LinkedIn API Suddenly Returning 405 Error - linkedin

One of our apps that uses LinkedIn Login, and has been working fine for a long time, is now suddenly broken, as of yesterday. Most, but not all of our calls to the People endpoint return a 405 error. Did something change for that endpoint?
I'm making a GET, just as the documentation says, and I'm getting back "(405) Method Not Allowed." from LinkedIn. Here is the URL that I'm requesting:,email-address,first-name,last-name,headline,industry,summary,specialties,associations,honors,skills,interests,educations,phone-numbers,main-address,picture-url,public-profile-url,following,positions,three-current-positions,location,site-standard-profile-request)
Any help or any links to recent LinkedIn API changes would be appreciated. I can't find any reference to any changes there in the last couple of days, but our app suddenly broke and we didn't change anything on our end. Anyone?

LinkedIn made some unannounced changes yesterday which has broken their oAuth endpoint. They still haven't mentioned it of course.
You can see a workaround here:
POST HTTP/1.1 results in Method Not Found on LinkedIn

We have solved this fix adding the request header "Expect" empty like this:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:') );


Google Analytics: "The requested URL /analytics/v3/data/realtime/ was not found on this server"

A few days ago the link below no longer responded.
I visited the official API page but there is no change information.,rt:pageTitle,rt:pagePath&metrics=rt:activeUsers&access_token=ya29.c.Kl2vB0gdtdSb1TBKB1DPCsP5T-Uc7KrTkvXC4rkfDXvx6evqgY0G6kVYRh4Fysdx3Z2P_fqa_eRq6GdXwDZV_Y0o_yiSbMCW1Ie19w7vMqKdyWfLVE7idhc5pcKszmY
The error below is shown when accessing the link above:
404. That’s an error.
The requested URL /analytics/v3/data/realtime/ was not found on this server. That’s all we know.
First I thought it had something to do with a quota or something, but I couldn't really find any evidence of that, since everything works through OAuth and not some API key with limits.
So I just found out the reason was the trailing slash at the end.
So this:
Should be:

Legacy FCM response now forbidden

Legacy FCM doesn't work anymore since the weekend.
My devices send push notifications via Legacy FCM via I didn't change anything, but since the weekend I get the error code "HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden". Does anybody else have this problem since a few days?
Changed google something?
I tried my keys with It still works. So I think google changed something in the firebase console.
Is it possible that there is a secured access needed (https) and http is not supported anymore.
I had exactly the same problem since Saturday.
I have a node app that send requests to in http and I had a 403 Forbidden on every requests.
Using https fixed the problem.
Apparently the http is not supported anymore. I didn't find any mention of that anywhere though.
Yes, meanwhile I've found out, that the problem is http...
I've seen on a Firebase a "last update" date, 13/09/2019 on 2:53, so http is maybe since that time down...

"Post" via indy fails, while "Get" is working, using xe2, https and windows authentication

i already tried to find an answer here on nearly at any place at the web, but didn't find an answer that helped me out here - so i'm trying it here with this question:
i have to to get some information from a server in a domain, using https via indy components and the windows authentication. that's working quite fine (via IdHTTP1.Get(sURI)), the server logs are showing this (domain/user/request) and the response is always valid.
afterwards i try to post now some new values to the requested data, but this fails, since i get a "401" authenticaion error. BasicAuthentication=false, and HTTPOptions=[hoInProcessAuth,hoForceEncodeParams] via IdHTTP1.Post(sURI, Req_Json), where Req_Json is a UTF-8 encoded TStringStream. Now (and only when trying to POST) the IdHTTP1Authorization event is triggered twice, even if I do a handled=true there (read somewhere in a forum) it fails, if I do nothing there I get the same result: 401. There were some tips about the IdHTTP1SelectAuthorization event, but with that I had no luck, too.
Any ideas, where to start to get this solved? If there are any questions open, don't hesitate to ask!
p.s.: trying to post the same information via postman works correctly - so i guess it's about delphi/indy ...

Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer data

I am integrating Woo-commerce API’s in my wordpress site using Woo-commerce official rest sdk. I made a link using authentication endpoint URL. When I click the link it takes the user to Woo-commerce authentication page, where user login and Approve the request.
After approving the request it should take me to return url which i mention in the link. Instead it shows me the following error.
Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer data.
I was having the same issue as well, and in my case, the return_url on my backend server was accepting GET requests, I changed it to POST, and everything worked perfectly. I hope it helps!
I know it's late for the answer but writing it for the people who will face the same issue in the future.
I was having the same issue and my problem was that the callback_url was wrong which was creating the error internally. So if you are getting this error, most probably your callback_url is not correct, please check that properly.
For whoever Shattique's answer
did not work,
check the response status code sent by the callback_url handler.
Anything other than 200 will throw the error in OP's question.
Here is link to woocommerce github repo,
where it throws the error.
TLDR: Make sure callback_url handler returns statusCode: 200

Problem with HTTP POST request to HTTPS URL

I am using CakePHP "HttpSocket" class to post information to a Paypal payments server. My code is working fine when the target URL is, I can parse the response as I would like.
However, when I am trying to post data to PayPals payment API URL (on HTTPS) I get no response whatsoever.
I have tried the same code on other HTTPS URLs, again no response.
What is the reason for this problem?
i had the same problem as you... i seem not able to get any response from the Paypal API.
But I found out I just did something wrong. I was actually just doing a POST to, when in fact it should be
I realized this when I checked the $HttpSocket->response attribute of CakePHP, and I found out I've been getting 301 errors. Then I realized--it should not be on the base URL...
I then re-read the IPN Guide, and upon reviewing the sample codes there... voila! I realized my mistake.
Hope other people who uses CakePHP can benefit from this one. Took me long hours before I realized this one.
I realize this is over 2 years old, but I recently came across this issue and here's how I solved it:
You need to specify the port 443 along with the URL like so:
$httpSocket = new HttpSocket();
$httpSocket->get('https://domain:443/sample/path', array('q' => 'example'));
You can also pass the port and the host together in the third param, or use the request() method instead.
Hope this helps someone!
