How do I add starter content to a project manually? - unreal-development-kit

I think I'm experiencing a bug where if I delete a project, then create a project with the same name indicating I want it to have starter content, it doesn't appear.

I've been getting this bug as well recently (with v4.14.0)
If anyone else has this issue, you need to find the Content Browser. Click the Add New button then chose Add Feature or Content Pack from the menu. On the Content Packs tab and you should see some options there for either the normal starter content or the mobile version.
Note that once you've done this you should be able to find the starter map (with the chairs) in:
Content > StarterContent > Maps > Minimal_Default

I don't think it is possible to add starter content to an established project via the launcher. You can, however, just create a new project with the starter content and then move it to your old project. To do this you have to right-click on the starter content in your content browser and use the migrate option.


Divi Builder not loading saved layout

I have a problem with Divi Builder. I am using Pagely to clone one site into a staging environment. The cloning part goes well and everything is in place.
When I try to access a page on the staging in order to edit it (Via Divi builder) the structure is not there. If I go back to the public are I can see the page structure in place and also I can confirm that the data is there because I checked using inspect that the poststuff text area contains the same data.
It seems that on the staging the structure under et_pb_main_container is not loaded properly
Instead if I check the live site the structure looks like this:
Finally the frontend displays:
Instead of what I am able to see on the live site:
Have you tried saving the layout to the library? I would give that a shot then load it and see if that jogs the content.
Please try to disable all plugins and then check or try to use the updated version of Divi Theme.

Add template Reference (sidewaffle project)

I'm using Visual Studio Premium 2012 and installed sidewaffle. Working through examples to create a template using the falling video.
I cannot see 'Add template Reference (Sidewaffle project)' on the add menu when I right click the project. Do you know how I get this option to show? Thanks.
I couldn't get side waffle to work, I found it over complicated, I used templify instead. this works really well for creating a multiple project template.

CKEditor image properties tabs disappear

I'm having an issue with CKEditor regarding image properties. Spent many hours investigating this but ended up without solution.
I'm using Drupal 7 with the latest CKEditor AND IMCE.
When I click on the image icon on CKEditor tool bar, the image properties popup window came up but I was looking at the "advanced" tab is not showing up. No tab show up at all.
Is there any configuration that I have to apply in order to show up the tabs in the image properties?
you can try by reinstalling with ckeditor - 7.x-1.16 and imce - 7.x-1.9,
worked for me
I got this trouble when use cdn version of ckeditor instead of local.
To fix it download latest ckeditor from official site I have downloaded full version. Then copy files to /sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor. Before you copy here must be only 1 file with name COPY_HERE.txt. After copy folders adapters, lang... etc.
Then go to the global settings of the ckeditor admin/config/content/ckeditor/editg and set path to the local ckeditor library like this: %m/ckeditor. Save settings and check if advanced tabs exist now.

Django CMS Deleting HTML5 Tags and Attributes

I am having a big time issue with solving a problem. I have a placeholder called main for the content region of the page. I was building that region in the cms. Everything was going great until I attempted to add an embedded video contained in an iframe. When I save django cms completely removed the iframe and left an empty div. So I attempted to use prettyphoto light box to open the video by clicking on an image. The code I added to the page through the cms is:
<a rel='prettyPhoto[youtube]' href="" data-rel="prettyPhoto">Click Image</a>
When I saved, django cms completely removed the data-rel attribute from the link which is obviously needed for the js. So I went a step further and adapted the code of the data attribute to:
and the cms also removed that attribute! Also anytime I add an html5 tag like article of section it hates that too! What gives here? Am I doing something wrong? Any advice would be appreciated. 
Please see the discussion at We use html5lib to clean the contents of the text plugin (this cannot be turned off for security reasons).
What you'll want to do is write a custom plugin (possibly one that can be embedded inside text plugins).

Sharepoint MasterPages/Templates customization

I am pretty new to Sharepoint.
I need to customize some Sharepoint Masterpages (the background color, the font type and a few other css requeriments).
Considering I have available the following files: v4.master, default.master and two more pages which are content pages of default.master, plus the COREv4.css file.
I know I should create a copy of one of those master pages (I am not sure which tho) and customize it changing the CSS linked to it). The following questions come in regards of this:
1) The custom CSS file should be a modified copy of the COREv4.CSS or just another CSS file with the desired styles?
2) How do I create/link the customized CSS file for the modified page via Site Settings?. How/Where should I save the new file?.
3) As for the copy of v4.master, How do I load it to "replace" the original one for the site?.
4) The system is built upon Sharepoint 2010. That ensures that the page to have the modified CSS would be a v4.master copy only?.
Thank you for the insight as always.
I managed to solve the problem getting a general idea with the pdf manual provided, your suggestions and some extra steps I will describe briefly:
1) To place my custom css file I put it in the folder: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\3082\STYLES
2) I opened the site to be customized with Sharepoint Designer 2010.
3) I clicked on the option Main Pages/Master Pages, and selected the page to be v4.master page, copied and pasted it. Then I renamed it right clicking on it, selecting "Rename" and typed the new name, after doing that I right clicked one more and selected "Set page as main default page".
4) To edit the contents of the page I right clicked once more and selected the option "Edit content in advanced mode", right before the head tag ended I copied and pasted:
<SharePoint:CssRegistration name="customname.css" runat="server" After="core4.css"/>
Note that "customname.css" is my css file. Then I clicked on the floppy disk icon on the upper left side of the screen to save.
5) After doing that I used Chrome HTML/CSS Analyzer, inspecting the original (and now copied) master page to browse on the zones that needed customization in order to identify the class names/ids/element types that managed the styles to be changed. Once identified I only added to them the properties that required change, EG:
//Webparts Alternate Highlighted Rows
div#ctl00_MSO_ContentDiv tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 } tbody{ background-color:#F7FAF4 }
I mostly did this by myself by trial and error with Chrome Analyzer but I also helped the task using the Chart found here (, tho at some point going thru it turned a bit tricky and I decided to do it by myself as I mentioned. In the process I repeatedly added more styles to the custom file and then overwrote it on the server location to refresh the page/pages to see how it was looking, this till the end of the process.
Thanks for your help, I hope this serves as a guide for anyone that needs it. If you have questions let me know.
You can create a new master page from the scratch or modify the existing one.
Please have a look at this link it may help you to get answers of your questions
It's not advised to modify files of SharePoint.
Better to create new master page file, specify all CSS and script you want inside and install this with feature.
What version of SharePoint do you have? SharePoint 2010 Server or Foundation? Cause with server version you can brand your master page in a cool way:
see this link
Microsoft has a good introductory article on how you can/should do this.
