MembershipUser.ChangePassword fails without warning -

If I call user.ChangePassword(oldpass,newpass), and the old password is wrong, or the new password does not meet the provider's complexity requirement , the method fails without warning. is there any way i can find out if there is an error and what the error was.
I can always put these checks in my code, but there should be a way to do it using the Membership APIs

Unfortunately not. The ChangePassword method only returns a simple bool for success/fail.
Your best option on fail would be to display a generic message to the user stating all possible failure reasons... e.g.
Failed to Change Password.
This may have occured because:
The Old Password was incorrect
The New Password failed to meet the required complexibility
New Passwords must be 8 chars long and contain at least 2 numeric characters. (or whatever)
If you want to give more specific information, then as you said, you would need to implement a rules checker in your own code and relay information to the user based on that check.


Unable to get the edge access token

I have created a new mimik developer account, and I was trying get the edge access token using the command "mimik-edge-cli account get-edge-access-token -t <--id token-->". But I am getting an "Error" as response.
I have tried with my previous account and in that case i am able to get the access token as shown below. Same issue happened for raspberrypi too.
why it is not able to get the access token while using a new account?
Please make sure to copy the ID Token from developer portal correctly, In most cases there might be a hidden character copied. Maybe just try copying the text by highlighting with mouse from first character to the last. Do NOT use the copy to clipboard button. Also please make sure that the edgeEngine on the PI is not associated already by checking with:
mimik-edge-cli account get-me
When you input command above, if you see an ID for value "accountId:" then your PI is already associated an CANNOT be associated again. You have to un-associate first and then associate with the new ID token from new account/project. You can verify that un-association is successful when above command shows empty value for "accountId:"
Please only tag questions with edgeSDK if it is related to FreeRTOS platform. For all other platforms, please use tag edgeEngine

Admin role is not recognized in Facebook app in R with the Rfacebook package

I have created my first Facebook app in R. Its purpose is solely to retrieve marketing data from my Facebook pages. So far I have created this (no authentication problems):
## Start retrieving insight from VivaraDE
rawinsightsDE<-getInsights(object_id= "my_id", token = fb_oauth,
metric="page_impressions", period = "days_28", version="2.6")
When running this, R does return:
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
No data available. Are you the owner of this page? See ?getInsights.
I have an administrator role in my app (obviously) and an admin role on the page desginated by my_id.
I suspect I will have to alter some config somewhere. What am I missing?
You need read_insights permission from the page admin (you in this case), before you can access these metrics.
Any more common permissions I need to include, so I won't stumble upon some more rejections?
Nah, don’t ask for permissions “just to be on the safe side” – that will only give problems in review (if the app is supposed to be used by the general public at one point?), if they see you asking for permissions without actually using them.
I’d rather suggest you use Graph API Explorer first to test out the request you want to make; its debug feature usually displays a message in such cases as to what permission is missing to get the requested data.

Convert FedEx beta webservice to live

I'm trying to convert beta web-service to live. after removing beta word from the web-service [i.e. in web.config: endpoint address=""], this web service is not fetching the value. Any suggestions, why this is happening or I'm missing any procedure. Any guidance/suggestions on this.
To move a system from testing to production is not only needed to remove the word beta from the testing URL address:
(when doing this change make sure you are replacing ALL occurrences of wsbeta. to ws. in your solution.)
But also you need to change the MeterNumber, include the Password and Key. When you sign up for the Production Key you will get all this information on the email and also you'll get the Key as soon as you sign up (you won't get that key on the email so be careful and write down that information).
With those pieces of information you should be good to go. If you are getting an exception that's a different story, let us know what exception you are getting.

Qt - How to list all existing databases on PostgreSQL server using Qt interface

Could someone please explain how to obtain a list of all existing databases on a PostgreSQL server, to which the user already has access, using Qt? PostgreSQL documentation suggests the following query:
SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;
What are the correct parameters to the following functions:
QSqlDatabase::setDatabaseName(const QString & name) //"postgres" or "pg_database"?
QSqlDatabase::setUserName(const QString & name) //actual user name?
QSqlDatabase::setPassword(const QString & password) //no password? or user password?
Much appreciated. Thank you in advance.
You appear to have already answered the first part of your question. Connect to the postgres or template1 database and issue the query you've quoted above to get a list of databases. I'm guessing - reading between the lines - that you don't know how to connect to PostgreSQL to send that query, and that's what the second part of your question is about. Right?
If so, the QSqlDatabase accessor functions you've mentioned are used to set connection parameters, so the "correct" values depend on your environment.
If you want to issue the query above - to list databases - then you would probably want to connect to the postgres database as it always exists and isn't generally used for anything specific, it's there just to be connected to. That means you'd call setDatabaseName("postgres");. Passing pg_database to setDatabaseName would be nonsensical, since pg_database is the pg_catalog.pg_database table, it isn't a database you can connect to. pg_database is one of those odd tables that exists in every database, which might be what confused you.
With the other two accessors specify the appropriate username and password for your environment, same as you'd use for psql; there's no possible way I could tell you which ones to use.
Note that if you set a password but one isn't required because authentication is done over unix socket ident, trust, or other non-password scheme the password will be ignored.
If this doesn't cover your question, consider editing it and explaining your problem in more detail. What've you tried? What didn't work how you expected? Error messages? Qt version?

CreateUserWizard control problem (password issue)?

Every password that i enter and when i click the button, it tells me that the password is wrong. it activates this field in its properties: InvalidPasswordErrorMessage.
I suspect that the user tries to use the password to connect to the database.
Another weird thing, is even when a password fails to be created..(invalid), the control stores the record in the database... for example in the PasswordFailed in the members table, i get a date and the users details (The control did it in a few occassions, which is bad for login)..
The main issue however, is with the password always being invalid..
In the membership configuration you will find attributes for setting minimum number of non alpanumeric characters, min length etc. Try lowering all such values and see if it accepts your passwords. A complex password like "abc%12U8" should also be accepted.
But the error message also displays upon db connection errors so you should test the connection to the database.
also the db identity should be a member of all the "aspnet_.*" roles on the database.
