Error in using fold_left in OCaml - functional-programming

I am trying to convert the integers in a list to their corresponding ASCII values and then concatenating them to form a string. This is what I tried:
# let l = [65;66;67];;
# List.fold_left (fun x y -> char_of_int x ^ char_of_int y) "" l;;
I am getting the following error :
Error: This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type
marking the char_of_int x as an error.

The error occurs, because the OCaml operator ^ will only accept two strings, it cannot directly concatenate two characters. In order to build the string, you first have to convert the individual characters to strings (of length 1). Then you can concatenate these short strings.
# let chars = char_of_int l;;
val chars : char list = ['A'; 'B'; 'C']
# let strings = (String.make 1) chars;;
val strings : string list = ["A"; "B"; "C"]
# String.concat "" strings;;
- : string = "ABC"


SML Create function receives list of tuples and return list with sum each pair

I'm studying Standard ML and one of the exercices I have to do is to write a function called opPairs that receives a list of tuples of type int, and returns a list with the sum of each pair.
input: opPairs [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
output: val it = [3, 7]
These were my attempts, which are not compiling:
type T0 = int * int;
fun opPairs ((h:TO)::t) = let val aux =(#1 h + #2 h) in
The error message is:
Error: unbound type constructor: TO
Error: operator and operand don't agree [type mismatch]
operator domain: {1:'Y; 'Z}
operand: [E]
in expression:
(fn {1=1,...} => 1) h
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x => #1 x + #2 x ) l;
The error message is: Error: unresolved flex record (need to know the names of ALL the fields
in this context)
type: {1:[+ ty], 2:[+ ty]; 'Z}
The first attempt has a typo: type T0 is defined, where 0 is zero, but then type TO is referenced in the pattern, where O is the letter O. This gets rid of the "operand and operator do not agree" error, but there is a further problem. The pattern ((h:T0)::t) does not match an empty list, so there is a "match nonexhaustive" warning with the corrected type identifier. This manifests as an exception when the function is used, because the code needs to match an empty list when it reaches the end of the input.
The second attempt needs to use a type for the tuples. This is because the tuple accessor #n needs to know the type of the tuple it accesses. To fix this problem, provide the type of the tuple argument to the anonymous function:
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x:T0 => #1 x + #2 x) l;
But, really it is bad practice to use #1, #2, etc. to access tuple fields; use pattern matching instead. Here is a cleaner approach, more like the first attempt, but taking full advantage of pattern matching:
fun opPairs nil = nil
| opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = (a + b)::(opPairs cs);
Here, opPairs returns an empty list when the input is an empty list, otherwise pattern matching provides the field values a and b to be added and consed recursively onto the output. When the last tuple is reached, cs is the empty list, and opPairs cs is then also the empty list: the individual tuple sums are then consed onto this empty list to create the output list.
To extend on exnihilo's answer, once you have achieved familiarity with the type of solution that uses explicit recursion and pattern matching (opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = ...), you can begin to generalise the solution using list combinators:
val opPairs = map op+

Parse the string into a list of tuples

I am looking for a piece of code in F# that can parse this type of string:
into a list of tuples that looks like this:
Thanks in advance :)
You can quite nicely solve this using the FParsec parser combinator library. This is manageable using regular expressions, but it's not very elegant. Parser combinators make it very clear what the grammar of the inputs that you can handle is. You can also easily add other features like whitespace.
The following actually produces a list of string * Value pairs where Value is a new data type, corresponding to the possible right-hand-sides in the input:
type Value = Int of int | List of int list
Now, you can do the parsing using the following:
let ident = identifier (IdentifierOptions())
let rhs =
// Right-hand-side is either an integer...
( pint32 |>> Int ) <|>
// Or a list [ .. ] of integers separated by ','
( pchar '[' >>. (sepBy pint32 (pchar ',')) .>> pchar ']' |>> List )
let tuple =
// A single tuple is an identifier = right-hand-side
ident .>> pchar '=' .>>. rhs
let p =
// The input is a comma separated list of tuples
sepBy tuple (pchar ',')
run p "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Sometimes a named regex makes for readable code, even if not the regex.
This reads: Identifier = [Number followed by comma or space, zero or more] | Number
let parse input =
let regex = Regex("(?<id>\w+)=((\[((?<list>(\d+))*,?\s*)*\])|(?<number>\d+))")
let matches = regex.Matches input
for (expr : Match) in matches do
let group name = expr.Groups.[string name]
let id = group "id"
let list = group "list"
let number = group "number"
if list.Success then
for (capture : Capture) in list.Captures do
yield (id.Value, int capture.Value)
else if number.Success then
yield (id.Value, int number.Value)
let input = "var1=1, var2=2, list=[1, 2, 3, 4], single=[1], empty=[], bad=[,,], bad=var"
printfn "%A" (parse input)
[("var1", 1); ("var2", 2); ("list", 1); ("list", 2); ("list", 3); ("list", 4); "single", 1)]
It's quite advisable to follow the approach outlined by Tomas Petricek's answer, employing the established FParsec parser combinator library.
For educational purposes, you might want to roll your own parser combinator, and for this endeavor Scott W.'s blog ("Understanding parser combinators", and "Building a useful set of parser combinators") contains valuable information.
The parsing looks quite similar:
// parse a list of integers enclosed in brackets and separated by ','
let plist = pchar '[' >>. sepBy1 pint (pchar ',') .>> pchar ']'
// parser for the right hand side, singleton integer or a list of integers
let intOrList = pint |>> (fun x -> [x]) <|> plist
// projection for generation of string * integer tuples
let ungroup p =
p |>> List.collect (fun (key, xs) -> xs |> (fun x -> key, x))
// parser for an input of zero or more string value pairs separated by ','
let parser =
sepBy (letters .>> pchar '=' .>>. intOrList) (pchar ',')
|> ungroup
|> run parser
// val it : ((String * int) list * string) option =
// Some ([("x", 1); ("y", 42); ("A", 1); ("A", 3); ("A", 4); ("A", 8)], "")
This simple grammar still requires 15 or so parser combinators. Another difference is that for simplicity's sake the Parser type has been modeled on FSharp's Option type.
type Parser<'T,'U> = Parser of ('T -> ('U * 'T) option)
let run (Parser f1) x = // run the parser with input
f1 x
let returnP arg = // lift a value to a Parser
Parser (fun x -> Some(arg, x))
let (>>=) (Parser f1) f = // apply parser-producing function
Parser(f1 >> Option.bind (fun (a, b) -> run (f a) b))
let (|>>) p f = // apply function to value inside Parser
p >>= (f >> returnP)
let (.>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen combinator
p1 >>= fun r1 ->
p2 >>= fun r2 ->
returnP (r1, r2)
let (.>>) p1 p2 = // andThen, but keep first value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> fst
let (>>.) p1 p2 = // andThen, keep second value only
(p1 .>>. p2) |>> snd
let pchar c = // parse a single character
Parser (fun s ->
if String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = c then Some(c, s.[1..])
else None )
let (<|>) (Parser f1) (Parser f2) = // orElse combinator
Parser(fun arg ->
match f1 arg with None -> f2 arg | res -> res )
let choice parsers = // choose any of a list of combinators
List.reduce (<|>) parsers
let anyOf = // choose any of a list of characters pchar >> choice
let many (Parser f) = // matches zero or more occurrences
let rec aux input =
match f input with
| None -> [], input
| Some (x, rest1) ->
let xs, rest2 = aux rest1
x::xs, rest2
Parser (fun arg -> Some(aux arg))
let many1 p = // matches one or more occurrences of p
p >>= fun x ->
many p >>= fun xs ->
returnP (x::xs)
let stringP p = // converts list of characters to string
p |>> (fun xs -> System.String(List.toArray xs))
let letters = // matches one or more letters
many1 (anyOf ['A'..'Z'] <|> anyOf ['a'..'z']) |> stringP
let pint = // matches an integer
many1 (anyOf ['0'..'9']) |> stringP |>> int
let sepBy1 p sep = // matches p one or more times, separated by sep
p .>>. many (sep >>. p) |>> (fun (x,xs) -> x::xs)
let sepBy p sep = // matches p zero or more times, separated by sep
sepBy1 p sep <|> returnP []
Try this:
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
let input = "x=1,y=42,A=[1,3,4,8]"
Regex.Split(input,",(?=[A-Za-z])") //output: [|"x=1"; "y=42"; "A=[1,3,4,8]"|]
|> Array.collect (fun x ->
let l,v = Regex.Split(x,"=") |> fun t -> Array.head t,Array.last t //label and value
Regex.Split(v,",") |> (fun x -> l,Regex.Replace(x,"\[|\]","") |> int))
|> List.ofArray

How can I do pattern matching on tuple constructors (OCaml)

I have the following types:
type letter = A | B | C | D (*...*)
type mix = Char of letter | Mix of (mix * int) list
I want to make a function, which counts the number of occuriencies of a letter in a mix, but struggling to do the pattern matching right.
let rec count_char letter mix = match mix with
| Char l -> (*...*)
| Mix (m, i) -> (*...*)
I am getting this error
Error: This pattern matches values of type 'a * 'b
but a pattern was expected which matches values of type
(mix * int) list
It's not that it's a tuple, it's that it is a list of tuples that you're trying to match against a single tuple. Mix ((m, i) :: _) will work, but will of course result in a partial match unless you also have a branch that matches the empty list.

how to find number of occurrences in ML string list?

I am new to ML, here is my attemp to writing a function that receives:
list of strings L
string str
int counter
the function should return the number of occurrences of str in L
Here is my code:
* return number of occurences of str in L
* count should be initialized to zero.
fun aux_num_of_occur(L: string list) (str:string) (count:int) =
if null L then 0
else if str = hd(L) then
aux_num_of_occur tl(L) str (count+1)
aux_num_of_occur tl(L) str count
Those are the errors i got:
Error: case object and rules don't agree [tycon mismatch]
rule domain: string list * string * int
object: ('Z list -> 'Z list) * 'Y * 'X
in expression:
(case (arg,arg,arg)
of (L : string list,str : string,count : int) =>
if null L
then 0
else if <exp> = <exp> then <exp> <exp> else <exp> <exp>)
uncaught exception Error
raised at: ../compiler/TopLevel/interact/evalloop.sml:66.19-66.27
My Questions:
What is wrong with the syntax?
it is not clear to me what the error message says: what is a
rule and an object in this case?
how can i return a int by recursively calling a function? is it by passing to it a counter as an argument?
This is a classical mistake: tl(L) and tl L are the same thing -- you don't need parentheses for function application in ML-like languages, you just juxtapose the function and the argument(s).
So aux_num_of_occur tl(L) ... is the same thing as aux_num_of_occur tl L ..., i.e. you are trying to apply aux_num_of_occur to the tl function, not to a list of strings. Now, the tl function has type 'a list -> 'a list and that is what you see in the error message (with 'a being 'Z there).
I ought to say that this style with those null, hd, and tl functions is not very idiomatic in SML -- you could use pattern-mathing instead. It is also more convenient to make aux_num_of_occur local to prevent namespace pollution, prevent incorrect usage (you control the initial value of count). Additionally, this gives you the advantage of not passing str all the time when recursing further.
fun num_of_occur ss str =
fun loop [] count = count
| loop (s::ss) count =
if s = str
then loop ss (count + 1)
else loop ss count
loop ss 0
Notice that num_of_occur has a more general type ''a list -> ''a -> int, where ''a means any type with equality comparison. The compiler will generate a warning
Warning: calling polyEqual
which you can either ignore or add some type annotations to num_of_occur. See here for more detail.

How should I understand `let _ as s = "abc" in s ^ "def"` in OCaml?

let _ as s = "abc" in s ^ "def"
So how should understand this?
I guess it is some kind of let pattern = expression thing?
First, what's the meaning/purpose/logic of let pattern = expression?
Also, in pattern matching, I know there is pattern as identifier usage, in let _ as s = "abc" in s ^ "def", _ is pattern, but behind as, it is an expression s = "abc" in s ^ "def", not an identifier, right?
finally, how about this: (fun (1 | 2) as i -> i + 1) 2, is this correct?
I know it is wrong, but why? fun pattern -> expression is allowed, right?
I really got lost here.
The grouping is let (_ as s) = "abc" -- which is just a convoluted way of saying let s = "abc", because as with a wildcard pattern _ in front is pretty much useless.
The expression let pattern = expr1 in expr2 is pretty central to OCaml. If the pattern is just a name, it lets you name an expression. This is like a local variable in other language. If the pattern is more complicated, it lets you destructure expr1, i.e., it lets you give names to its components.
In your expression, behind as is just an identifier: s. I suspect your confusion all comes down to this one thing. The expression can be parenthesized as:
let (_ as s) = "abc" in s ^ "def"
as Andreas Rossberg shows.
Your final example is correct if you add some parentheses. The compiler/toplevel rightly complains that your function is partial; i.e., it doesn't know what to do with most ints,
only with 1 and 2.
Edit: here's a session that shows how to add the parentheses to your final example:
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.00.0
# (fun (1 | 2) as i -> i + 1) 2;;
Error: Syntax error
# (fun ((1 | 2) as i) -> i + 1) 2;;
Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
Here is an example of a value that is not matched:
- : int = 3
Edit 2: here's a session that shows how to remove the warning by specifying an exhaustive set of patterns.
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.00.0
# (function ((1|2) as i) -> i + 1 | _ -> -1) 2;;
- : int = 3
# (function ((1|2) as i) -> i + 1 | _ -> -1) 3;;
- : int = -1
