Upload Image to external image service - meteor

My meteor application need to be enriched with an image upload functionality. Since many free image upload services exist, I thought the best way of doing it would be by using an existing image upload service. My choice fell on imgur. I guess I somehow have to use imgur's image upload API, but this looks completely alien to me.
Here are my questions:
Is imgur appropriate for what I want? Do you know a better or simpler solution?
How do I upload an image to imgur from my meteor application?
You can assume that the image file comes from an html file input tag. Later on, when the mobile app catches up, the image should come from the camera, but let's just tackle one difficulty at a time.

FSCollection will be a great option here, you can use grids (to store images on the db) or use fs(to store in certain path)
For better explanation i made this tinny demo here is the DEMO and the code
Also i made this example using the progress bar, again here is the link to the DEMO and Source Code

A simpler solution would be to just store images in MongoDB or your filesystem using CollectionFS along with cfs:filesystem for your local file system or cfs:gridfs for MongoDB. The docs are clear and simple enough to get you up and running quickly.
If you wanted to use imgur, you'd need to be able to POST data and understand what you're doing. CollectionFS has a methods package which adds an HTTP POST method to Meteor, but honestly I think that'll just complicate things for you at this point. Keep it local for now.


how to config SlickUpload 6 AJAX to NOT require a file

I've been trying to figure out how to make the current SlickUpload 6.1.7 play nice in a form that does not require someone to include files. We want it to be optional. This form is for people to contact us, and we want to give them the option to include attachments, just not require it. It works if you upload a file, however the form will not submit, if you do not upload any file.
We are trying to use the Ajax version with Memory stream, but the 'AspNetAjaxCs-VS2010' sample code is not helping much... the documentation is sparse, and the samples have little constancy between them, making it hard to understand how exactly it all works. (at least for me) The fact that they got bought out, and the new owner company pretty much ignores people unless they are paying for it, is not cool.
Any ideas?
You could use a div to detect a drop inside your page. That way you could only activate it when the user really need it, or whenever the using actually select something for uploading, like a trigger.
I'm not sure I understand your question, but if so, it sounds like you already have a form that you want to use SlickUpload with to upload files IF there are files to be uploaded. Are you using the CustomUploadStreamProvider form?

Document sharing on whiteboard application using flex

I am creating a whiteboard application using flex. I want to add a document sharing functionality to the application i.e, the user can upload the documents which will be loaded into the whiteboard and users can annotate over the document.
I googled a lot but still not sure where to start how to start. I only got the idea that the document can be converted to series of images on the server side and can be loaded in to flex app.
Can the experts help me get started with this. I am planning to use java for the server side.
Thanks all.
I'm not sure about uploading files to whiteboard itself. I think it's better to use loader and put your whiteboard on top of it.
What about software to convert documents. I'm not server side programmer, but I can share programs that we are using to convert documents:
Now we are using Print2Flash for almost all documents, but planning to give a chance for iSpring to convert Powerpoint presentations.
Both are live projects, getting improvements often enough and can convert documents to swf files. Personally I like the way Print2Flash provides ability to customize resulting swf with your own patterns and gives great flexibility to interract with it. As I know, nowadays iSpring added AS3 API to converted files, which is huge enhancement, but it's kinda expensive.
And don't forget about OpenOffice. It has not that good converter, but at least it is free. We've used it before, but gave preference to Print2Flash.
Hope my answer will give you a place to start.

A complete image manupulation solution in classical ASP

Does anyone have a past experience on implementing a complete image manipulation solution in classical ASP? I need a solution where a user can:
Upload an image
The uploded image is stored on the filesystem (inside or outside wwwroot)
The image is displayed in the browser but it is resized... on-demand
The on-demand resizing is my main problem. In PHP I could use phpThumb library that allows me to specify a filename and max width/height in a query string. The library resizes the images accordingly, in addition, it caches the copy of the image so that next time the same image with same width/height is requested it is served from the cache.
Can I implement such a solution in classical ASP, if possible with open-source components? ImageMagick?
It would appear that ImageMagick has a COM+ component that can be used for this purpose.
Another mature (though I don't think it's free) library that's commonly used for this is AspJpeg.
ASP.net has build-in functions to manipulate images, since most servers serving ASP classic have some version of ASP.net installed, you can rely on it to do the work.
<img src="resize.aspx?file=/gallery/photo1.jpg&w=300&height=400" />
This post is a little old, but we recently faced the same issues regarding resizing via Classic ASP.
We found a solution which used the VB.NET route, but it didn't do everything we wanted so we adapted it to include features to resize, crop, pad (with colour) and display the resulting jpg out to the screen and / or a file.
We've uploaded our efforts here in a zip file with the script and an example asp file with instructions: http://easierthan.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/code-tip-3-classic-asp-image-resizer.html
With regards to uploading, we used http://www.freeaspupload.net which seemed to work very well.

Scale images before upload

I have upload control on my asp.net (C#) page, I always upload pictures. Is there any way to scale images before I upload ?
You'll have to do something like flash on the client to do this, have a look here and here for examples.
It can't be done in JavaScript, etc...you'll need something with a bit more file system access, e.g. Flash, Silverlight, JavaApplet, etc. But seeing as there are premade flash solutions out there, that's the route I'd take.
A couple of solutions to your issue are below, since you haven't really specified how/where exactly you want to handle the image scaling.

get thumbnail of divx/avi and mkv video (ASP.net)

When the user uploads a video (only divx/avi/mkv allowed) I'd like to get a thumbnail for the video so that is can be displayed in the divx player before play is clicked. Is there any way to do this is ASP.net or javascript.
The easiest way to do this would be to use something like FFMpeg, though it's a command line application and you'd probably need to write some kind of wrapper around it. For more information on the exact parameters you might need to use, check out Creating video thumbnails using ffmpeg.
There are some other options, such as Flash Video MX SDK, but they tend to be COM solutions rather than managed code and are generally quite clunky to implement. They can also be quite expensive, which may make them unfeasible.
You can use ffmpeg to create your thumbnails.
Checkout this blog post : link
In .net you can create Process and pass arguments to execute the tool from your code.
