How to animated and drag white circle - css

I am trying to create this type of animation with jQuery svg.
First sorry about my English.
When user clicks on icon circle minor animated circle. And drag this to drag circle with dots minor.
See this link make this type animation:
or any other type.
This is my website link
I don't know how to do this.
Please help me to create this type animation.


How do I change the text in one area of my page when I hover over a link elsewhere on the same page?

I'm fairly new to all this so please bear with me...
I'm designing a Web page for a class and I have a set of 5 pictures arranged to appear like a camera shutter. Each picture is a link to another page.
In the pentagon in the center there are to be the words, "Hover over an image to learn more," and when you hover over one of the shutter "slices," I want the text in the pentagon to change to a small description of the image being hovered over (rather than using mouseover text). Is there a simple way to do this?

Rounded buttons in cocos2d-x

With the normal Button class in cocos2d-x, we can create round buttons by using images having the edges rounded off. However the hit testing still "works" on the invisible edges because there is likely just no such feature to ignore the touches that occur on the invisible parts and/or the edges. Does anyone know a fix/workaround for this?
The purpose is to not have the button be tapped if the tap is on an area within the rectangle and on a 0 opacity point.
You should definitely check this IrregularButton class made by Shuai Yuan.

Removing the gap between a firefox toolbarbutton and the dropdown marker

I have a toolbarbutton of type menu-button which is working perfectly in my Firefox extension, however it's not styled quiet as I'd like.
There is a gap with an outline between the buttpon image and the dropdown marker arrow (the red arrow shows the outlined gap I'm referring to - the outline is part of the problem - and you can also see the AdBlock Plus button which does not have this problem).
Also, when you hover over the image/button a shaded grey background appears.
I'd like to remove the gap (AdBlock Plus manages this with their toolbar button but I haven't figured out how) and also remove the shading (I hava hover image defined for the button which should be sufficient to indicate that you are in the click-zone).
Can anyone give me any pointers? It seems to be something to do with the following two classes: toolbarbutton-1 and chromeclass-toolbar-additional
The gap is because the type is "menu-button", and ADP button type is "menu". The gap style is depend on the theme you are using.
The image problem, how do you setup the image? In my case, it work fine to setup with = 'url("chrome://referrercontrol/skin/icon24.png");'

Title attribute on circle overlays

I understand that google.maps.Marker can have a title set to them in their options, can the same be done for google.maps.Circle?
I've tried just setting title on the google.maps.CircleOptions object, but that doesn't seem to do anything.
Is there a way I can give the circle overlays a title? I imagine there is, as when you hover over a circle, the cursor is changed to pointer so there must be some kind of detection there. I don't want to make my own custom tooltip and attach it to the hover event on the circle, I want to use the browser's built in title hover.
CircleOptions object:
It is not currently possible to add a title to a circle. As you can see from the CircleOptions, it doesn't list 'title' as a option that you can use.
A work around could be to listen to the mousemove event on the circle then to show your own title as a custom OverlayView

How to create a button on our desire shape like circle, star in flex 3?

I would like to customize the shape of the button to different shapes like circle, star, square or of any shape. How would i achieve so?
I apologize because this doesn't answer your question, but:
In order to make sure the user can reliably click on your button, you probably want it to be a convex shape. A rectangle or circle is fine, and you could paint a star on it. But you wouldn't want the user to try to click your star and miss, just because they were not quite inside one of its arms.
Canvas can be used as button.
Take a canvas of required size. Give your required button shape(image) as background image to canvas.
Explanation: {nextYellowButton} is the embedded button. It is an arrow mark shape button.
It is a .PNG image. So, it doesn't include the background color.
Now your button is of arrow shape. it occupies 50px * 50px area on screen. But it looks exactly like an arrow mark.
