How to make link in header using meteoric - meteor

I need to make a link to another page in Meteor using Meteoric package. I'm trying to add it to the right of the header with a button. If I create a button in {{#contentFor "headerButtonRight"}} - it aligns as expected. But if I add a tag - alignment is no longer applied. I tried putting the element to "headerTitle" and add class "pull-right" but results are the same. Currently my code looks like this:
{{#contentFor "headerButtonRight"}}
<button class="button button-clear pull-right">{{> ionIcon icon="ios-barcode"}} Scan</button>
If this is not the correct way to put a link button to the right of the header - what is?
Thank You in advance.

You probably don't need the button nested inside the link tage try...
{{#contentFor "headerButtonRight"}}
{{> ionIcon icon="ios-barcode"}} Scan


Link button onClick not working in React, css to change button to a link?

I have a button in React which when clicked scrolls the page to the desired location, which is working.
<div className={styles.classB}>
     <Button onClick={ScreenMover.MoveToElem} > Extras </Button>
But I wanted the same onClick feature without a button, say a link and when clicking it should do the same operation. So I have used the below Link button, but it is not taking the onClick instead it goes to the page top based on the to="" attribute.
<div className={styles.classL}>
<Link className={styles.linkButton} onClick={ScreenMover.MoveToElem} to=""> Extras </Link>
Another thought, if we can not achieve the above one, then can we have a button look like a link by applying some css style to the button? I should be able to override the inherited button styles and instead it should take the link look and feel. Is it possible and can we have a sample css class for it?
Thanks in advance.
The Link object is important for you?
If not you can use a simple <p> tag and the onClick event will working perfectly.
<p className={styles.linkButton} onClick={ScreenMover.MoveToElem}> Extras </p>

When using ui-select with theme Bootstrap: how to make the select smaller?

When using ui-select with theme Bootstrap, the "select" looks the same size of a Bootstrap button, ie: btn btn-default
I want the select to look like a "btn-sm" button.
How can I do that? what classes should I modify?
A solution someone gave in the Github site of ui-select:
Wrap the directive in a div with form-group-sm, eg:
<div class='form-group-sm'><ui-select>...</ui-select></div>

Change button title with css

Good morning, Im sure im missing something obvious but I am struggling finding the correct CSS to change the button text on this page
I want to change the text from "continue shopping" to Add to Order.
Thanks in advance!
It isn't in the CSS, rather it's in the HTML.
Here is the markup - it is in an a tag. Inside of <div id="content" class="content clearfix">
Continue Shopping
Here is a modified version to include "Add to order":
Add to order
Note, the title attribute should be changed to match it - as #Andrew pointed out in the comments.
This is an HTML issue. The line of code you need to modify is:
<a class="Cart66ButtonSecondary" title="Continue Shopping" href="">Continue Shopping</a>

AngularJS view rendering issue

I am using ng-view to render dynamic data on my page. When the page loads, if I use static html I get this (top):
When Angular loads the page the data is there but it's like the element is still empty (bottom).
If I make even the slightest adjustment in Chrome dev tools, the items snap into place but I cannot get them to prefill without using CSS to make them static sizes, which doesn't work because text is different sizes. The elements in question have CSS of inline-block.
As you can see in this screenshot, I have tried two ways of populating the data, both with the same result:
<div class="cd-rating" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
<span class="score" ng-bind="caseData.adjustedScore | number:0" ng-cloak>N/A</span>
<span class="verdict">{{caseData.recommendation}}</span>
Here is the what the HTML looks like in the browser:
<div class="cd-rating medium" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
<span class="score ng-binding" ng-bind="caseData.adjustedScore | number:0">349</span>
<span class="verdict ng-binding">review</span>
If I hard-code that HTML identically, then it renders perfectly. It's only when Angularjs renders it that the elements are collapsed, appearing if there is not content.
I would also like to add that I am using RequireJS and manually bootstrapping the app instead of using the ng-app directive, in case that matters.
Any ideas on how to make the view fill the elements?
EDIT: Here is a video that demonstrates the behavior:
I am not able to figure out what exactly you mean by the " is still there but the element is empty.." - the only issue that I find with the rendering by AngularJS is that the "Review" (button?) is overwritten with the number.
Looking at your code (which, as #Wingman4l7 suggests needs to be posted in the question rather than as a image), I see that you are using bindings to define a class dynamically. Instead, can you use the ng-class directive and see if it resolves the issue?
That is, replace:
<div class="cd-rating {{caseData.scoreClass}}">
<div class="cd-rating" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
instead and check if the issue gets resolved?

Creating Valid XHTML Clickable Block Region

I'm trying to make a "clickable" region.
style="display: block"
A is an inline element but the CSS made it a block.
If the above is valid, then the following should be valid too:
style="display: block"
<div>Some DIV that links to StackOverflow</div>
But shouldn't be flagging it as invalid (which it is right now).
If it is invalid, what would be the most proper way to make a block element "clickable" and redirects to an arbitrary page. I'm aware I can use JS onclick to achieve this behaviour, but how will Google see this?
The validator is correct - you can't put <div> inside <a>, no matter what you do afterwards with CSS.
The proper thing to do is what you did in your first code block - <a style="display: block;">
If you want something inside that you can do <a style="display: block;"><span style="display: block;">
Don't confuse valid HTML with valid CSS. It is valid to use the display css property to make inline elements block. It is not valid to put block HTML elements within inline ones.
It doesn't follow that the one being valid implies the other has to be. There are nesting rules for HTML, and div-within-anchor doesn't fit them, which is why is giving you a hard time.
If you truly must have a div, rather than text, images or <span style="display: block">s, that's clickable, then yes, you will have to use an onclick event. Google will not understand or acknowledge the existence of the link. (You may be able to cope with this by having an anchor on something that anchors can apply to, in addition to the onclick div.)
Something I've done in the past with this sort of problem is invoke the click on the parent element (My example uses jQuery):
<div class="link">
Visit Google
document.location = $(this).find("a:first").attr("href");
With styles you could make the entire area appear to be the link by setting the cursor, a roll-over state, etc.
First you need to know whether you want to use strict or transitional XHTML (frameset is not useful here). Then you look into the DTD (link) and you'll see that A cannot have a DIV inside.
Why don't you use an area tag for this? It is supposed to define the clickable area in an imagemap.
Google bots now follow simple javascript links, so using JS on the onClick event of your div is an option. Other search engine bots don't do that, but sooner or later they will.
More info in this article.
