Location of Meteor mobile-config.js file - meteor

This may be an easy question, but I am not sure if my mobile-config.js file is being loaded.
I am getting this error in the simulator:
ERROR whitelist rejection
And I read somewhere that I need to put:
in my mobile-config.js file.
But it doesn't seem to be working. Where should I put my mobile-config.js file?

Create a mobile-config.js file in your project root folder and add access rules as needed:
After building your app you can check rules were applied in .meteor/local/cordova-build/config.hml where they should be listed as acess tags with origin attribute:
<access origin="https://*.mycdn.com/*"/>
<access origin="http://pbs.twimg.com/*"/>


CSS file is not found on localhost

I have a nodeJs app and I am using expressJs framework, I am trying to run:
app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname,'public')));
But I am getting this error:
CSS file is not found on localhost
app.use('/public', express.static(path.join(__dirname,'public')));
This is creating a virtual path to itself. You should use this approach when you want to name it something else. For example, let's say you want to use /assets in the path, you'd state: app.use('/assets', express.static(path.join(__dirname,'public')));
But since you have the an actual folder named public, you can just write:

Symfony looks for app folder in wrong place

My Symfony 3.3 application is looking for app folder in wrong place.
I deployed Symfony 3.3 project to a subdomain (subdomain.domain.com). Subdomain folder location on server is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME
Subdomain document root is: /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/web
This is normal Symfony folder structure, nothing changed. Why it doesn't look for app folder in correct place? What am I missing?
Error I get is:
request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Symfony\Component\Config\Exception\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException: "The file "/home/USERNAME/public_html/app/config/routing.yml" does not exist." at /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/var/cache/prod/classes.php line 3040 {"exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Config\\Exception\\FileLocatorFileNotFoundException(code: 0): The file \"/home/USERNAME/public_html/app/config/routing.yml\" does not exist. at /home/USERNAME/public_html/PROJECTNAME/var/cache/prod/classes.php:3040)"} []
I found out that composer.json was not in the correct folder. I posted that as an answer and accepted it.
composer.json file needs to be in the root folder of the app.
The error message gives you the clue, I don't know how you browse your site, but Symfony tries to find the file from your root folder, I guess you are trying to browse as a domain.if it is subdomain then URL should be like this SubDomainFolderName.DomainName
Or try to solve this using .htaccess
You should run bin/console cache:clear command after deploy.
And what about the content of getCacheDir method in AppKernel?
Should be:
return dirname(__DIR__).'/var/cache/'.$this->getEnvironment();

How to add credentials for sbt-launcher to access custom repository for bootstrap

I'm overriding repository in sbt.boot.properties file so that the bootstrap loads the file from company repository. Here is fragment in that file:
typesafe-ivy-releases: https://artifactory.mycompay.com/artifactory/simple/typesafe2-ivy/, [organisation]/[module]/[revision]/[type]s/[artifact].[ext], bootOnly
How should I provide credentials for that boot time load?
Add environment variable SBT_CREDENTIALS that contains path to file with credentials.
It was $HOME/.ivy2/.credentials in my case.
Then I could see
credentials added: Artifactory Realm#mycompany.jfrog.io joedoe/***************
in ~/.sbt/boot/update.log file.

trying to use log4j.xml file within WinRun4j

has anyone tried to use a log4j.xml reference within a WinRun4j service configuration. here is a copy of my service.ini file. I have tried many configuration combinations. this is just my latest attempt
service.name=Simple Backnet IP DataTransfer Service
service.description=This is the service for the Simple Backnet IP DataTransfer.
within the log4j.xml file, there is reference to a log file for when the application runs. if I run the java -jar -Dlog4j.configuration=file:C:\Inbox\log4j.xml ...., the log file is created accordingly. if I register my service and start the service, the log file does not get created.
has anyone had success using the -D log4j configuration, using winrun4j?
I think that you provided the vmarg.4 parameter incorrectly. In your case it has to be like:
vmarg.4=-Dlog4j.configurationFile=[Path for log4j.xml]
I am also using the same and in my case, it is working perfectly fine. Please see below example:
Have you tried setting the path in your code instead:
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "config/log4j.xml");
I'm using a relative path to a folder named config that contains log4j.xml. An absolute path is not recommended, but may work as well.
Just be sure to set this before making any calls to log4j, including any log4j config settings or static method calls!
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "config/log4j.xml");
final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Main.class);
log.info("Starting up");
I didn't specify the log4j path in the ini file, only placed log4j.xml file at the same place the jar was placed.
Also without specify the
System.setProperty("log4j.configurationFile", "config/log4j.xml");
In the Java project it was stored in (src/main/resources) and will be included in the jar, but it will not be that one used if placed outside the jar.

convert .WAR for auto deploy in karaf/servicemix

I've got very simple .WAR containing example servlet. I'm able to deploy it in servicemix using the following command:
osgi:install file:///home/seiho/apache-servicemix-4.4.2/deploy/TestServlet.war?Bundle-SymbolicName=TestServlet&Webapp-Context=/TestServlet
And then see it in my browser. But only with full path to a file, e.g.: localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html or localhost:8080/TestServlet/TestServlet (my servlet is TestServlet class).
I'd like to launch the index.html page automatically after entering: localhost:8080/TestServlet
how to do it?
I need a way to convert the .WAR file or servlet project (I've got the sources) so that new .WAR file can be auto-deployed by copying it to $SERVICEMIX_HOME/deploy directory.
I've tried editing the MANIFEST.MF file, but with no success. Probably I'm doing something wrong.
Thanks for any advice/help.
To be recognised as a wab, you need to add a context path header to your manifest:
Web-ContextPath: TestServlet
It's working now! I was doing my MANIFEST.MF according to this page: http://team.ops4j.org/wiki/display/ops4j/Pax+Web+Extender+-+War+-+OSGi-fy
The problem was that for some reason "Bundle-Version: 1.0" line was required as opposed to optional as stated on that page.
Honestly, just adding the Bundle-Version fix-it.
I knew it was something wrong with the MANIFEST.MF and after Holly Cummins' question I played with it a bit more. Thanks Holly.
I still can't do anything with the manual site launching (have to manually enter the index.html).
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/ gives me this:
Problem accessing /TestServlet/. Reason:
Not Found
Powered by Jetty://
http://localhost:8080/TestServlet/index.html gives me proper site.
