What is the use of a Hash range in a dynamodb table? - hashtable

I am new to dynamodb (ddb). I was going through its documentation and it says to add Hash Key and a Hash Range key. In the documentation it says that ddb will create an usorted index on the hash key and a sorted index on the hash range.
What is the purpose of having these 2 keys rather than just one key. Is it because the first key is used like :
A HashTable which contains :
key - range of keys for each value in the hash range
2nd HashTable
hash range key - Actual data value.
This would help segregate data and make lookup fast. But then why only 2 levels of HashMaps, I could do this for n number of layers and get the faster lookups.
Thank you in advance.

Q:"What is the purpose of having these 2 keys rather than just one key?"
In terms of the Data Model, the Hash Key allows you to uniquely identify a record from your table, and the Range Key can be optionally used to group and sort several records that are usually retrieved together. Example: If you are defining an Aggregate to store Order Items, the OrderId could be your Hash Key, and the OrderItemId the Range Key. You can find below a formal definition for the use of these two keys:
"Composite Hash Key with Range Key allows the developer to create a
primary key that is the composite of two attributes, a 'hash
attribute' and a 'range attribute.' When querying against a composite
key, the hash attribute needs to be uniquely matched but a range
operation can be specified for the range attribute: e.g. all orders
from Werner in the past 24 hours, or all games played by an individual
player in the past 24 hours." [VOGELS]
So the Range Key adds a grouping capability to the Data Model, however, the use of these two keys also have an implication on the Storage Model:
"Dynamo uses consistent hashing to partition its key space across its
replicas and to ensure uniform load distribution. A uniform key
distribution can help us achieve uniform load distribution assuming
the access distribution of keys is not highly skewed."
Not only the Hash Key allows to uniquely identify the record, but also is the mechanism to ensure load distribution. The Range Key (when used) helps to indicate the records that will be mostly retrieved together, therefore, the storage can also be optimized for such need.
Q:"But then why only 2 levels of HashMaps? I could do this for n number of layers and get the faster lookups."
Having many layers of lookups will add exponential complexity to effectively run the database in a cluster environment , which is one of the most essential use cases for the majority of NOSQL databases. The database has to be highly available, failure-proof, effectively scalable, and still perform in a distributed environment.
"One of the key design requirements for Dynamo is that it must scale
incrementally. This requires a mechanism to dynamically partition the
data over the set of nodes (i.e., storage hosts) in the system.
Dynamo’s partitioning scheme relies on consistent hashing to
distribute the load across multiple storage hosts."[DDB-SOSP2007]
It is always a trade off, every single limitation that you see in NOSQL databases are most likely introduced by the storage model requirements. Although Relational Databases are very flexible in terms of data modeling they have several limitations when it comes to run in a distributed environment.
Choosing the correct keys to represent your data is one of the most critical aspects during your design process, and it directly impacts how much your application will perform, scale and cost.
The Data Model is the model through which we perceive and manipulate our data. It describes how we interact with the data in the database [FOWLER]. In other words, it is how you abstract your data model, the way you group your entities, the attributes that you choose as primary keys, etc
The Storage Model describes how the database stores and manipulates the data internally [FOWLER]. Although you cannot control this directly, you can certainly optimize how the data is retrieved or written by knowing how the database works internally.


What's the recommended index schema for dynamo for a typical crud application?

I've been reading some DynamoDB index docs and they've left me more confused than anything. Let's clear the air with a concrete example.
I have a simple calendar application, where I have an events table. Here are the columns I have:
id: guid,
name: string,
startTimestamp: integer,
calendarId: guid (foreign key in a traditional RDBMS model)
ownerId: guid (foreign key in a traditional RDBMS model)
I'd like to perform queries such as:
Get an event by ID
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Get all events where startTimestamp is between x and y and calendarId = z
DynamoDB docs seem to heavily suggest avoiding using the event's ID as a partition/sort key here, so what's the recommended schema?
This is a problem that everyone wrestles with when they start with (and indeed when they are experienced with) DynamoDB.
Pricing and throughput
Let's start with how DynamoDB is priced (its related - honestly). Ignoring the free tier for a moment, you pay $0.25 per GB per month for data at rest. You also pay $0.47 per Write Capacity Unit (WCU) per month and $0.09 per Read Capacity Unit (RCU) per month. Throughput is the number of WCUs and RCUs on your table. You have to specify throughput up front on your table - the volume of writes and reads you can perform on your table is limited by your throughput provision. Pay more money and you can do more reads and writes per second. The exact details of how DynamoDB partitions tables can be found in this answer.
Now we need to consider table partitioning. Tables must have a primary key. A primary key must have a hash key (aka a partition key) and may optionally have a sort key (aka a range key). DynamoDB creates partitions based on your hash key values. Within a partition key value the data is sorted by range key, if you have specified one.
Data Access
If you have the exact primary key (hash key and range key if there is one), you can instantly access an item using GetItem. If you have multiple items to get, you can use BatchGetItem.
DynamoDB can only 'search' data in two ways. A Query can only take data from one partition in one call, because it uses the partition key (and optionally a sort key) it is quick. A Scan always evaluates every item in table, so its typically slow and doesn't scale well on large tables.
Throughput distribution
This is where is gets interesting. DynamoDB takes all the throughput you have purchased and evenly spreads it over all of you table partitions. Imagine you have 10 WCUs and 10 RCUs on your table, and 5 partitions, that means you have 2 WCUs and 2 RCUs per partition. That's fine if you access each partition evenly, you get to use all of your purchased throughput. But imagine you only ever access one partition. Now you've purchased 10 WCUs and RCUs but you are only using 2. Your table is going to be much slower than you thought. One option is to just buy more throughput, that will work, but its probably not very satisfactory to most engineers.
Uniform Access v Natural Access
Based on the above we know we want to design a table where each partition gets accessed evenly. However, in my experience people get too hung up about this, which is not surprising if you read the article I just linked (which you also linked).
Remember that partition keys is what we use in a Query to get our data fast, and avoid regular Scans. Some people get too focussed making their partition access perfectly uniform, and end up with a table they can't query quickly.
The answer
I like to refer to Best Practices for Tables guide. And particularly the table where it says User ID is a good partition key so long many user access your application regularly. (It actually says where you have many users - which is not correct, the size of the table is irrelevant).
Its a balance between uniform access and being able to use intuitive, natural queries for your application, but what I am saying is, if you are new to DyanmoDB, the right answer probably is to design your table based on intuitive access. After you've done that successfully, have a think about uniform access and hot partitions, but just remember access doesn't have to be perfectly uniform. There are various design patterns to achieve both intuitive and uniform access, but these can be complicated for those starting out and in many cases can probably discourage people using DynamoDB if they get too focussed on the uniform access idea.
Most applications will have users. For most queries, in most applications, the most common query you will do is get data for a user. So the first option for most application's primary partition key will often be a user id. That's fine, as long as you don't have a few very high hitting users and many users that never log in.
Another tip. If your table is called vegetables, your primary partition key will probably be vegetable id. If your table is called shoes, your primary partition key will probably be shoe id.
Most applications will have many items for each user (or vegetable or shoe). The primary key has to be unique. A good option often is to add a date range (sort) key - perhaps the datetime the item was created. This then orders the items within the user partition by creation date, and also gives each item a unique composite primary key (i.e. hash key + range key). It's also fine to use a generated UUID as a range key, you wont use the ordering it gives you, but you can then have many items per user and still use the Query function.
Indexes are not a solution
Aha! But I can just make my partition key totally random, then apply an index with a partition key of the attribute I really want to query on. That way I get uniform access AND fast intutive queries.
Sadly not. Indexes have their own throughput and partitioning, separate to the table the index is built on. Just imagine indexes as a whole new table - that's basically what they are. Indexes are not a work around to uneven partition access.
Finally - your schema
Primary Key
Hash Key: Event ID
Range Key: None
Global Secondary index
Hash Key: Calendar ID
Range Key: startTimestamp
Assuming Event ID is uniformly accessed, it would be a great hash key. You would really need to describe how your data is distributed to discuss this much more. Other things that come in to play are how fast you want queries to work and how much you are willing to pay (e.g. secondary indexes are expensive).
And your queries:
Get an event by ID
GetItem using Event ID
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on ownerId
Get all events where startTimestamp is between x and y and calendarId = z
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on range key
I just want to add something to the accepted anwser:
Get all events where calendarId = x and ownerId = y
Query by GSI parition key, add a condition on ownerId
This method is not reliable. I guess that when you say "add a condition on ownerId", you mean "add a Filter expression on ownerId" (Definition by Alex DeBrie)
But the 1MB read limit by DynamoDB makes it unreliable.
It is better explained in the link above, but here is the sumup:
If you calendar has a lot of events, that represent data with size over 1MB, the results on which you apply the condition ownerId==X will be truncated to the first 1MB, excluding the rest of the data.

DynamoDB table structure

We are looking to use AWS DynamoDB for storing application logs. Logs from multiple components in our system would be stored here. We are expecting a lot of writes and only minimal number of reads.
The client that we use for writing into DynamoDB generates a UUID for the partition key, but using this makes it difficult to actually search.
Most prominent search cases are,
Search based on Component / Date / Date time
Search based on JobId / File name
Search based on Log Level
From what I have read so far, using a UUID for the partition key is not suitable for our case. I am currently thinking about using either / for our partition key and ISO 8601 timestamp as our sort key. Does this sound reasonable / widely used setting for such an use case ?
If not kindly suggest alternatives that can be used.
Using UUID as partition key will efficiently distribute the data amongst internal partitions so you will have ability to utilize all of the provisioned capacity.
Using sortable (ISO format) timestamp as range/sort key will store the data in order so it will be possible to retrieve it in order.
However for retrieving logs by anything other than timestamp, you may have to create indexes (GSI) which are charged separately.
Hope your logs are precious enough to store in DynamoDB instead of CloudWatch ;)
In general DynamoDB seems like a bad solution for storing logs:
It is more expensive than CloudWatch
It has poor querying capabilities, unless you start utilising global secondary indexes which will double or triple your expenses
Unless you use random UUID for hash key, you are risking creating hot partitions/keys in your db (For example, using component ID as a primary or global secondary key, might result in throttling if some component writes much more often than others)
But assuming you already know these drawbacks and you still want to use DynamoDB, here is what I would recommend:
Use JobId or Component name as hash key (one as primary, one as GSI)
Use timestamp as a sort key
If you need to search by log level often, then you can create another local sort key, or you can combine level and timestamp into single sort key. If you only care about searching for ERROR level logs most of the time, then it might be better to create a sparse GSI for that.
Create a new table each day(let's call it "hot table"), and only store that day's logs in that table. This table will have high write throughput. Once the day finishes, significantly reduce its write throughput (maybe to 0) and only leave some read capacity. This way you will reduce risk of running into 10 GB limit per hash key that Dynamo DB has.
This approach also has an advantage in terms of log retention. It is very easy and cheap to remove log older than X days this way. By keeping old table capacity very low you will also avoid very high costs. For more complicated ad-hoc analysis, use EMR

DocumentDB Index Performance / Fragmentation

I have decided to implement the following ID strategy for my documents, which combines the document "type" with the ID:
doc.id = "docType_" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n");
// create document in collection
This results in IDs such as the following for my documents:
With a RangeIndex policy in place on the ID, I should be able to query the collection for specific types. For example:
Since this is a web application with many different document types, many of my app's queries would implement this STARTSWITH filter by default.
My main concern here is the use of a random GUID string on the ID. I know that in SQL Server I have had issues with index performance and fragmentation while using random GUIDs on the primary key in a clustered index.
Is there a similar concern here? It seems that in DocumentDB, the care of managing indexes has been abstracted away from you. Would a sequential ID be more ideal/performant in any way?
tl;dr: Use separate fields for the type and a GUID-only ID and use hash indexes on both.
This answer is necessarily going to be somewhat opinionated based upon the nature of your questions. Let me first address what appears to be your primary concern, namely the fragmentation of indexes effecting performance.
DocumentDB assumes the use of GUIDs and a hash index (as opposed to a range index) is ideally suited to finding the one matching entity by GUID. On the other hand, if you want to find a set of documents by looking at the beginning of the string, I suspect that would probably be more performant with a range index. This assumes that STARTSWITH is only optimized when used with range indexes, but I don't know for a fact that it is optimized even when you have a range index.
My recommendation would be to use separate fields for the type and a GUID-only ID and use hash indexes on both. This gives you the advantage of being assured that queries like the one you show would be highly performant and that queries which combine a type clause with other parameters would also be able to use at least one index. Note, hash indexes of this type (say 2x 3 bytes = 6 bytes/document) are highly space efficient, so don't worry about needed two of them. Those two combined should be much smaller than one range index which needs to have enough precision to cover the entire length of your type+GUID.
Other than the performance and space reasons already discussed, I can see a couple of other disadvantages to combining the type with the GUID: 1) when trying to retrieve a single document (both for direct use and as part of a foreign key lookup), having the GUID separate and using a hash index will be faster and more space efficient than using a range index on the combined field; 2) Combining the type with the ID greatly complicates certain migrations that commonly need to be done at a later date. Let's say that you decide to break your users into authors and readers for example. Users are foreign key referenced in other document types (blog post author, reader comment, etc.) by the user ID. If that ID includes the type, then you would need to not only change the user documents to accomplish the migration but you'd also need to find and change every foreign key. If the two fields (GUID and type) were separate, then you'd only need to change the user documents. Agile software craftsmanship is largely about making decisions that provide flexibility down the road.
As for the use of a sequential index, the trend in databases in general and NoSQL in particular, is that the complexity of providing a monotonically increasing sequential ID is greater than the space-efficiency advantages of that over a GUID. If you are going to stick with DocumentDB, I recommend that you just go with the flow and use GUIDs.

Are Dynamodb UUID hashkeys better than sequentially generated ones

I think I understand the concept of not having hot hashKeys so that you use all the partitions in provisioning throughput. But do UUID hashKeys do a better job of distributing across the partitions than numerically sequenced ones? In both cases is a hashcode generated from the key and that value used to assign to a partition? If so, how do the hashcodes from two strings like: "100444" and "100445" differ? Are they close?
"100444" and "100445" are not any more likely to be in the same partition than a completely different number, like "12345" for example. Think of a DynamoDB table as a big hash table, where the hash key of the table is the key into the hash table. The underlying hash table is organized by the hash of the key, not by the key itself. You'll find that numbers and strings (UUIDs) both distribute fine in DynamoDB in terms of their distribution across partitions.
UUIDs are useful in DynamoDB because sequential numbers are difficult to generate in a scalable way for primary keys. Random numbers work well for primary keys, but sequential values are hard to generate without gaps and in a way that scales to the level of throughput that you can provision in a DynamoDB table. When you insert new items into a DynamoDB table, you can use conditional writes to ensure an item doesn't already exist with that primary key value.
(Note: this question is also cross-posted in this AWS Forums post and discussed there as well).

Maximum records can be stored at Riak database

Can anyone give an example of maximum record limit in Riak database with specific hardware details? please help me in this case.I'm going to build a CDR information system. Will it be suitable to select Riak as my database?
Riak uses the 2^160 SHA-1 hash value to identify the partitions to store data in. Data is then stored in the identified partitions based on the bucket and key name. The size of the hash space is therefore not related to the amount of data that can be stored. Two different objects that happen to hash to the same value will therefore not overwrite each other.
When working with Riak, it is important to model your data correctly and consider how it needs to be retrieved and queried during the design process. Ideally you should try to ensure that the vast majority of your queries can be done through direct key access. It is often recommended to de-normalise your data and use natural keys. For CDRs this may mean creating an object holding all CDRs for a subscriber per day. These objects can be named based on the subscriber id and date, making it easy to retrieve data directly by key. It is also often more efficient to retrieve a few larger objects than many small ones and perform filtering in the application rather than try to just get the exact data that is needed. I have described this approach in greater detail here.
The limit to the number of records (or key/value pairs) you can store in Riak is governed only by the size of the hash space: 2^160. According to WolframAlpha, this is the number:
In other words, go nuts. :)
