Creating Valid XHTML Clickable Block Region - css

I'm trying to make a "clickable" region.
style="display: block"
A is an inline element but the CSS made it a block.
If the above is valid, then the following should be valid too:
style="display: block"
<div>Some DIV that links to StackOverflow</div>
But shouldn't be flagging it as invalid (which it is right now).
If it is invalid, what would be the most proper way to make a block element "clickable" and redirects to an arbitrary page. I'm aware I can use JS onclick to achieve this behaviour, but how will Google see this?

The validator is correct - you can't put <div> inside <a>, no matter what you do afterwards with CSS.
The proper thing to do is what you did in your first code block - <a style="display: block;">
If you want something inside that you can do <a style="display: block;"><span style="display: block;">

Don't confuse valid HTML with valid CSS. It is valid to use the display css property to make inline elements block. It is not valid to put block HTML elements within inline ones.

It doesn't follow that the one being valid implies the other has to be. There are nesting rules for HTML, and div-within-anchor doesn't fit them, which is why is giving you a hard time.
If you truly must have a div, rather than text, images or <span style="display: block">s, that's clickable, then yes, you will have to use an onclick event. Google will not understand or acknowledge the existence of the link. (You may be able to cope with this by having an anchor on something that anchors can apply to, in addition to the onclick div.)

Something I've done in the past with this sort of problem is invoke the click on the parent element (My example uses jQuery):
<div class="link">
Visit Google
document.location = $(this).find("a:first").attr("href");
With styles you could make the entire area appear to be the link by setting the cursor, a roll-over state, etc.

First you need to know whether you want to use strict or transitional XHTML (frameset is not useful here). Then you look into the DTD (link) and you'll see that A cannot have a DIV inside.

Why don't you use an area tag for this? It is supposed to define the clickable area in an imagemap.

Google bots now follow simple javascript links, so using JS on the onClick event of your div is an option. Other search engine bots don't do that, but sooner or later they will.
More info in this article.


How "safe" are Angular 2 custom html tags? (selectors: Custom tags vs. Custom attributes)

This is a question regarding Angular 2 selectors, Custom tags vs. Custom attributes, SEO and browser rendering.
When I first started to look over Angular 2, the very first thing I did when following their quickstart, right of the bat, was to change my selector to '[my-component]' (attribute selector) instead of 'my-component' (tag selector), so I could have <div my-component></div> in my html instead of <my-component></my-component>, which isn't valid html. So I would write html according to standards. Well, at least pretty close to standards (because my-component isn't a valid html attribute, but I could live with only that html validation error)
Then, at some point in a video on youtube, someone from the angular team mentioned that we should use the tag selector, performance wise at least.
Alright I said, screw html validation... or shouldn't I?
Say I ignore the W3C screaming about my html being completely invalid because of the <custom-tags>. I actually have another bigger and more real concern: how does this impact SEO?
I mean don't just think client-side app, because in the real world (and for my angular 2 project as well) I also have server-side rendering, for 2 very important reasons: SEO and Fast initial rendering of the site to the user for that initial view, before the app bootstraps. You can not have a very high traffic SPA otherwise.
Sure, google will crawl my site, regardless of the tags I use, but will it rank it the same in both scenarios: one with <custom-make-believe-tags> and the other with only standard html tags?
Let's talk browsers and css:
As I started to build my first SPA site in Angular 2, I was immediately faced with another concern:
Say (in a non SPA site) I have the following html markup:
<a class="logo">
<div class="widgets">
<form class="frm-quicksearch"> ... </form>
<div class="dropdown">
<!-- a user dropdown menu here -->
<div class="video-listing">
<div class="video-item"> ... </div>
<div class="video-item"> ... </div>
Angular 2 wise I would have the following component tree:
Now, I have 2 options. Let's just take the <video-listing-component> for example, to keep this simple... I either
A) place the entire standard html tags which I already have (<div class="video-item"></div>) within the <video-item-component> tag, and once rendered will result in this:
<div class="video-listing>
<div class="video-item>...</div>
B) Only put the content of <div class="video-item"> directly into my <video-item-component> component and adding the required class (class="video-item") for styling on the component tag, resulting in something like this:
<video-listing-component class="video-listing">
<video-item-component class="video-item"></video-item-component>
<video-item-component class="video-item"></video-item-component>
Either way (A or B), the browser renders everything just fine.
BUT if you take a closer look (after everything is rendered in the dom, of course), by default the custom tags don't occupy any space in the dom. They're 0px by 0px. Only their content occupies space. I don't get it how come the browser still renders everything as you would want to see it, I mean in the first case (A):
While having float: left; width: 25%; on the div class="video-item", but each of these divs being within a <video-item-component> tag, which doesn't have any styling... Isn't it just a fortunate side-effect that the browser renders everything as you'd expect? With all the <div class="video-item"> floating next to eachother, even though each of them are within another tag, the <video-item-component> which does NOT have float: left? I've tested on IE10+, Firefox, Chrome, all fine. Is it just fortunate or is there a solid explanation for this and we can safely rely for this kind of markup to be rendered as we'd expect by all (or at least most) browsers?
Second case (B):
If we use classes and styling directly on the custom tags (<video-item-component>)... again, everything shows up fine. But as far as I know, we shouldn't style custom components, right? Isn't this also just a fortunate expected outcome? Or is this fine also? I don't know, maybe I'm still living in 2009... am I?
Which of these 2 approaches (A or B) would be the recommended one? Or are both just fine?
I have no ideea!!
D'oh, thanks Günter Zöchbauer. Yeah, since my divs have float: left, that's why the (custom or not) tag they're wrapped in doesn't expand it's height. Seems I've forgotten how css works since I started to look over Angular 2:)
But one thing still remains:
If I set a percentage width on a block element (call it E), I would assume it takes x% of it's immediate parent. If I set float: left, I would expect floating within the immediate parent. In my A case, since the immediate parent is a custom tag with no display type and no width, I would expect for things to break somehow, but still... my E elements behave like their parent isn't the custom tag they're each wrapped in, but the next one in the dom (which is <div class="video-listing> in my case). And they occupy x% of that and they float within that. I don't expect this to be normal, I would think this is just a fortunate effect, and I'm afraid that one day, after some browser update... I'll wake up to find all my Angular 2 sites looking completely broken.
So... are both A and B an equally proper approach? Or am I doing it wrong in case A?
Let's simplify things a bit. As I got part of my question answered, let's take another example of generated html (simplified a bit, with inlined css):
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
<div style="float: left; width: 50%;">
In the original, not yet implemented html (whithout <angular-component-...>, those divs should float left and each occupy 50% of the <footer>. Surprisingly, once they're wrapped in the <angular-component-...> custom tags, they do the same: occupy 50% of the footer. But this just seems like good fortune to me, dumb luck... Unintended effect.
So, is it or isn't it "dumb luck"?
Should I leave it like that, or rewrite so instead of the above code, I would have something like this:
<angular-component-left style="display: block; float: left; width: 50%;">
<angular-component-right style="display: block; float: left; width: 50%;">
Note that the inline styling is introduced here for simplicity, I would actually have a class instead which would be in an external css file included in the <head> of my document, not through style or styleUrls from my angular components.
The issue is your HTML validator. The - in the element name is required for elements to be treated as custom elements and it is valid HTML5. Angular doesn't require - in element names but it's good practice.
Check for example (search for x-foo) or I'm sure this dash rule is specified somewhere but wasn't able to find the spec. It is for example required in Polymer that depends on elements being proper custom elements while this doesn't matter much in Angular. The only difference as far as I know is that when you query the element, you get a HTMLUnknownElement when the - is missing in the name and a HTMLElement when it contains a -.
See also this question I asked a few years ago Why does Angular not need a dash in component name
BUT if you take a closer look, by default the custom tags don't occupy any space in the dom. They're 0px by 0px. Only their content occupies space. I just don't get it how come the browser still renders everything as you would want to see it
I'm not sure I understand this question. When Angular processes the template it adds the content dynamically. When you see the content in the browser than it's also available in the DOM and has actual dimensions.
Search engine crawlers are able to process pages that are generated by JavaScript. If this isn't enough, server-side rendered pages can provide static HTML to crawlers that contain the whole view.

AngularJS view rendering issue

I am using ng-view to render dynamic data on my page. When the page loads, if I use static html I get this (top):
When Angular loads the page the data is there but it's like the element is still empty (bottom).
If I make even the slightest adjustment in Chrome dev tools, the items snap into place but I cannot get them to prefill without using CSS to make them static sizes, which doesn't work because text is different sizes. The elements in question have CSS of inline-block.
As you can see in this screenshot, I have tried two ways of populating the data, both with the same result:
<div class="cd-rating" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
<span class="score" ng-bind="caseData.adjustedScore | number:0" ng-cloak>N/A</span>
<span class="verdict">{{caseData.recommendation}}</span>
Here is the what the HTML looks like in the browser:
<div class="cd-rating medium" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
<span class="score ng-binding" ng-bind="caseData.adjustedScore | number:0">349</span>
<span class="verdict ng-binding">review</span>
If I hard-code that HTML identically, then it renders perfectly. It's only when Angularjs renders it that the elements are collapsed, appearing if there is not content.
I would also like to add that I am using RequireJS and manually bootstrapping the app instead of using the ng-app directive, in case that matters.
Any ideas on how to make the view fill the elements?
EDIT: Here is a video that demonstrates the behavior:
I am not able to figure out what exactly you mean by the " is still there but the element is empty.." - the only issue that I find with the rendering by AngularJS is that the "Review" (button?) is overwritten with the number.
Looking at your code (which, as #Wingman4l7 suggests needs to be posted in the question rather than as a image), I see that you are using bindings to define a class dynamically. Instead, can you use the ng-class directive and see if it resolves the issue?
That is, replace:
<div class="cd-rating {{caseData.scoreClass}}">
<div class="cd-rating" ng-class="caseData.scoreClass">
instead and check if the issue gets resolved?

What should be the following tag to a span nested within an anchor?

I am trying to learn fundamentals of html and markings.
I want to create an anchor which containes two lines of information.
first line: the name of the link
second line: short explanation
<a href='#'>
<span class="alt">-Information about studies</span>
Is this correct?
How should the following (2nd span) be modified if necessary?
Thank you
PS. Both lines need to be surrounded with span for css-styling.
First off, don't rule out using a br tag. This is a semantically-appropriate place for a br tag (forcing a hard break inside a line or paragraph of text). Plus, if you use a br tag, it may no longer be necessary to put either of the two lines of text in separate tags, unless you want to style them differently.
<a href='#'>
-Information about studies
Second, try viewing the HTML with stylesheets disabled (I do this in Firefox by pressing ctrl-shift-S, with a little help from the Web Developer extension). Is the browser able to render the content in an easy-to-read way based solely on the HTML provided? To some extent, the more readable the "unstyled" content appears, the more semantically-correct the HTML is.
Given that the second line of text seems to be secondary to the first line (a subtitle, not as important, possibly redundant or not entirely essential), putting the first line in a strong tag or putting the second line in a small tag are a couple ways to establish the relative importance of the two lines, if you wish to do so.
<a href='#'>
-Information about studies
<a href='#'>
<small>-Information about studies</small>
There's some room for personal preference here. These are just two approaches.
It may be a little bit of a stretch using a small tag in a case like this, but it's not entirely inappropriate. A small tag is typically used for "fine print", attribution, disclaimers, or side comments. It doesn't semantically mean the text is small, but it does tend to be used for content that's secondary to something else (that clarifies something else). It should though only be used for text that's short in length.
And a strong tag doesn't have to be styled bold. In fact, that's the whole point of semantic markup: It doesn't specify or imply how the content will be styled; all it does is offer a hint to the meaning or context of the content. A strong tag can reasonably be given a style of font-weight:normal.
In order to achieve that those are in separate lines, try using the <div> tag instead. You can still specify a class for styling, the only difference is that <div>s are block-elements; each of them is rendered on a separate line. Here's the modified version of your code:
<a href='#'>
<div class="alt">-Information about studies</div>
Another, slightly more preferable way of doing that is by styling the elements to be block-elements. That can be used by setting the CSS display property to block. Something like:
<a href='#'>
<span class = "alt block">-Information about studies</span>
(Note that class = "alt block" means the element has both classes alt and block, and note also that the first <span> is removed because there's no need to style that node with anything).
.block {
display: block;
Hope that helped you!

Hide Alt text when Hover

I have a DIV tag. Inside the DIV, I have a Table and in a row, I have placed a script code which displays random images which on a click leads to a url.
This is how the script renders inside the Div Tag
<script />
<a href="some random url">
When the user hovers over these images, the anchor url shows as a message on browser status bar. This is very misleading for users. I want to know how to use CSS to hide this status message - Cross Browser and display a custom message instead. On the Div, I have given onmouseout and onmouseover, however it does not help.
Can this be done?
See :
This property does not work in default configuration of Firefox and some other browsers: setting window.status has no effect on the text displayed in the status bar. To allow scripts change the the status bar text, the user must set the dom.disable_window_status_change preference to false in the about:config screen.
This is a security feature that you can't realistically bypass.
common users dont know that they should look at that place in the browser window.
but you can hide that message... you can maybe just redirect with javascript
something like this:
<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="someredirectfunction('someurl');return false;" >
<img />
onmouseout and onmouse over are used for events for client side scripting. Those are used "mostly" for a language called ecmascript(javascript). You unfortunately will not be able to do what you are asking with CSS, css is desinged to represent the appearance of a site, HTML the form, and javascript (other scripting sources) the function.

Getting rid of extra padding for RadTab

I don't know how strong the support of RadControls over here is, but it can't be worse than Telerik(there I'm lucky to get a response in 2-3 days), so I'm going to try here first.
Basically, I'm trying to do custom theming(using just CSS classes) throughout my application, so I tried setting the CSS classes needed on the telerik RadTab controls.
Well, when inspecting it in firebug, it adds an extra like 50 px of padding to each tab, which there seems to be no control over. This is their rendered markup
<li class="rtsLI rtsFirst">
<a href="#" class="rtsLink ui-state-default"> <!--This is the only place where I can put in my own custom CSS class-->
<span class="rtsOut">
<span class="rtsIn">
<span class="rtsTxt">
Common Application
Now, I know you can't see the style classes, but according to Firebug, every class prefixed with "rts" has the line padding-left: 9px in the style sheet which would of course explain the extra padding problem. (Why do they need all this nesting anyway?!)
Anyway, I would like to remove that padding. How would you do this? Also, is there some way jquery could help to remove the padding?
If you know which setting you need to change for which classes, then the best thing to do would be to build an own style sheet with those instructions, and include it after the original stylesheet.
The important thing is to specify the classes exactly as you see them in the original style sheet, because the more specific a rule is, the more weight it has when the browser determines which settings overrule which.
This is slightly more work than doing a simple .className xyz { padding-left: 0px !important } but much, much better for maintenance. Plus, IE < 8 doesn't respect important.
