Path is not properly set. Cognos will fail to start - cognos-10

I am trying to run Cognos (using IBM Cognos Configuration). But I received this error:
[ERROR] The variable PATH is not properly set. IBM Cognos will fail to start.
When I checked my environment variables, it contains:
C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\bin64;
C:\Program Files\IBM\cognos\c10_64\bin;
Did I miss anything? Hoping someone could help me. Thank you in advance! :)

Check the following TechNote from IBM about setting the JAVA path (this is normally the problem):


Grakn Error; trying to load schema for "phone calls" example

I am trying to run the example grakn migration "phone_calls" (using python and JSON files).
Before reaching there, I need to load the schema, but I am having trouble with getting the schema loaded, as shown here:
-Mac OS 10.15
-grakn-core 1.8.3
-python 3.7.3
The grakn server is started. I checked and the 48555 TCP port is open, so I don't think there is any firewall issue. The schema file is in the same folder (phone_calls) as where the json data files is, for the next step. I am using a virtual environment. The error is below:
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn server start
Storage is already running
Grakn Core Server is already running
(project1_env) (base) tiffanytoor1#MacBook-Pro-2 onco % grakn console --keyspace phone_calls --file phone_calls/schema.gql
Unable to create connection to Grakn instance at localhost:48555
Cause: io.grpc.StatusRuntimeException
UNKNOWN: Could not reach any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1, use getErrors() for more: Node(endPoint=/, hostId=null, hashCode=5f59fd46): com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.ConnectionInitException: [JanusGraph Session|control|connecting...] init query OPTIONS: error writing ). Please check server logs for the stack trace.
I would appreciate any help! Thanks!
Nevermind -- I found the solution, in case any one else runs into a similar problem. The server configuration file needs to be edited: point the data directory to your project data files (here: the phone_calls data files) & change the server IP address to your own.

R Studio crashing not at initialization. Error: Error occurred during transmission

Some context on my environment:
I am running R Studio in a docker container called rocker/verse.
I downloaded this dataset from Kaggle, which has about 470 MB.
When working with it, at some point RStudio restart. It does't happen after a specific call, and I've seen the same problem when working with other projects. Though it is not related to my code, I am posting it bellow.
fraud<- fread("path.csv")
fraud1<- sort(sample(nrow(fraud), nrow(fraud)*.7))
train<- fraud[fraud1, ]
test<-fraud[-fraud1, ]
Usually on the console this message is printed:
Error: Error occurred during transmission
And, this pop up is also showed:
I have no idea what is causing it. I would appreciate any help.
Delete the .Rhistory files associated with the installation and any open project.
You have a problem with your user data files for Rstudio. Follow the hints given here: and here:

NotesSQL - ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 126

I am using windows 10. I successfully installed NotesSQL 9.0 but unable to add ODBC driver and getting the such a error:
The setup routines for the Lotus Notes SQL driver (*.nsf) ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 126: The specified module could not be found. (C:\NotesSQL\nsqlc32.dll).
I checked the .dll and it is existing in the path that it showed. I did many different way of fixing this issues but could not fix it. Please anyone help to advise? Thank you.
Make sure you have added your notes.ini file to the PATH variable. This file is required by ODBC driver to run. By default your notes.ini should be in:
C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Lotus\Notes\notes.ini
After spending a lot hours trying to find out a solution, I discovered one that solves to me: add the path of your Notes client at your path environment (user and system path) and it will work fine! Tell us if its solves for you.

multiple version of spark on CDH5.10 is failing to launch spark-submit

I have installed spark with 2.0 on CDH5.10 By following the link
after all configuration when I hit spark2-submit --version it gives me correct version which is 2.0
however when I submit a spark job . First it says
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/fs/FSDataInputStream
This is clearly indicating that hadoop libs are not in classpath. My question is it something wrong with my installation of spark 2. ? also once we add jars with sparkExtralibCLasspath for driver and core then it says SPARK_HADOOP_CONF Is not set.
How can I verify my installation is correct ?
I am also trying to understand where are my spark2 conf dirs
I saw few previous question on stackoverflow like and NoClassDefFoundError com.apache.hadoop.fs.FSDataInputStream when execute spark-shell but this doesnt help
I am using spark2-shell and spark2-submit command
some more investigation with shows might be If I can correctly set SPARK_EXTRA_LIB_PATH for spark2 then I can fix this issue. can somebody guide me please. Thanks

JBoss 6 Starrtup failed : HSQLDB - out of memory issue

Please explain why I am not able to start JBoss server if I am adding any EAR file. While starting I am getting an error like this:
is in error due to the following reason(s): java.sql.SQLException: Out
of Memory
Please help me.
Thanks in advance.
Finally I was able to find out the issue. The localDB.backup,, localDB.lck, localDB.log, and localDB.script file will be saved in jboss6/server/all/data/hypersonic data. So delete all those files and restart the server. It will be perfect. The reason is that whenever we try to start the server it ll check this folder and try to load the previous deployed info from this backup files. So if any incomplete deployment will corrupt these files.
