Tracking Member, Non-Members using GTM - google-analytics

i need too track Members and non-members in the website using google tag manager. specifically, it is important to distinguish users prior and after sign up process and not overwrite them as members (even though they entered the website and non-members). i don't want to push the data directly to the google analytic so i need to create tags in google tag manager to be fired.
any suggestion?

You might want to take a look at Custom Dimensions to track the status of visitors on your site. For more information on Dimensions, you may find more details on Google's Support pages:
This would allow you to segment the data and Reports in Analytics based on those Dimensions.
Otherwise, if you cannot send data to Google Analytics from Tag Manager, you might want to track users by settings cookies according the specific Rules. This article provides a gist of how to set cookies from within Tag Manager:


Google Tag Manager / Analytics wrong accounts

I created a new TagManager Account.
I added the Code to the head and body space on my website.
I created a Container.
I added a Google Analytics Tag
I created a Variable with exact the UA-XXXXX-1 id for my property.
(I have dozens of different Google Analytics properties in my account.)
Now when I publish the Google Tag Manager changes, the Tag is published and visible. But it publishes a SECOND WRONG property-ID. UA-XXXXX-2.
Yes, the UA-XXXXX-2 is also in MY ACCOUNT. But a complete different Website property!
I have no clue where the TagManager - which is setup completely new - gets the ID from another property. I didn't provide that ID anywhere (the property is archived).
The "Google Tag Assistant" is telling me that I have multiple Tags implemented, but that could not be true.
Error Message: (Multiple Google Analytics tags detected)
How can I solve that?
Affected site "www global-nights com"
This is not a GTM problem. The second account is bundled in a Javascript file (/cdn cgi/apps/head/6sJWcjIvV53_JPO8tyNGb15vJYg.js) included on the top of your page:
So I guess you should be looking into your Cloudflare settings rather than be looking at GTM.

checking analytics setup for page I do not own

I'm a consumer data analyst who is not very familiar to coding other than occasional encounters with HTML and Python, and I'm just starting with the coding part of Web Analytics. In particular, I need to learn about checking websites I don't own (therefore I don't have access to their Analytics accounts) for tracking info, but it has been phenomenally hard to find information on which tracking function each component of code stand for, or to what extent it is visible from the page source.
For a project, here is a page I'm trying to check for Google Analytics/Tag Manager/alternative analytics setup, and see what is exactly being tracked on it. Other than the source code, I checked it with Ghostery, which gave me this Tag Manager code page. Is it possible to check tracking info from these two (events, pageviews, URI and how many custom dimensions there is, specifically), and which part of the code includes that info (particularly URI and dimension info - the first two, I have more idea about)?
This is a page I'm also looking into. I can see that this one has Google Analytics/Tag manager, but again, I can't make sure of what is being tracked, and whether the Analytics/Tag Manager setup is looking -potentially- problematic in any way. Here is the Tag Manager page for this one that I obtained through Ghostery.
Any help would be much appreciated...
Looks like what you are looking for is Google Tag Assistant extension for google chrome:
you can download it from here:
When you install it it will appear as icon on any page you visit and it will show you all GA implementations on a page:
You can select tracking ID you are interested in and it will tell you how many Page Views/events were fired for that particular tracking ID only:
Then you can select individual tracking event/page view and see all data that are being sent with that tracking request. Just Click on URLs and click the icon to put the data in table:
Here "cd" stands for Custom Dimension, so here you can clearly see 2 custom dimensions that are being tracked:
Hope this helps, good luck!

Pulling Google Variable Into Hidden Field

I've started parsing out the Google UTMZ_ cookie and am looking for any possible way to push that information into Marketo hidden fields. I currently create and populate Marketo hidden fields based on Google Tracker fields, but I can't figure out how to do it with the fields in the attached image.
I'm wondering if anyone has any insights into how I could push those fields to a form. Below is the code I use for pushing Google Tracker fields to Marketo.
GA_User_ID__c : ga.getByName('gtm1').get('userId')
Universal Analytics does not use utm cookies, and it does not have custom variables (they have been replaced by custom dimensions), so your version of the GA code does not match the information from your screen shot.
Since campaign attribution is now done completely on the Google servers you can no longer get the information via client side GA code. You would either have to pull that information via the API (which I do not think is feasible in runtime) or build your own solution to try and match Google's campaign attribution (as displayed here in a flowchart).

Google Tag Manager: adding Multiple Universal Analytics tracking IDs & auto-event tracking

I have not been able to find clear answers to the following:
for a client with several country sites (subdomains) I want to use a Google Analytics account per site, plus a roll-up account to collect data of all country sites into one account. I want to use Google Tag Manager to add the analytics to the sites.
To add 2 Universal Analytics tracking IDs in one container for a site, is it needed to change a name somewhere? As you have to do when adding analytics code manually to a site when using an extra roll-up account.
If so, what exactly?
subsequently I want to use autoevent tracking. To track for instance PDF downloads - which are in this case on outbound links. Which is explained in this Justine Cutroni post:
But instead of using the standard macro for url path, I would rather see the url title or the linktext, as the url path is indecipherable in this case (a bunch of numbers and letters).
How can that be achieved? Given that the downloads are from dynamic catalogue pages (and thousands of them).
Why multiple accounts ? This would just work as well with profiles/views. That could potentially save you a bit of headache (if you have multiple trackers you need to push events etc. to all of them - for multiple view you just need a filter in your view settings).
Having said that, you find the settings for the tracker name under "advanced configuration" in the analytics tag template in the Google Tag Manager (both for ga.js and Universal Analytics). Tick the checkbox with the label "Tracker name" and enter the name (you need to rename at least one the trackers).

Tracking conversions from another property

I have one website and 2 blogs. Everything is working for years and till recently we were ok with setup.
I am promoting one of the blog pages on Twitter,Facebook,LinkedIn. I can see conversions on main property but I cant tell how many conversions were from each of the sources. I just can see blog page as a source. When i switch to blog property in GA i can see segmented traffic by sources but ofc no conversions (goals are defined only on the main site)
I am reading for tracking goals from multiple properties but it only confuses me more and more. Is this possible to pass data from one property to another and be able to see what I want to see (segmentation by sources and conversions) ?
I am new to Google Analytics, and when I walked through the setup process, there was a lot of explanation about Social settings. I suspect this is new. Google has put in fields for you to track traffic to your blogs that comes in from your other social presence(s).
You'll want to identify your profile URLs for Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook so that it can break it down for you correctly.
They state:
If you leave the Web Property Prefix blank, you'll see Activities data for the domain you are tracking with Google Analytics (e.g. If you also wish to see Activities data for properties such as your YouTube channel, enter your prefixes here; for example, Make your prefix as specific as possible (i.e. do not simply enter Activities data is only shown for properties from which your domain has received hits.
Source: Google Analytics Social Settings: Web Property Prefix Help
