YouTube & Google require separate OAauth2 Authentication for respective APIs - google-analytics

I have a google account that I use for everything to do with my website: ads, analytics, youtube, etc.
However, since the youtube/google integration (I imagine), When I sign in with my google account and click my profile, this is what I see:
The top one's name is simply my email address, depicting my main account which I use for analytics, ads and whatnot, the second is my youtube account, and the bottom is an old account I created years ago but never use.
I'm currently using the Google APIs for the backend of my website, specifically Analytics and Youtube Analytics. When I do the oauth2 authorisation process for Analytics, I need to choose the top profile. For youtube however, I need to do another authorisation process and pick the second profile, which is VERY annoying!
It's a mess and I can't find any solutions anywhere. I've tried the gaia_link but it doesn't do what I need.


Track Newsletter Link Click with Google Analytics

I am partnering with an email newsletter to include some url links I'd like to advertise.
Can someone advise on how I might get "click" stats on these url links? The links neither redirect to my website/app, and are just links to, for example, a youtube video.
I've gone down the rabbit hole of Google's Campaign URL builder and Google tags, but am admittedly lost as a complete beginner regarding Google Analytics, tracking, etc, so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.
With Google Analytics, the only way you can track clicks within is if you leverage UTMs and drive traffic to a site or property that you own. I believe the UTMs might translate to YouTube account but, again, you have to own the video.
There are ways of leveraging Universal Analytics tags, in the form of pixels, that only measure when an email is opened (and the picture is essentially downloaded). But this doesn’t relate to clicks.
More than likely you will need to either use a dedicated email platform with built in analytics, or subscribe to an email analytics service. Google Analytics won’t really be of any value to you.

How can I see analytics from specific ad network on Firebase?

For example, if I am running Facebook ads, can I see the analytics (installs, uninstalls, revenue, ...) from those ads?
You can see analytics from specific ad networks by marking these events that you care about (like first_open or in_app_purchase) as Conversion Events in Firebase.
From the Firebase console, select Analytics -> Attribution, then turn on the events you want to track.
After you do that, go into the Network Settings part of the page and add whatever ad networks you want to start tracking. Right now, Firebase has support for several dozen networks, but I'm afraid Facebook is not currently among them, so you won't be able to get Facebook attribution analytics within Firebase.
You can find out more information about all of this from the help center documentation. Good luck!

Google Analytics link to Adwords

Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account:
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.

Google analytics Embeded api with out Oauth authorize

How can i use without button..
I need it for customers, to track visits on their subdomain, and I have my analytics code on page, so they can't use button to authorize, need without it, automatically.
Any example?
Your question isn't very clear it is hard to understand what you mean by Button.
I think you mean that you would like to select data from YOUR Google Analytics account and display it on YOUR website.
To do this you will need to use a service account as apposed to Oauth2 (Oauth2 would popup with a new window requesting access). When you create the service account in the Google developer console take the service account email address. Give it access at the ACCOUNT level in the Google analytics admin section. It must be the account level this will then give the service account access to read your Google analytics data.
Quota: I am not sure what you are extending to do here but remember you can only make 10000 requests per day against your Google Analytics profile. After that you are cut off there is no way to extend this number. So I advice you to save the data in the database someplace you shouldn't request the same data more then once.
I suggest that you look for an example in what ever programing language you are intending to use. Again your question doesn't state anything about what language you will be using. Hello analytics API might be a good place to start but it depends upon the language the PHP one is way out of date I wouldn't bother with it. Also you cant use a service account with JavaScript so that one is out to.
Update figured out button
Embded api I think I have finally figured out what you mean by button. is used in the Google analytics embedded api. Which is JavaScript which it is not possible to use with a Service account. So the final answer to your question is
Answer: You cant remove the button from the Google Analytics Embded api the only way to login with JavaScript is to use Oauth2.
Advice: switch to PHP and use a service account to request data yourself. Or give each of your customers access to your Google analytics so they can login themselves.

Google Calendar API integration

My scenario is the following: We currently own an online rental marketplace that uses peer to peer bookings just like Airbnb. This means each user has a calendar for their property.We have a Vaway calendar for the bookings on our site however are wanting to integrate google calendar so we can be able to 2 way sync/asynchronous all the Ical calendars to each other from our partner sites who support it.
After much research I have tested my personal google calendar to see how the iCal works and it seems to work perfectly so we decided this architecture would need to be implemented on a much larger scale. This would be used in all new users signups to give our users an all in one calendar that syncs all our Partner sites into one completely synced google calendar for their listing. This basically allows a user who has their listing on 7 different platforms to sync to one calendar showing availability for them to keep track of inside Vaway account.
The google calendar would be completely separate from our Vaway calendar specifically to allow our users to sync all their property bookings from other sites into one integrated calendar.. The problem when reading about google calendar API is it requires OAuth 2.0 which is required user sign in from their existing google account (Calendar, Gmail...etc). Many of our users and new signups will not have google accounts and we do not want them to have to go through a google signup process to log into their calendar. Is there any way around OAuth 2.0? We really just need the functionality of the google calendar and its syncing capabilities inside our dashboard to give read write permission and sync back and forth 2 way with other calendars on other platforms.
With all of the features the google calendar has it seems to be perfect for what we are doing when testing. Each user that signs up with us will have google calendar in their Vaway dashboard provided by vaway however they will manage their own google calendar inside the Vaway platform for their property bookings. All calendars events/bookings would be public to allow the Ical syncing option to push through.
We do not want the users accessing this calendar outside of the platform because the pulls them away from the site. I'm not sure what solution would best suit this business model and am totally at my wits end here after researching. We are trying to keep our overhead low so google apps marketplace is not an option.
You really should reformulate your question, because it's really hard to read and understand right now.
But if I really get your question, you want to enable managing google calendar from a personal application without the end user having to log to any google personal account.
If this is clearly what you want to do, I suggest you to have a look to Service Account with OAuth2.0.
(See here :
It will provide a service account for your application, from which you will be able to handle calendars for your app.
And here you will find a sample showing how to do it with Java. (
