Convert FedEx beta webservice to live -

I'm trying to convert beta web-service to live. after removing beta word from the web-service [i.e. in web.config: endpoint address=""], this web service is not fetching the value. Any suggestions, why this is happening or I'm missing any procedure. Any guidance/suggestions on this.

To move a system from testing to production is not only needed to remove the word beta from the testing URL address:
(when doing this change make sure you are replacing ALL occurrences of wsbeta. to ws. in your solution.)
But also you need to change the MeterNumber, include the Password and Key. When you sign up for the Production Key you will get all this information on the email and also you'll get the Key as soon as you sign up (you won't get that key on the email so be careful and write down that information).
With those pieces of information you should be good to go. If you are getting an exception that's a different story, let us know what exception you are getting.


Type query_root must define one or more fields

First, thanks Hasura for incredible good product! I love it.
I have issue with derive action with Hasura Console. My use case:
I enable anonymous role for subscribe function (everybody can send email to subscribe)
I have configured permission on my subscribe table, everything is fine.
I want to validate the user input on server side, for example, validate email format. I have followed by this guide about derive action. I found no mistake here.
But I got the error "Type query_root must define one or more fields." when I hit "Derive action" at the first time.
According to this question, as I understand, I need to have object type for root query.
Of course, I will have object type for root query eventually. I can work around by giving some dummy queries for anonymous role. But I do not like that cheat anyway.
Any idea on that? Any help will be highly appreciated.
My related current version:
Hasura 1.3.2
One click deployment using Docker on Digital Ocean.

Debugging Full text search in iManage Worksite

I am creating different workspaces having different types of names containing special characters also sometimes. When I am trying to perform a Full text search nothing comes up in workspace results. Now, problem is how can I start with the debugging process?
What all things to consider during Troubleshooting this issue on both IDOL Indexer and iManage worksite?
Any suggestions? Really Appreciated.
You can enable debugging logs for all interactions through the SDK by turning on middleware Logging - Basically these log the actions performed by iManage.dll.
The log paths registry key will provide the location of the log. Any application using iManage.dll will spawn a new file based on it's process name (such as YOURAPP.txt, WINWORD.txt, OUTLOOK.txt, etc)
Create or set the following values in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Interwoven\WorkSite\8.0\Common
Name: Middleware Log Path
Type: String
Value: C:\Temp
Name: Middleware Log Flags
Value: ffff
This will show you useful information but the best way to debug is to pare your search parameters right back to basics then slowly introduce more complex parameters. Workspace search requests are made up of both IManage.IManProfileSearchParameters and IManage.IManWorkspaceSearchParameters
and I've found that depending on the data sometimes you'll need to search only with the IManProfileSearchParameters and leave IManWorkspaceSearchParameters as default empty parameters.

ASP.NET Azure Blob Geographically Redundant Storage - How to use?

I have been searching for an answer on MS, SE and Google and cannot find it. I want to use the GRS option for Azure Storage (Cloud Block Blobs) but I cannot figure out how to properly do that.
I created my storage object in Azure and chose the GRS option.
I get that I have a primary and secondary connection string and know how to get that from the Azure portal.
What I do not know, in ASP.NET 4.0, is how to set both connection strings in the CloudBlockClient and gracefully handle the primary storage being unavailable.
--What exception is thrown and where, when primary is unavailable? Is this thrown when I create the client, or when I try to get a blob reference?
-- How do I then use the secondary?
Do I have to just test for any old exception and then try using the secondary connection string in a new CloudBlockClient if the primary does not work? Or is there anything in the API for this. I would think there would be but I cannot find it.
None of the "How to use Azure Storage" tutorials I have seen go into this. Most of the documentation seems to date from before mid-2014 when this feature became generally available.
This blog post should help you. In short if you want to read from both primary and secondary you want to enable RA-GRS - essentially read access from the secondary. If you are using out storage client libraries you can also enable a retry policy that will first try to read from a primary and then from the secondary if the first read fails.

MembershipUser.ChangePassword fails without warning

If I call user.ChangePassword(oldpass,newpass), and the old password is wrong, or the new password does not meet the provider's complexity requirement , the method fails without warning. is there any way i can find out if there is an error and what the error was.
I can always put these checks in my code, but there should be a way to do it using the Membership APIs
Unfortunately not. The ChangePassword method only returns a simple bool for success/fail.
Your best option on fail would be to display a generic message to the user stating all possible failure reasons... e.g.
Failed to Change Password.
This may have occured because:
The Old Password was incorrect
The New Password failed to meet the required complexibility
New Passwords must be 8 chars long and contain at least 2 numeric characters. (or whatever)
If you want to give more specific information, then as you said, you would need to implement a rules checker in your own code and relay information to the user based on that check.

.netCART Credit Card Decryption - IIS 7 App Pool and Decryption issue

I've got a site using .netCART. It's running fine in production with Windows Server 2003 and .NET 2.0. On the new server (Windows Server 2008) everything is working except for credit card decryption in the store admin. No errors are being sent, no exceptions thrown, just the encrypted string being output to the screen instead of a decrypted credit card number.
Dim strCCEncrypt As String
strCCEncrypt = Trim(DataRow.Item("CreditCard"))
strCCEncrypt = tools.Decrypt(strCCEncrypt) 'tools is a .netCART utility
Has anyone had experience with .netCART, or seen this issue before?
After much investigating yesterday, it seems as though the problem is tied to the App Pool (which is running in classic pipeline mode on .NET 2.0), and Decryption. Can anyone tell me what the processes or services are that are tied to the default app pool which help handle decryption?
Don't know where your specific problem is, but that code snippet is equivalent to this:
Dim CCEncrypt As String = tools.Decrypt(DataRow("CreditCard").ToString().Trim())
To explain the changes:
You can skip the .Item part because it's an indexer for DataRow
But you should call .ToString(), in case of other types or DbNulls
Then use the string type's .Trim() method rather than the VB Trim() function. Trim() and other old string functions exist solely for backwards compatibility. You're better off becoming accustom to the methods attached to the string type.
In .Net, it's no big deal to declare a variable and assign to it on the same line
And in .Net, Microsoft's style guidelines specifically recommend against any hungarian-notation type warts on variable names.
The end result of this problem was that I used Reflector to get the method out, provide the key manually to perform the decryption, since the decrypt method shown above just provided a call to a method that took the key.
Check the machinekey element in your web.config. Is it possible the credit cards were encrypted with a different key than you are trying to decrypt them with?
