I am looking for LBSP-Search-Common.xsd - here-api

I am trying to use the Here Maps rest api for geocoding and would like to get the full xsd definition of:
but my tools (nor I) can't find these imported .xsds:
<xs:import namespace="http://www.navteq.com/lbsp/Common/4" schemaLocation="LBSP-Common.xsd"/>
<xs:import namespace="http://www.navteq.com/lbsp/Search-Common/4" schemaLocation="LBSP-Search-Common.xsd"/>
I've googled the file names and found http://route.nlp.nokia.com/routing/6.2/xsd/LBSP-Common.xsd but it is:
- a different version #
and I can't find the other one.
Any help in finding these files would be appreciated.

If you are looking for xsd files to help parse Geocoder XML responses, please see the following URLs.
All xsd locations relevant to Geocoder are listed on the following web page: http://geocoder.api.here.com/6.2/xsd/index.html

I guess you are looking for these


How do I extract a jpeg's EXIF thumbnail using ImageSharp?

I am trying to extract thumbnails from source jpegs and save them to the file system, using the C# ImageSharp library. I see there is some mention of it in the intellisense for the component:
...but I can't seem to find any documentation for it or examples to call it correctly.
I did find this:
using SixLabors.ImageSharp;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats;
using SixLabors.ImageSharp.Processing;
//method code:
Image<TPixel> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<TPixel>();
...but I need to find where the TPixel type is to get it to work. VisualStudio doesn't recognize it and I can't seem to find a namespace or use it correctly:
"The type or namespace name 'TPixel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)"
Legacy Windows .NET Framework could do this for System.Drawing.Image.Image.GetThumbnailImage() and it worked pretty well.
EDIT: Using tocsoft's answer, I changed the code to:
if (image.Metadata.ExifProfile != null)
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();
thumbnail.Save(thumbnailPath, encoder);
...however, the image.Metadata.ExifProfile is null, which is unexpected since I know these source images have EXIF data.
EDIT: Actually, it's working now. Success! Thank you!
TPixel would be any of the pixel formats in the SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats namespace. But unless you are planning on interoperating with other systems that require the pixel data layed out in memory in specific ways you will likely just want to use Rgba32
Image<Rgba32> thumbnail = image.Metadata.ExifProfile.CreateThumbnail<Rgba32>();

Upload file with CMIS Service on st:site

I have been uploading files to Company Home pretty easily with this url:
Now I am trying to upload to a folder within a site
And keep getting this
Cannot find object for NodePathReference[storeRef=workspace://SpacesStore,path=app:company_home/st:sites/cm:mysite]
Am I missing a special way to declare the path of a site?
i'm not sure how you are uploading to that path but i suppose you need to go into 'documentLibrary' of the site
I found out that there are 6 webscripts related to file manipulation, and it seams each one takes the path in a different way.
I ended up using
This particular service it takes Display Names as path segments, and the p itself represents the Company Home segment
I also obtained the same results with this one
Which as you can see takes nodeRef Ids as parameter.

Custom dictionary is not working in endeca

I am trying to add a custom dictionary in stemming but found no luck.
Steps I tried:
1) I have added the following lines in /config/script/DataIngest.xml:
<dgidx id="Dgidx" host-id="ITLHost">
And added following lines in stemmingExtension.en.xml:
Ran a baseline update and then tried to search for "shuts" and expected to get "shirts" results, but not.
What's the correct way of setting up custom dictionary words in stemming?
Thanks in advance for your help.
What version of the etl salience component are you using? I remember of a similar bug in oeid 3.0 bundle, and unluckily the answer is that the component used in clover etl doesn't call the appropriate method from java's api to get the stemmed word. You can build a mockup, directly calling java api's, to see the different methods used
For Endeca 3.1.2 version, try adding it to /MDEX/<version>/conf/stemming/en_word_forms_collection.xml (for English)

Confusion over TopoJSON Format

I am attempting to follow mbostock's "Let's Make a Map" Tutorial here: http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/. At a certain point in the tutorial, he writes:
d3.json("uk.json", function(error, uk) {
.datum(topojson.feature(uk, uk.objects.subunits))
.attr("d", d3.geo.path().projection(d3.geo.mercator()));
Without seeing the format of his topoJSON file, it is hard to determine what the equivalent "uk.objects.subunits" line is for my code (my topoJSON can be viewed here: https://gist.github.com/jcahan/e1772766f01b68b00dc9).
Would someone please help clarify how I (and future readers) can determine the inner property (eg uk.objects.subunits) of my topojson file?
Thanks for your time!
Use the web console in your browser (I use the Firebug extension in Firefox) to view Mike's example page and you can watch the browser pull down the uk.json file and view its format. Here's the relevant snippet:
You can see the hierarchy of uk.objects.subunits
subunits contains the GeometryCollection. Have a look at your json file and do the same.
Double check that this instruction from Mike is working:
d3.json("uk.json", function(error, uk) {
Now if you peek at your JavaScript console, you should see a topology object that represents the administrative boundaries and populated places of the United Kingdom.
If you get it to work, let me know, as I cannot get my personal TopoJSON file to load, although I can get all of Mike's to do so. I've come to the conclusion that my TopoJSON file must be wrong somehow.
That JSON file happens to be close friend (actually a neightboor) of the example. So you can see it atthe http://bost.ocks.org/mike/map/uk.json

Simian multiple excludes option

I use Simian to analyze the duplicate codes in my c# project.
But I want to exclude two kind of situations.
One is unit test files shouldn't be analyzed, the other is auto-generated file (such as Microsoft.Moles auto produces m.g.cs files)
My arguments are fine as following when I only have one kind of file excludes
-formatter=vs:c:\temp\SimianResult.log -language=cs $(SolutionDir)//*.cs -excludes=/*Test.cs -threshold=15
But when I add the second situtions, I don't know how to put them together, I search it on the web ,but cannot find samples, even the offical site http://www.harukizaemon.com/simian/ doesn't show it.
I try the following combination but all fails
(1)... -excludes=/*Test.cs,/*m.g.cs -threshold=15
(2)... -excludes=/*Test.cs;/m.g.cs -threshold=15
(3)... -excludes=*/Test.cs */*m.g.cs -threshold=15
Does anybody know how to solve it ?
My co-worker has try the correct syntax for me and it works.
The key is your have to put the keyword "excludes" twice. So the answer of my question is
-formatter=vs:c:\temp\SimianResult.log -language=cs $(SolutionDir)//*.cs -excludes=/Test.cs -excludes=*/m.g.cs -threshold=15
