Add template Reference (sidewaffle project) - sidewaffle

I'm using Visual Studio Premium 2012 and installed sidewaffle. Working through examples to create a template using the falling video.
I cannot see 'Add template Reference (Sidewaffle project)' on the add menu when I right click the project. Do you know how I get this option to show? Thanks.

I couldn't get side waffle to work, I found it over complicated, I used templify instead. this works really well for creating a multiple project template.


Upgrading Bootstrap

I'm upgrading bootstrap 3.3.6 to 3.4.1. First need to first I need to find all the places(HTML elements) that use bootstrap 3.3.6 so I can do my regression testing covering those elements. Is there a way I can find all the bootstrap references?
This is a .net application with razor views
You can do it via search text feature in your IDE like CTRL + Shift + F in visual Studio and Rider (assume it set Visual Studio Key-map), Which provides you with tools such :
Preview of codes before navigate to it.
Search a term in specific files (.cs, .cs-html, ...).
Search a term with regular expression.
For example assume we need to find all div which is have row class ( my IDE is rider), so all you can do, after open "find in files" popup, is just set simple things like image below:

Visual Composer not parsing

I just installed a theme I bought for wordpress and I installed dummy data.
The istructions said I should install the visual composer plugin so I am assuming that is was built that way.
But when I open pages that it came with, it doesn't parse nicely.
i have 1 page, that when I open it in visual composer the entire page shows up in 1 box that says raw html data.
But when i try to view it in classic mode, all I saw is gibberish letters and numbers
There is another page, that looks like the rows are split properly. But all the boxes say 'text box' instead it should be a bannervideo editing box.
when I view it in classic mode , it looks more like visual composer code
[vc_row][vc_column][bannervideo title="Atena Excellence in teaching" desc="College / University / Campus"
text1="Take a tour" link1="#" text2="View courses" link2="#"
play="Play video" image="184" link="" linkmp4="/intro.mp4" linkogv="huploads/2016/01/intro.ogv"]
Did I do something wrong when importing dummy data, or is it a problem with my visual composer?
or am I supposed to be using a different rendering plugin
Because your theme miss map for 'bannervideo' shortcode. You should contact to theme author to fix that or provide plugin define the map for that element.
Other option for page builder is King Composer. It is works well with any website

How do I add starter content to a project manually?

I think I'm experiencing a bug where if I delete a project, then create a project with the same name indicating I want it to have starter content, it doesn't appear.
I've been getting this bug as well recently (with v4.14.0)
If anyone else has this issue, you need to find the Content Browser. Click the Add New button then chose Add Feature or Content Pack from the menu. On the Content Packs tab and you should see some options there for either the normal starter content or the mobile version.
Note that once you've done this you should be able to find the starter map (with the chairs) in:
Content > StarterContent > Maps > Minimal_Default
I don't think it is possible to add starter content to an established project via the launcher. You can, however, just create a new project with the starter content and then move it to your old project. To do this you have to right-click on the starter content in your content browser and use the migrate option.

Browse for Project Folders in Build Template TFS 2010

I'm adding a new argument to my custom Build template. The argument is almost identical to the default Projects to Build argument under Required -> Items to Build. It simply shows a dialog window with a list of folders under current TFS Project. I can't figure out what the type of control is. I tried FolderBrowserDialog but it browses the computer rather than the TFS project itself. Any help would be appreciated.
You can set the Editor for this argument to:
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls.ServerFileBrowserEditor, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls.ServerFolderBrowserEditor, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Controls
See my blog for a detailed set of steps.
All of these types are Internal, so you can't reference them from your own code or see them easily. What you can do, is set them as Editor for a parameter you created in the Build Workflow. You need to specify Typename, Assemblyname. You can find these items in the MetaData section of your Build Template.
Add your argument to the workflow:
Open the Metadata property:
Set the editor for your property:
A multi-folder select dialog is not part of the Default UI Editors. You'd have to roll your own. Either use Reflector to see how the existing ones work, or use Reflection to invoke th existing editors as part of your new editor.
It's not going to be pretty code either way, but it would work.

How to create commands shortcut on Aptana 3?

Well, Hi everyone, I'm new here. And I have this doubt about how to create a command shortcut in Aptana like works in textmate. I work with CodeIgniter framework and I saw a video on youtube about the CI, the programmer was using textmate and he create some shortcuts like this: when he wants to create this line of code "$this->load->view('[cursor]'); he just wrote "ciloadview" then the line appears. Is it possible to create shortcuts like that on Aptana 3??
In Studio 3, you can add custom snippet through rubles. You would first need to create your own ruble, and add your custom snippet accordingly. Instructions to create a ruble can be found here:
And creating a new snippet can be found here:
In your scenario, I would use "ciloadview" as the trigger and "$this->load->view('[cursor]');" would be the expansion.
