Meteor deploy erase public folder - meteor

on meteor i've just added a new feature to download some image in public/img/aSpecificFolder.
It works locally, but i've seen that each time i deploy on using deploy command, it looks like that public folder is completely erased. Or maybe that the deploy remove the current app and install a new one. So it only keept the connection to db but all files are removed and put again.
What is the good way of doing if i want to store image on ?

Have you considered using something like collections-fs. When you deploy on meteor it will clear your previous app and use the new one.
If you use something like collections-fs it lets you store your files in the mongo database instead, so they're not actually on the same server that serves out data.
This is also good in another way (scaling) since each virtual environment that hosts your app is able to access the files. If you store the files statically they will only be accessible on one of the servers.
For the moment meteor hosting (via meteor deploy) uses one server, but its likely it will be scalabale in future.


How to access Word Press (Elementor) code on local machine

I'm developing a website using Word Press (Elementor plugin) and I want to create a custom widget. I found a tutorial I want to follow (, the only problem is that I have no idea how to access the code on my local machine to begin. From what I can tell, everything I'm doing is on the word press website, and the code isn't on my local machine. How do I go about getting the code onto my local machine so I can begin working with it in vscode?
You need a way to spin up local apache or nginx server and mysql, along with Wordpress. I suggest the app Local:
Then, if you want to copy your production environment (your website), you need to get the files for the theme and any plugins onto your local environment. Local pairs with some hosting providers to make this easy. Otherwise you can install by downloading the files. Some hosting providers give you FTP or SFTP access to your site files. Figure out how you can gain access and download them.
Lastly, if you want, you can copy the database over to your local environment. There is a great plugin called WP Sync DB that does this for free. It can also be a way to push your local environment to your production environment, but I definitely suggest keeping backups if you are going to do that.

meteor mup: building and deploying programatically

I want to set autoscaling for my meteor app.
Ideally I would like to keep build image ready on s3(or some other storage, image would be typically generated from last build) and using aws-lambda(so that no dedicated build server is needed) to deploy using this image on new instance. I would like all this to be finished within 2 minutes.
So is it possible to mup for these tasks
build image and save it to aws s3, without deployment.
run mup deploy programatically using image from aws s3.
No need of mup setup, because I will launch instance with ami which has already been setup.
mup is also setting up ssl for me using letsencrypt.
I am also open to other tools/scripts to achieve this.
You won't get much response from this question, because mup makes deployment life quite simple, and most people who use it don't know much about what it does.
You should have a look at the code of meteor-up to see what it does, and see where you can extend it for your own purposes. You could also look at yamup, as that is another approach to the same problem.

How can I work on an existing Firebase (functions) project on a different machine?

I'm relatively new to Firebase and want to work on one Firebase Project from multiple Machines. When setting up a new Project locally via firebase CLI and attaching it to an existing Project in the cloud, there's a full project folder created in my local directory.
Is there any chance of sort of "downloading"/updating an existing project to a second machine?
The workaround I'd have chosen would be to manually copy the whole directory to the new environment and then login firebase.
But this would, given the fact of missing source control, bring the risk of overwriting changes made on machine 1 yesterday, when firebase deploy from machine 2 today, wouldn't it?
Sorry for maybe not expressing myself in a decent it-guy way, but I'm far from being a full-blooded programmer.
You have to manage your source code yourself, typically using a source control mechanism such as git or svn. Firebase does not provide a source control system for the code and configuration that you deploy to Cloud Functions.

Proper way to deploy Meteor app without data to custom server

I want to deploy a meteor app to some custom Linux server. Sure currently installed project packages must be preserved on the destination server.
So I need to pack my local project structure, upload it to the server and unpack it there (or something else).
I think I need (or can) at least remove .meteor/local/* folder content.
What about .meteor/.id file content? Anything else?
I can't find any documentation explaining how to do this but taking into account Meteor's usage simplicity philosophy there must be some simple command to pack application distro.
If you are deploying you should use the meteor build(docs) command which creates a tarball contains your application.
But to make the setup even simpler you could use Meteor-up takes care of the whole deployment process even including preparation of the target server.

Reason behind the large size of meteor js apps/projects

I've been cleaning up my directories and noticed that each Meteor.js project takes up at least 77MB (and typically, more like 150MB)! To figure out what was happening, I went ahead and created a new app:
meteor create myapp
At this point, the folder takes up about 7kb.
But after I do this
cd myapp
the folder size balloons up to 77MB.
After some digging around, I managed to pinpoint to size increase the .meteor/db folder. More specifically, running the app creates these local* files inside .meteor/db which are each >16Mbs. I opened these and they're mainly just a long string of 0000s with a few non-0000s here and there.
If I start doing more -- adding data, to Meteor.collections, etc -- the size balloons to 100+MB.
My questions
What are these files for and why are they so huge?
Is there any way to make my app smaller (zipping the folder cuts the size down to 1.8MB so a lot of the additional bloat looks like it could be stripped away somehow.
Running meteor in development mode (the default) creates an instance of mongodb for you under your .meteor directory. It's huge, I know. But don't worry - this is only for development so you don't need to setup your own mongodb instance on your localhost. You can clean it up at any time by running:
$ meteor reset
When you go to deploy your app, you will bundle your project which does not include any of these files.
To add to what David Weldon said.
If the size of the app locally is an issue, you could always use a Mongo database that is not stored locally, like a mongodb-as-a-service provider such as: MongoLab or MongoHQ
Also, for me using jasmine tests created a mirrors folder totaling 15Gb...
