Facebook PHP SDK, server-side login, without clicking any link (knowing password). - facebook-php-sdk

Can i log in to my Facebook account (Knowing user id and password), in the server using Facebook php-sdk, and without need to click any URL?
If yes, please explain.

It is against Facebook's Terms of Service to use a user's email address and password to login to their account. You should instead use the Facebook API to achieve this, but it requires manual login by a user.
There are ways of achieving automatic login using credentials, but since it's not allowed, I won't go into detail. Facebook also detects and prevents most of the common method of auto-login.


Should you confirm email addresses obtained from external login providers?

I am working on a .NET application and I have set up an external login with facebook.
Currently, when the user uses the external login functionality, signs in to Facebook and my app recieves his email address, I create a new user account and consider the email address verified. (otherwise he could not login)
Is this a good practice though? Is it possible that some attacker would change the email address midway or something? What is the best practice for letting users sign in using external login providers?
Any help would be much appriciated, thanks.
Edit: In this tutorial the guy sends a confirmation email to the email address he recieves from the external login providers. However this seems impractical to me. It kind of defeats the purpuse of simplifying the log in/sign in process, moreover I don't think I was ever asked to confirm my email when I had used external login providers to log in myself.
Is it possible that some attacker would change the email address midway or something?
No, because you are using facebook which implements openid or oauth2.
In oauth2, mail and its password are safe because you do not manage them. Those are managed by your oauth2 provider (facebook in your case)
Also according to the oauth2 flow which is the same in google, facebook, linkedin, etc the provider don't send you the email. It sends you the authorization code:
use go to your web.com
user is redirected to https://www.facebook.com/v8.0/dialog/oauth?client_id={app_id}&redirect_uri={redirect_uri}
oauth2 provider prompts a login if user was not logged in previously
user accepts the consent form (next next)
oauth2 provider (facebook in your case) at the end, perform a final redirect to your web.com (using the callback url previously registered) sending the authorization code: https://web.com?code=196da272-083c
this code is required to generate the access_token and can be used just one time(another http invocation)
the access_token is required to get the email (another http invocation)
The only way to attack could be try to send fake authorization codes to https://web.com?code=**** but in the next step (exchange auth code for a new access_token), facebook will return you an error because the attacker cannot create real authorization codes.
Confirmation email
As you said, if your web allows the user to login with some social network, add a new step with email confirmation is impractical. Is more, facebook allows the use of phone number instead of mail.
But there are some scenarios (not in the authentication) in which mail could be your ally:
Offer an option for alert the user with something like this: Hi Bob, a new account was created with your social network... If you didn't, please click on the following...
confirm an email to be used in future notifications

Firebase authentication Twitter and Google

I am using the Firebase authentication functionality. I am using Facebook, Google, Twitter and email and password as providers. The default functionality is to use a single email by authentication.
If I authenticate with an account with Facebook, Twitter or Google and then try to enter but using email and password to do it, it shows me a warning where it says that I already use another authentication method and it allows me to do it with the previous one.
If I authenticate with email and password and then try to authenticate with Google, Twitter or Facebook these authentication methods overlap, that is, take both and in the Firebase console I can see that they are both.
Now, if I authenticate with email and password, Facebook (I think) or Twitter and then try to authenticate with Google, it deletes the previous authentication methods. That is, if with the first authentication methods I had id1 after authenticating with Google, the entry with id1 is deleted and one is created with id2.
This generates a problem in my application because it is a way to lose the user's registry previously created with id1.
I'm not sure if this is the expected behavior but I do not think so. Obviously whenever I refer to doing a 'new authentication' with another method I make sure to use the same email.
It sounds like you are looking for account-linking. This is possible in Firebase-authentication. Users are identified by their Firebase Userid and you can link multiple authentication providers to a userid.
Try to check this documentation. I think this is what you are looking for: https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/account-linking
I hope it helps.
The Google provider overwriting the existing providers is due to Google emails being verified as Google owns these email addresses.
To work around this, you will need to verify the email after the user signs up by sending an email verification. This guarantees that Google sign-in will not unlink the providers as the email is considered to be verified. So if a user signs up with Facebook (using a Google email), verify the email so next time the user signs in with the same Google email, the Facebook provider would remain on the user.

How to link multiple accounts together for Meteor accounts?

I would like that user could link his or her account on my Meteor site to multiple external authentication mechanisms, so that he or she can use any of them and get into the same common account on the site. The idea is that user can authenticate against Facebook and Twitter and then my site can use API for both to Facebook and Twitter to interact in the user's name. What is the best way to do that? So to allow user, once user is already logged in, to "link" to additional authentication mechanisms. And that no matter which authentication mechanism he or she uses, the user gets the same user account/object after login?
This looks like a solution for this (not straightforward):
Try mondora-connect-with package (here or here).

Facebook login with ASP.NET

I am implementing Facebook login on my website. I am creating an asp.net user as well with the Facebook users details. This way I can control login in people to my site using .NET membership regardless of whether they are a Facebook user or not.
The problem I am facing now is security. When a user logs in with Facebook I am calling a webservice with their facebook details, if the user exists on the system (by their facebook userid) then I log them in. However as it stands anyone could call the webservice with someone elses facebook id and it would log them in (if that user existed on the system). Is there something that I can use to link the facebook user with my asp.net user that is only accessible to that user, such as an access token. It also needs to be something which does not change? Does facebook send back such a thing in the response object?
Any help or suggestions are much appreciated.
Yes, we can get that profile data from Facebook. Using that requestAccessToken Url you can get that access token.
requestAccessTokenurl="https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id={0} redirect_uri={1};client_secret={2};code={3}"
Also we can get the Profile Data using this access token
please see this link- http://easyoauth.codeplex.com/
you can download the source code also :)
We have implemented for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google using this framework. It is very straight forward. I can help you how to do this.

How to loggedin in LinkedIn automatically from Asp.net Application?

I have created a username and password to enter and search people in linkedin. Now, I am devloping a web application using asp.net. I need to open a popup page which is displaying the searched results in linked in as logged in.
When the popup page is displaying, I need to logged in automatically using the username and password.
So, here is my question,
How to logged in automatically when the button clicked in Asp.net application using linked in username and password?.
The problem is twofold:
deciding which credentials to use
actually logging in
Logging in is fairly straightforward: post to LinkedIn's login URL in the manner that LinkedIn expects. Unfortunately, LinkedIn still does not have a public API, so this is going to require hackery. Go to a LinkedIn web page that allows login and analyze the page source. There will be a field names for username and password in the login form, and the login form will post to a specific URL. Duplicate the username and password with a web request to the URL of the form. You will receive a cookie as part of the response. Make sure you include that cookie in future requests to LinkedIn and you are then "logged in" for every request.
Of far more importance than the actual logging in, which is a simple programming challenge, is deciding which credentials to use. I'm guessing that you're building an application for others to use, rather than yourself. If so, you'll need to ask them to give you their LinkedIn credentials. Beware: this is something that most people simply will not do. It's a trust issue; if they give you their credentials, you now have access to their profile and can do nefarious things with it. You'll need a good disclaimer explaining how you would never do that, ever, and you'll need the people who read it to believe you. Not as easy as it sounds.
If, however, this is just for you, you're on easy street. Just use your own credentials.
