Collections in Create.js - create.js

According to Create.js' integration guide, it should be possible to create editable collections of blocks.
Relationships between entities allow you to communicate structured
content to Create.js, which will turn them into Backbone collections.
For example, to annotate a list of blog posts:
<div about="" rel="dcTerms:hasPart">
<div about="">...</div>
<div about="">...</div>
This dcTerms:hasPart doesn't seem to be present explicitly in Create.js; it's probably from a vocabulary. How can one show to Create.js that this content is a collection and make it show the "Add" button? In my case, I simply have sections which contain <h2>, <h3> and <article>s.
EDIT: Using rel="hasPart" in my <section>, the button appears. Problem is Create always uses the first element as a template. In this case, it uses my <h2> as template, which is not what I intended. So my question now would be how to trigger the "add" event in my section?

Hackish solution:
Using javascript, I created a new section or article in the DOM, then restarted Create calling $('body').midgardCreate({...}) again. Create will now recognize the new block. When I edit some fields in the block, the "Save" button is enabled and I can submit the new block.


Get text of clicked button in Google Analytics

I want to be able to know exactly which element from a class has been clicked. I enabled the text option in Tag Manager:
But it's still not visible in the click object. But it wouldn't pick it up, since the tag containing the text is nested in the clickable element. Can I add a custom HTML attribute to be able to identify which element has been clicked?
<div class="card-content"> //<---- clickable element
<i aria-hidden="true" class="card-icon material-icons">business</i>
<h3 class="card-title">Company details</h3> //<--- clicked text
The best way to figure it out is to use the "Preview & Debug":
Activate it
Go to the page where you want to test (you should see now a new box at the bottom)
Click on the element
Check the variables in the debug box. Especially check the click.element data.
My guess is that since there is no "real" text in the div box, just children tags, no text can be discovered.
There are different options to solve it:
add the text as data-attribute to the div and use the click.element data
use a data-layer push event
if you know JS you can use the click.element data in a JS variable and traverse down to the h3
If you are going to keep your code as it is, you could create a custom variable, using Custom JavaScript.
In order to do so you need to first create the custom variable, choosing the Custom JavaScript type:
This code should do the job (I tested id)
function() {
return {{Click Element}}.closest('.card-content').getElementsByClassName('card-title')[0].innerText;
The custom variable will return the text inside .card-title.
To test the custom variable, you may create a dumb HTML tag with a console.log script, replacing Inside TXT with the name you gave to your custom variable:
<script>console.log( {{Inside TXT}} )</script>
The trigger should be a Click All Elements.
When previewing this tag, the captured text should appear in your console, as well as in the debugger panel.
Reading again your question, I wonder if you are going to have several .card-title items inside the .card-content. In that case, this custom variable will not work. Let me know what is the case.
Also, the code could be simpler, but I am not really sure on how is it really going to work in your site, so this one seems more reliable, since it works clicking anywhere in the element.
In order to test it, after you click an element, a new "Click" will appear in the left pane (Summary). There, in the Variables tab, you will see the variables captured by the click. The data will be stored under the variable name you gave to the variable.

How to move components around

I'm using the 0.4.0 branch for the components as HTML files functionality. I'm trying to do the following: I have a component that controls the layout of a page. This component has some subcomponents as an array and displays them on different parts of the page based on some data in the subcomponent. Something akin to this (due to layout restrictions they have to be in different parts of the page):
<div id="section1">
<h1> Section 1 </h1>
{{# subcomponents}}
<subcomponent flag={{flag}}/>
<div id="section2">
<h1> Section 2 </h1>
{{# subcomponents}}
<subcomponent flag={{flag}}/>
<div id="section3">
<h1> Section 3 </h1>
{{# subcomponents}}
<subcomponent flag={{flag}}/>
The flag is updated from controls within each component. this works great (the DOM is refreshed each time I modify the flag) except for one issue. Instead of performing a move, the subcomponent is recreated every time the flag changes, e.g. it's destroyed and created a new. This is unfortunate for my use case because of two reasons:
The subcomponent has a rather heavy creation cost (specially in mobile) since it performs some graphics work.
The subcomponent stores some private data (a
history of changes made to the model) that either a) gets lost when
it's moved along to another section or b) has to be stored in the
top component polluting it's data model.
So what I would like to know is, is there a way to "move" the component without deleting/recreating it?
V. SeguĂ­
Yes - every Ractive instance has two methods that allow you to do this: ractive.detach() and ractive.insert(). Unfortunately the documentation is currently lacking, but here's how you use it:
// remove the instance from the DOM, and store a document
// fragment with the contents
docFrag = ractive.detach();
// insert the instance into the container element, immediately
// before nodeToInsertBefore (the second argument is optional -
// if absent or `null` it means 'insert at end of container'
ractive.insert( container, nodeToInsertBefore );
If you're removing the instance and immediately reinserting it, there's no need to detach it first - you can just do ractive.insert(). The arguments can be DOM nodes, but they can also be CSS selectors or the IDs of elements.
Here'a a JSFiddle demonstrating:
You can also do this with inline components (i.e. <subcomponent/> as opposed to new Subcomponent(). In this JSFiddle, we're using ractive.findComponent('subcomponent') method to get a reference to the instance:

Can we create button in Drupal 7 without writing any code?

I want to create simple HTML button which links to other page when user clicks on it. I am new to Drupal, I've seen that we can create fields from "Structure>Content Types>Article>Manage Fields>Add new field - Field types.."
Can we create button from this way or we have to write code to create it?
There is a beta module called Button Field that works with the Rules module. I believe will do what you're looking for. You can add a button to any fieldable entity and define a rule for it when it's pressed.
See and
Buttons typically have to be coded. The way you're talking about above is the process for creating form elements for creating new pieces of content. If you want a simple button on a page to link to another page, you can just code it as follows:
<input type="button" value="Visit Another Page" onclick="location.href='your/other/web/page'" />
You may need to install a WYSIWYG text editor to add HTML to a page, if you don't already have one.
Or just use the Field Button module:
and create the buttons as you create fields...
With the help of views or webform, block module can create a button with out writing code.

Using several RenderComponentPresentations for XPM templates w/ Razor

As you probably already know, I'm working hard on some XPM templates with Razor. I've ran into another issue, this time concerning rendering components inside templates in order to make them siteEditable.
The following I'm not sure about. I've got a component which has a title field called "Title", and multivalue componentlink fields which consists of components with a title, description and image. Let's call this one "Linked USP" for now.
Currently this is being rendered by a Template called 'Page Banner', and it just iterates over fields with some If-loops to determine it's presentation, especially for the Title. In order for XPM to work, this template needs to render the component presentation of "Linked USP". So we've created a template called "[XPM] USP ITEM". - this Component template has the 'enable content editing TBB" added to it.
Now the issue arises when I want to make the Title Editable as well. Sounds straightforward, no? Not really - because when the parent template has got a "enable for content editing" TBB added, it will add <span> tags to all editable fields but the templates that gets invoked inside this template will also have <span> -tags, effectively bloating the html and making it impossible to edit the fields inside the RenderComponentPresentation because of duplicate <span>s.
Some code for your fun and to illustrate my issue:
<h1>#RenderComponentField("Title", 0)</h1>
#Foreach(var linkedUSP in Fields.USPS){
#RenderComponentPresentation("linkedUSP.ID", "tcm:10-1076-32")
This template has an enable Content edit TBB added.
now, for the RCP mentioned above, inside its [XPM] template:
<div class="title">#RenderComponentField("Title", 0)</div>
<p>#RenderComponentField("Description", 0)</p>
<tcdl:ComponentField name="img">
<img src="#img" alt="img.MetaData.alt">
This one ALSO has the "Enable Content Edit" TBB added. On the front end this happens:
<div class="title"><span><span>Men</span></span></div>
Because the parent template also adds spans to the field.
So my question: how do i solve this? The Title field mentioned above has to be inside the parent template, but I can't create a special template for it becuase it is no component link. I can't get the TBB out of my RCP template, because it won't be editable that way. Interesting huh?
Can't I disable the spans inside template builder somehow?

Wrapper for custom Content Part - Orchard CMS

Using the Orchard admin I created a new Content Part called 'Spotlight Wrapper' with 3 HTML fields. I then created a Content Type Called 'Template 1' and assigned 'Spotlight Wrapper' to it. I then created a new 'Template 1' content item called 'Home Page'. I then created a file called Fileds_Contrib.Html-Spotlight Wrapper.cshtml to wrap each HTML field in the 'Spotlight Wrapper' with an and this is working. I have now added:
<Place Parts_SpotlightWrapper="Content:before;Wrapper=Parts_SpotlightWrapper" />
And created :
in an attempt to wrap the entire 'Spotlight Wrapper' Content Part in a but cannot seem to get it to work?
You declared a wrapper which I guess would lead to circular reference, as you try to wrap the Parts_SpotlightWrapper shape with itself. Wrappers are just separate pieces of Razor (cshtml) code that act as a parent for a given shape.
To achieve the behavior you want you should create a separate .cshtml file (eg. MyWrapper.cshtml) containing the necessary wrapper HTML code and attach it to your existing part like this:
<Place Parts_SpotlightWrapper="Content:before;Wrapper=MyWrapper" />
The wrapper code could look eg. like this:
Btw - Try to look how it's done in Orchard.Widgets. There are two wrappers Widget.Wrapper and Widget.ControlWrapper that wrap the Widget shape. Declarations of those are not inside the file (as you did), but hardcoded in Shapes.cs shape definition, though the final effect is perfectly the same. The technique with the was just introduced later as a shortcut.
