Wrapper for custom Content Part - Orchard CMS - asp.net

Using the Orchard admin I created a new Content Part called 'Spotlight Wrapper' with 3 HTML fields. I then created a Content Type Called 'Template 1' and assigned 'Spotlight Wrapper' to it. I then created a new 'Template 1' content item called 'Home Page'. I then created a file called Fileds_Contrib.Html-Spotlight Wrapper.cshtml to wrap each HTML field in the 'Spotlight Wrapper' with an and this is working. I have now added:
<Place Parts_SpotlightWrapper="Content:before;Wrapper=Parts_SpotlightWrapper" />
And created :
in an attempt to wrap the entire 'Spotlight Wrapper' Content Part in a but cannot seem to get it to work?

You declared a wrapper which I guess would lead to circular reference, as you try to wrap the Parts_SpotlightWrapper shape with itself. Wrappers are just separate pieces of Razor (cshtml) code that act as a parent for a given shape.
To achieve the behavior you want you should create a separate .cshtml file (eg. MyWrapper.cshtml) containing the necessary wrapper HTML code and attach it to your existing part like this:
<Place Parts_SpotlightWrapper="Content:before;Wrapper=MyWrapper" />
The wrapper code could look eg. like this:
Btw - Try to look how it's done in Orchard.Widgets. There are two wrappers Widget.Wrapper and Widget.ControlWrapper that wrap the Widget shape. Declarations of those are not inside the Placement.info file (as you did), but hardcoded in Shapes.cs shape definition, though the final effect is perfectly the same. The technique with the Placement.info was just introduced later as a shortcut.


Collections in Create.js

According to Create.js' integration guide, it should be possible to create editable collections of blocks.
Relationships between entities allow you to communicate structured
content to Create.js, which will turn them into Backbone collections.
For example, to annotate a list of blog posts:
<div about="http://example.net/blog/" rel="dcTerms:hasPart">
<div about="http://example.net/my-post">...</div>
<div about="http://example.net/second-post">...</div>
This dcTerms:hasPart doesn't seem to be present explicitly in Create.js; it's probably from a vocabulary. How can one show to Create.js that this content is a collection and make it show the "Add" button? In my case, I simply have sections which contain <h2>, <h3> and <article>s.
EDIT: Using rel="hasPart" in my <section>, the button appears. Problem is Create always uses the first element as a template. In this case, it uses my <h2> as template, which is not what I intended. So my question now would be how to trigger the "add" event in my section?
Hackish solution:
Using javascript, I created a new section or article in the DOM, then restarted Create calling $('body').midgardCreate({...}) again. Create will now recognize the new block. When I edit some fields in the block, the "Save" button is enabled and I can submit the new block.

Using several RenderComponentPresentations for XPM templates w/ Razor

As you probably already know, I'm working hard on some XPM templates with Razor. I've ran into another issue, this time concerning rendering components inside templates in order to make them siteEditable.
The following I'm not sure about. I've got a component which has a title field called "Title", and multivalue componentlink fields which consists of components with a title, description and image. Let's call this one "Linked USP" for now.
Currently this is being rendered by a Template called 'Page Banner', and it just iterates over fields with some If-loops to determine it's presentation, especially for the Title. In order for XPM to work, this template needs to render the component presentation of "Linked USP". So we've created a template called "[XPM] USP ITEM". - this Component template has the 'enable content editing TBB" added to it.
Now the issue arises when I want to make the Title Editable as well. Sounds straightforward, no? Not really - because when the parent template has got a "enable for content editing" TBB added, it will add <span> tags to all editable fields but the templates that gets invoked inside this template will also have <span> -tags, effectively bloating the html and making it impossible to edit the fields inside the RenderComponentPresentation because of duplicate <span>s.
Some code for your fun and to illustrate my issue:
<h1>#RenderComponentField("Title", 0)</h1>
#Foreach(var linkedUSP in Fields.USPS){
#RenderComponentPresentation("linkedUSP.ID", "tcm:10-1076-32")
This template has an enable Content edit TBB added.
now, for the RCP mentioned above, inside its [XPM] template:
<div class="title">#RenderComponentField("Title", 0)</div>
<p>#RenderComponentField("Description", 0)</p>
<tcdl:ComponentField name="img">
<img src="#img" alt="img.MetaData.alt">
This one ALSO has the "Enable Content Edit" TBB added. On the front end this happens:
<div class="title"><span><span>Men</span></span></div>
Because the parent template also adds spans to the field.
So my question: how do i solve this? The Title field mentioned above has to be inside the parent template, but I can't create a special template for it becuase it is no component link. I can't get the TBB out of my RCP template, because it won't be editable that way. Interesting huh?
Can't I disable the spans inside template builder somehow?

Custom Content Block in Sitefinity

I want to create a custom content block in Sitefinity so I can wrap an tag around it and pick up my CSS.
I created a custom widget, but I'm not sure how to make it a content block. I cannot find documentation on this, but I'm sure it is a common occurrence. Basically, I want a drag out content block that does this:
[code for content block]
I don't know how to generate the [content block] code in .net. I am new to .net development. I am using VB but can use C#.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
You can create a custom Layout Control which can be used in conjunction with other controls, such as Content Blocks.
To create a Layout control, open your project in Visual Studio and create a new control (.ascx) file in the WebApp project. I normally put mine in a ~/LayoutControls folder which I create. In that control file, enter something like:
<div runat="server" class="sf_cols">
<div id="Div1" runat="server" class="sf_colsIn"></div>
You'll notice that besides the markup you want, the aside tag, I have two other divs with some specifics. These are needed so Sitefinity can treat this as a control, and be able to dynamically inject content into it.
A div with class sf_cols is common to all controls and the div with class sf_colsIn (id="Div1") is where control you drop onto the layout control will go. So there is an outer wrapper div, your markup, and an inner div. It's the inner div where your content will go.
Save your file, compile the project, then register the control in Sitefinity.
To do that, login to the backend then navigate to Administration | Settings | Advanced Settings | Toolboxes | Toolboxes | PageLayouts | Sections. I normally add a new section with these properties:
name=Custom,Title=Custom,Description=Custom Layouts,Global resourceClassId=PageResources
Then select your new section, select Tools, then Create New. The Name, Title, Description are whatever makes sense for you control. The Control CLR Type should be Telerik.Sitefinity.Web.UI.LayoutControl, Telerik.Sitefinity and the Layout Template should be the path to your ascx file, i.e. ~/LayoutControls/AsideBlock.ascx. The other properties can have the default values (most are just blank). Then Save.
Now when you are editing a page, click the 'Layout' button in the right hand column and you will see a 'Custom' Section which contains your control. Drag it onto the page, then go back to 'Content' editing (using the button in the right hand column). You will see your layout control and drop a content block onto it.
Add content normally. When the page renders, the content will be wrapped in the aside tag.
the easiest way to do this is with an external template for the content block. The template you want is ContentBlock.ascx and is in the SDK.
Copy this file to your project then add the wrapping tags around the contentHtml literal control (which renders the actual content of the control).
Then open the Advanced settings of the content block widget you want to use this template and specifiy the LayoutTemplatePath. It should have a default value of something like "~/SFRes/Telerik.Sitefinity.Resources.Templates.Backend.GenericContent.ContentBlock.ascx".
Simply change this to the virtual path to the template you created, then save and publish the page.
The content block will render with your template instead of the default one, with any markup you add.
I hope this is helpful!
I'm going to create a more detailed blog post that walks through this process and will link it here when I'm done. thank you for the inspiration!

Loop through child items and get image field for showing on parent's view/template

I have a parent content type RetailFont, it has child types, and one is called FontWeight.
Fontweight has an image field called WeightImage.
I have successfully added a new view and template for RetailFont (called FontWeightView). I would like to loop through and show some of the fields for all the WeightImage items inside it, such as its title and ImageField.
I tried copying folder_summary_view.pt contents to my template file but it generates errors.
Does it need something in my FontWeightView.py file to work? http://www.pastie.org/3286449
test() is a deprecated page template method and should no longer be used.
You can work around this with the logic:
<tal:something condition="python:somecond and ifistrue or ifisfalse" />

Setting Page Title from an HtmlHelper class

I have an HTML Helper that essentially renders static content read from HTML files (inside of a vdir). There are cases when the HTML file has a title element defined and in such cases, the current page should use the given title. The content inside of the body should be rendered where the Helper class is referenced in the View.
This is how I call the helper.
new List<StaticContentTag>()
new StaticContentTag()
TagValue = "Austin"}
}, Model, true) %>
I'm passing in the ViewModel so that I can set the title and the last parameter is a flag that says whether to force the title or not.
The head has the title defined like this.
I know what I'm doing wrong here by referencing the Model.Title element before even calling the helper. Any ideas on how I can work around this?
i believe ur title tag is rendered before u call the html helper in ur view. the purpose of helpers is to render html tags where they are called not to change contents of already rendered tags that can be done through javascript. however i would not use all that new keywords in my view. rather i would make a view model containing all required information for the view and then i would have no problem writing statement
