Asp.Net Webforms: Using Identity roles upon registration -

*Solved.. Figured it out on my own.
Alright, I've searched and searched and even checked out the similar questions here. None of them are getting me what I need.
I currently have a Web Forms application that is using Identity. Right now I am trying to allow someone who is registering to choose from two different roles. One is Event Manager and the other is Data Entry.
I'm currently teaching myself .Net and using Web Forms. I see a lot of MVC references (I need to learn next) but since I don't know MVC yet it's hard to follow, especially since I'm just beginning. I already played with the Wingtip Toys tutorial that created an admin role into the programming, but how can I get this to work on the register page?
Is there anyone who can just point me in the right direction of where to start? Any good tutorials.


How to Implement Individual Accounts without Registration in ASP.Net MVC

I'm wanting to test ASP.NET MVC for a new project. One of the requirements is not allowing users to register themselves. When I select individual accounts in the MVC project type, it does not allow for the elimination of the registration option.
Is it possible to create an individual account project without the user registration portion? Do I need to roll my own custom classes? If so, what? I've looked for similar answers, but cannot find any without an already deep discussion and assumption that I am already familiar with libraries involved.
Thank you for any help.

Steam Web API Integration with ASP.NET site

I've been designing a website in ASP.NET, and I have been researching many ways to integrate the Steam Web API into my site. Whenever I try a method, it seems promising, but there is always a problem that I can't seem to overcome. Most of the methods online are using PHP, but I have not found a way to integrate this into my ASP.NET site either. I want users to be able to sign in through Steam, and to display inventories of certain users on the page. Any way of retrieving this data would be a huge step forward at this point.
The website is currently located at Kritz.TF. It's in a VERY early stage, I have been limited to what I can do before I do get this thing sorted out.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

ASP.Net identity framework as a form of authentication?

I am a little confused as to how the identity framework works. For example in VS 2013 we can create an MVC application that the authentication is individual user accounts. Once we create it we can register with a username and password. But what if we wanted to have also a DOB in the registration or some other fields such as email or phone etc? Can we do this with the identity framework? What about the way the data base is structured, can we have a custom structure? Or if I want this should I be using forms authentication? Also what is the difference between the Identity framework and Forms authentication in terms of authentication?
Although your post has already been marked as answered, I’d like to add a little more info for future readers.
The first thing we need to understand with VS and Microsoft is that they’ve always tried to provide us with Templates to help us get started. There are many Pros and Cons to using Templates but the idea is that it gets you started quickly without having to manually include stuff yourself.
The idea of Templates is great but to the untrained eye, it provides Microsoft an opportunity to include stuff that THEY think you’ll need or better yet, what your application will need.
This opportunity includes promoting products such as Identity, Knockout.js etc...
In short, Microsoft is not wrong in doing that since the majority of the people do not second guess what is included in their project and because they…well…trust Microsoft.
A great analogy is when you purchase a new computer from a major retailer. When you arrive home and start your computer, you quickly notice that you have a bunch of pre-installed software running in the background (that you never asked for).
To the untrained eye, they will never realize that these are running in the background and their computer will work regardless. But for someone that is aware, he will most likely uninstall all of them and have a cleaner plate.
So Templates are similar to this...
As for the rest of your questioning, I’m sure by now you’ve found the answers.
Even though Microsoft sells ASP Identity as a single solution, Forms Authentication and Identity (Membership) are two distinct frameworks that work together, but serve different purposes:
Forms Authentication manages authentication session/cookies.
Membership/Identity is the store for user information (credentials, user demographics, etc.)
Look here for some additional information and links.

ASP.NET - Pages that allow multiple users to interact with each other

I want to be able to have users on a new site be able to interact with each other. I thought searching for sample code for async controllers would help, but I can't really seem to find much.
I guess I am trying to replicate Node.js/Meteor like interactions where an action one user performs can be shown to other users. I assume this would work using async controllers and ajax, but I have found very little documentation and examples. I'm starting to think this isn't something that can happen in ASP.NET.
Sorry this is such a general question.
Watch Building Real-time Web Apps with ASP.NET SignalR, this video is by the creators of SignalR.
I think this will give you an idea of how SignalR might be the framework you want to use for your idea to build an application where multiple users can interact within a single page.

Protecting Vidoes from downloading in

Language: C#
Skill: Beginner
Tool: Visual Studio 2010
Technology: ASP.NET 4.0 WebForms
Hello StackOverflow,
I intend to develop an web app for my final year project (to complete my bachelors degree) ,Scenario is that I want to allow users of the app to post videos(vidz) and these vidz can only be watched by the user who is allowed by the owner of the vidz ,further more the viewer should only be able to view the vidoes...
I came to know about the DRM solution of silverlight but i think its comes with some cost ,so for me its unaffordable..
it's a bit of a kludge but I used the approach below to protect images from being downloaded without the right cookie being set ... a variation could be used to hide the video from random attempts.
if you need to be really certain that it's protected then a solution like PlayReady is going to be the answer, but if you just need to avoid casual "fly-by" then this might be enough
If you're using ASP.Net MVC I recommend you to take a look at this project:
By adding authorization layer on top of your controller you can easily manage access to that controller based on your own logic (Like members who have access to that video). For more information about authorization you can take a look at:
I know this is little bit generic but I hope this can give you some clue :-)
