Is there a faster way to update a deployment in Meteor? - meteor

To deploy a meteor app, you enter meteor deploy
To update the deployment, is there a faster way than typing the above command again? It's quite tedious if you have a long domain name like the one in this example.

Yes. You can user aliases (nothing to do with Meteor). This is how you do it on a Mac:
alias new_name='command to be performed'
After which you must store the changes permanently in the file:
See a full explanation here:
Also, you can try running meteor deploy without the site name. I don't remember if that works or not though. meteor deploy does remember old settings files that were used, but I'm not sure if it remembers the site name you used too.


firebase deploy not updating html file, not a cache issue

I'm doing a firebase deploy, but my local file does not match my served file. I have quadrupal checked the file that's in the deployed directory, I've disabled cache, I've hard reloaded, I've navigated directly to the file, I've made additional changes to the file, I've deployed from my local dev machine and from a clean CI server.
I navigate to http://localhost:3000/views/tasks.html and see one html result and then to https://[my-firebase-url]/views/tasks.html and see an older html result for the same file.
I've done firebase deploy --debug and everything is reported as successful and the file count is correct. Is there any additional information I can find out myself? Is there a way to look at the build that's uploaded to firebase mentioned in the debug file?
This has worked every time I've ever done it until now with the same project and file structure. Any way to troubleshoot this would be awesome. Thanks!
in my case I forgot to build(ng build --prod) the modified project to update the dist folder, which is uploaded on firebase server when deploy
As the comment by Frank van Puffelencheck mentioned, checking the Firebase status dashboard for the latest information is an additional step to take. If I had done that, I would have seen that the firebase deploy service was having issues at the time.
The issue for me was that I did not save the file. As i was working with bracket and seeing the modification, I forgot it.

How to deploy my Symfony2 project into ftp

I searched and tried a couple of tutorials on the internet but none of them worked for me well.
The tutorials I followed were from Symfony2 documentation, Dator, Hpatoio and Capifony.
Can somebody explain to me how I can export my project into my server. E.g.
It would be very helpful to me.
I have a bundle and inside the bundles all controller and twig templates etc are set.
If you have any questions please ask.
Thanks in advance.
First off it should be noted that deploying a Symfony2 app over FTP is really really bad. It makes a couple of steps more difficult (or even impossible) and should be avoided. If you have SSH access to the machine look at my list of alternative deployment methods below.
There are a few things you cannot influence when you deploy over FTP. If you have no control over the following or can not configure them correctly you unfortunately have no chance of deploying to a shared hosting.
The PHP configuration. If settings are not set correctly and you have no chance of changing them you are unfortunately lost.
Any PHP module you may require. Same as above. If you can not install any additional modules you need there is no chance for you. (An example for that would be the php5-intl module for any Symfony <2.6)
Correct folder permissions. Especially for app/cache and app/logs. Check the docs for requirements.
The Webserver configuration. Symfony needs a correctly configured Webserver (in most cases probably apache or nginx) to function correctly. If you can not influence the config this is bad as well. You might want to try to define the rewrite rules in a .htaccess file as described here.
Here are the steps you need to follow to prepare your application for deployment for the first time:
Update / Install vendors. Use composer install (or composer update) to install any third party bundle or library you use in your project since you have no option to install them later directly on the server.
If you use Assetic for your asset management, make sure you install these as well with the php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod command.
Dump any other assets like so: php app/console assets:install --env=prod. (This step might not be required but you need to make sure the assets are not symlinked. Check this blog post if you are using symfony >=2.6)
Clear the cache for production: php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
Make sure you edit your parameters.yml to fit the needs of your production server.
Also update your database schema on your production database in case you have changed it during development.
Now you should be good to go. Copy the whole folder onto your server and try it out.
For the future
If you deploy for the second time make sure not to override any user data (e.g. uploaded images). Also you need to clear the cache over ftp. To do that empty the app/cache directory.
Alternative deployment methods
In case you have more access to the server check out any of these. They might fit your needs better than old pure FTP. Maybe they give you reason enough to change to a more appropriate server. Capifony is probably one of the best deployment tools for Symfony2 apps. Deployment will be as easy as running cap deploy on your local machine. The rest is magic ;) Simple git is also possible for deployment. Many of the above steps will still apply but you have all the advantages git gives you like not copying everything every time you deploy. A very good list of all tools can be found in the docs.
It might help if you tell us a little more about your server set up, but here's a fairly generic guide:
Assuming you want to upload it using ftp (since you tagged the question as such), you will need an FTP
client (see here for some suggestions).
Using the FTP client, you'll want to connect to your server
(hostname: using your credentials (if it is a secured
From there, you should be able to upload any files from your local
machine to the server.
More specific directions will depend on your server configuration and the FTP client you choose (it should come with its own manual)

Permanently configure Meteor development MongoDB url

I am trying a test to move all my development to IDE, but with limited space in my Nitrous box I want to permanently host my Mongo databases at Currently each day I need to set my MONGO_URL by running:
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://<user>:<pass><db>'
If I fire up another console or logout of Nitrous my MONGO_URL needs to set again.
How can I set the development MONGO_URL for good per meteor app? I cannot find a config file anywhere.
Nitrous support helped me find a quick solution. Just wanted to answer it here for others with the same issue.
Open ~/.bash_profile and enter your DB information.
export MONGO_URL='mongodb://'
Next in the console run source ~/.bash_profile to load the settings.
This sets the DB for your entire node.js box, not individual meteor apps, so you may want to structure your Mongo collections accordingly with subcollections.
you can do this in one line like so:
MONGO_URL='mongodb://<user>:<pass><db>' meteor
I don't know much about but in AWS EC2 I have an upstart job that runs this for me when the server starts.
I gist'd my approach a while back, I've since changed it a bit but this still works:
I don't know that this will help you in though, good luck!

Meteor deploy erase public folder

on meteor i've just added a new feature to download some image in public/img/aSpecificFolder.
It works locally, but i've seen that each time i deploy on using deploy command, it looks like that public folder is completely erased. Or maybe that the deploy remove the current app and install a new one. So it only keept the connection to db but all files are removed and put again.
What is the good way of doing if i want to store image on ?
Have you considered using something like collections-fs. When you deploy on meteor it will clear your previous app and use the new one.
If you use something like collections-fs it lets you store your files in the mongo database instead, so they're not actually on the same server that serves out data.
This is also good in another way (scaling) since each virtual environment that hosts your app is able to access the files. If you store the files statically they will only be accessible on one of the servers.
For the moment meteor hosting (via meteor deploy) uses one server, but its likely it will be scalabale in future.

Git pull from heroku

How do I pull from heroku?
I have wordpress running in my heroku app and i changed some stuff via the template editor.
I'd like to have these changes also locally.
When i try to pull from heroku i get the message:
Already up-to-date.
But I don't have these changes locally
It's normal to get the Already up-to-date message, since the remote changes weren't commit and pushed.
Since you cannot commit and push from Heroku, you need work locally and then deploy. And that's how you should work at first place.
What did you change with the template editor? Probably configuration, and not code right? So if you do a pull from Heroku, you're not going to see changes? (I'm not familiar with wordpress - but I doubt the template changes result in code changes). So I guess I'm hypothesising that it's right: there are no changes.
Perhaps what you really want are database changes?
By the way, you can now clone a Heroku app with the new heroku git:clone
What does git branch -r --no-merged return? If it returns any branches, it means those branches have changes you don't have in the current branch yet. Merge them to get the changes.
Otherwise, the thing you are pulling does indeed not have any changes. That can mean that the changes you are looking for in another branch.
What you might want to do in that case is git fetch <heroku> where heroku is the name of the remote pointing to the heroku repository. That'll fetch all banches from heroku, which you then are able to merge.
