data is on agricultural land-use and shows the production numbers of different crops per Municipality. My aim is to find similar patterns of land-use in my dataset.
I produced a script for a subset of objects to do a first test-run. It looks like this (explanations on the steps within the script, sources below).
#Clusteranalysis agriculture
#Load data
agriculture <-read.table ("C:\\Users\\etc...", header=T,sep=";")
#Define Dataframe to work with
#Define a Subset of objects to first test the script
#Bind the objects
#Calculate euclidian distances including only the columns 4 to 24
dist.euklid<-dist(aTOk[,4:24],method="euclidean",diag=TRUE,upper=FALSE, p=2)
#Cluster with Ward
#Plot the dendogramm. define Labels with labels=df$Geocode didn't work
plot(cluster.ward, hang = -0.01, cex = 0.7)
#here are missing methods to determine the optimal number of clusters
#Calculate different solutions with different number of clusters
n.cluster<-sapply(2:5, function(n.cluster)table(cutree(cluster.ward,n.cluster)))
#Show the objects within clusters for the three cluster solution
sapply(unique(three.cluster), function(g)aTOk$Geocode[three.cluster==g])
#Calculate some statistics to describe the clusters
#Summary statistics for one variable
How to apply a hierarchical or k-means cluster analysis using R?
The elbow criterion as your links indicated is for k-means. Also the cluster mean is obviously related to k-means, and is not appropriate for linkage clustering (in particular not for single-linkage, see single-link-effect).
Your question title however mentions hierarchical clustering, and so does your code?
Note that the elbow criterion does not choose the optimal number of clusters. It chooses the optimal number of k-means clusters. If you use a different clustering method, it may need a different number of clusters.
There is no such thing as the objectively best clustering. Thus, there also is no objectively best number of clusters. There is a rule of thumb for k-means that chooses a (maybe best) tradeoff between number of clusters and minimizing the target function (because increasing the number of clusters always can improve the target function); but that is mostly to counter a deficit of k-means. It is by no means objective.
Cluster analysis in itself is not an objective task. A clustering may be mathematically good, but useless. A clustering may score much worse mathematically, but it may provide you insight to your data that cannot be measured mathematically.
This is a very late answer and probably not useful for the asker anymore - but maybe for others. Check out the package NbClust. It contains 26 indices that give you a recommended number of clusters (and you can also choose your type of clustering). You can run it in such a way that you get the results for all the indices and then you can basically go with the number of clusters recommended by most indices. And yes, I think the basic statistics are the best way to describe clusters.
You can also try the R-NN Curves method.
K means Clustering is highly sensitive to the scale of data e.g. for a person's age and salary, if not normalized, K means would consider salary more important variable for clustering rather than age, which you do not want. So before applying the Clustering Algorithm, it is always a good practice to normalize the scale of data, bring them to the same level and then apply the CA.

Testing CSR on lpp with R

I have recently posted a "very newie to R" question about the correct way of doing this, if you are interested in it you can find it [here].1
I have now managed to develop a simple R script that does the job, but now the results are what troubles me.
Long story short I'm using R to analyze lpp (Linear Point Pattern) with mad.test.That function performs an hypothesis test where the null hypothesis is that the points are randomly distributed. Currently I have 88 lpps to analyze, and according to the p.value 86 of them are randomly distributed and 2 of them are not.
These are the two not randomly distributed lpps.
Looking at them you can see some kind of clusters in the first one, but the second one only has three points, and seems to me that there is no way one can assure only three points are not corresponding to a random distribution. There are other tracks with one, two, three points but they all fall into the "random" lpps category, so I don't know why this one is different.
So here is the question: how many points are too little points for CSR testing?
I have also noticed that these two lpps have a much lower $statistic$rank than the others. I have tried to find what that means but I'm clueless righ now, so here is another newie question: Is the $statistic$rank some kind of quality analysis indicator, and thus can I use it to group my lpp analysis into "significant ones" and "too little points" ones?
My R script and all the shp files can be downloaded from here(850 Kb).
Thank you so much for your help.
It is impossible to give an universal answer to the question about how many points is needed for an analysis. Usually 0, 1 and 2 are too few for a standalone analysis. However, if they are part of repeated measurements of the same thing they might be interesting still. Also, I would normally say that your example with 3 points is too few to say anything interesting. However, an extreme example would be if you have a single long line segment where one point occurs close to one end and two other occur close to each other at the other end. This is not so likely to happen for CSR and you may be inclined to not believe that hypothesis. This appears to be what happened in your case.
Regarding your question about the rank you might want to read a bit more up on the Monte Carlo test you are preforming. Basically, you summarise the point pattern by a single number (maximum absolute deviation of linear K) and then you look at how extreme this number is compared to numbers generated at random from CSR. Assuming you use 99 simulations of CSR you have 100 numbers in total. If your data ranks as the most extreme ($statistic$rank==1) among these it has p-value 1%. If it ranks as the 50th number the p-value is 50%. If you used another number of simulations you have to calculate accordingly. I.e. with 199 simulations rank 1 is 0.5%, rank 2 is 1%, etc.
There is a fundamental problem here with multiple testing. You are applying a hypothesis test 88 times. The test is (by default) designed to give a false positive in 5 percent (1 in 20) of applications, so if the null hypothesis is true, you should expect 88 /20 = 4.4 false positives to have occurred your 88 tests. So getting only 2 positive results ("non-random") is entirely consistent with the null hypothesis that ALL of the patterns are random. My conclusion is that the patterns are random.

Which cluster methodology should I use for a multidimensional dataset?

I am trying to create clusters of countries with a dataset quite heterogeneous (the data I have on countries goes from median age to disposable income, including education levels).
How should I approach this problem?
I read some interesting papers on clustering, using K-means for instance, but it seems those algorithms are mostly used when there are two sets of variables, not 30 like in my case, and when the variables are comparable (it might be though to try to cluster countries with such diversity in the data).
Should I normalise some of the data? Should I just focus on fewer indicators to avoid this multidimensional issue? Use spectral clustering first?
Thanks a lot for the support!
Create a "similarity metric". Probably just a weight to all your measurements, but you might build in some corrections for population size and so on. Then you can only have low hundreds of countries, so most brute force methods will work. Hierarchical clustering would be my first point of call, and that will tell you if the data is inherently clustered.
If all the data is quantitative, you can normalise on 0 - 1 (lowest country is 0, highest is 1), then take eigenvectors. Then plot out the first two axes in eigenspace. That will give another visual fix on clusters.
If it's not clustered, however, it's better to admit that.

Point pattern similarity and comparison

I recently started to work with a huge dataset, provided by medical emergency
service. I have cca 25.000 spatial points of incidents.
I am searching books and internet for quite some time and am getting more and more confused about what to do and how to do it.
The points are, of course, very clustered. I calculated K, L and G function
for it and they confirm serious clustering.
I also have population point dataset - one point for every citizen, that is similarly clustered as incidents dataset (incidents happen to people, so there is a strong link between these two datasets).
I want to compare these two datasets to figure out, if they are similarly
distributed. I want to know, if there are places, where there are more
incidents, compared to population. In other words, I want to use population dataset to explain intensity and then figure out if the incident dataset corresponds to that intensity. The assumption is, that incidents should appear randomly regarding to population.
I want to get a plot of the region with information where there are more or less incidents than expected if the incidents were randomly happening to people.
How would you do it with R?
Should I use Kest or Kinhom to calculate K function?
I read the description, but still don't understand what is a basic difference
between them.
I tried using Kcross, but as I figured out, one of two datasets used
should be CSR - completely spatial random.
I also found Kcross.inhom, should I use that one for my data?
How can I get a plot (image) of incident deviations regarding population?
I hope I asked clearly.
Thank you for your time to read my question and
even more thanks if you can answer any of my questions.
Best regards!
I do not have time to answer all your questions in full, but here are some pointers.
DISCLAIMER: I am a coauthor of the spatstat package and the book Spatial Point Patterns: Methodology and Applications with R so I have a preference for using these (and I genuinely believe these are the best tools for your problem).
Conceptual issue: How big is your study region and does it make sense to treat the points as distributed everywhere in the region or are they confined to be on the road network?
For now I will assume we can assume they are distributed anywhere.
A simple approach would be to estimate the population density using density.ppp and then fit a Poisson model to the incidents with the population density as the intensity using ppm. This would probably be a reasonable null model and if that fits the data well you can basically say that incidents happen "completely at random in space when controlling for the uneven population density". More info density.ppp and ppm are in chapters 6 and 9 of 1, respectively, and of course in the spatstat help files.
If you use summary statistics like the K/L/G/F/J-functions you should always use the inhom versions to take the population density into account. This is covered in chapter 7 of 1.
Also it could probably be interesting to see the relative risk (relrisk) if you combine all your points in to a marked point pattern with two types (background and incidents). See chapter 14 of 1.
Unfortunately, only chapters 3, 7 and 9 of 1 are availble as free to download sample chapters, but I hope you have access to it at your library or have the option of buying it.

Knowing which points belong to which cluster in DBSCAN

I need to use DBSCAN to cluster betting odds of soccer matches.
The data consists of :
ID, Home Team, Away Team, Date, Time, Home Winning Odds, Draw Odds and Away Winning Odds.
I need Home Winning Odds, Draw Odds and Away Winning Odds for the DBSCAN clustering because I want to find outliers using the noise cluster.
However I have no means of knowing those points to which record they belonged.]
I am working with GNU R to use the algorithm using the package fpc
From the DBSCAN pseudocode:
add P to cluster C
At this point, you should store which points belong to which cluster, obviously; in whichever data structure you prefer (could be a set, or an cluster assignment array).
