Check if an argument is a dictionary or not in Tcl - dictionary

I want have a proc which does something if its' argument is a Tcl 8.5 and above dictionary or not.
I could not find anything straightforward from Tcl dict command.
The code which I could get working is:
proc dict? {dicty} {
expr { [catch { dict info $dicty } ] ? 0 : 1 }
Is there anything w/o using catch, something built in?Thanks.

You can test if a value is a dictionary by seeing if it is a list and if it has an even number of elements; all even length lists may be used as dictionaries (though many are naturally not canonical dictionaries because of things like duplicate keys).
proc is-dict {value} {
return [expr {[string is list $value] && ([llength $value]&1) == 0}]
You can peek at the actual type in Tcl 8.6 with tcl::unsupported::representation but that's not advised because things like literals are converted to dictionaries on the fly. The following is legal, shows what you can do, and shows the limitations (
% set value {b c d e}
b c d e
% tcl::unsupported::representation $value
value is a pure string with a refcount of 4, object pointer at 0x1010072e0, string representation "b c d e"
% dict size $value
% tcl::unsupported::representation $value
value is a dict with a refcount of 4, object pointer at 0x1010072e0, internal representation 0x10180fd10:0x0, string representation "b c d e"
% dict set value f g;tcl::unsupported::representation $value
value is a dict with a refcount of 2, object pointer at 0x1008f00c0, internal representation 0x10101eb10:0x0, no string representation
% string length $value
% tcl::unsupported::representation $value
value is a string with a refcount of 2, object pointer at 0x1008f00c0, internal representation 0x100901890:0x0, string representation "b c d e f g"
% dict size $value;tcl::unsupported::representation $value
value is a dict with a refcount of 2, object pointer at 0x1008f00c0, internal representation 0x1008c7510:0x0, string representation "b c d e f g"
As you can see, types are a bit slippery in Tcl (by design) so you're strongly advised to not rely on them at all.

Your approach is flawed because Tcl has dynamic type system where the actual type of a value is able to morph dynamically and depends on the commands applied to it—observe:
$ tclsh
% info pa
% dict info {a b}
1 entries in table, 4 buckets
number of buckets with 0 entries: 3
number of buckets with 1 entries: 1
number of buckets with 2 entries: 0
number of buckets with 3 entries: 0
number of buckets with 4 entries: 0
number of buckets with 5 entries: 0
number of buckets with 6 entries: 0
number of buckets with 7 entries: 0
number of buckets with 8 entries: 0
number of buckets with 9 entries: 0
number of buckets with 10 or more entries: 0
average search distance for entry: 1.0
% llength {a b}
% string len {a b}
As you can see, the same value {a b} is a dictionary, a list and a string: in each case, the value acquires its "real" type in the very moment a Tcl command expecting a value of certain type converts the "default" type of the value, which is string, to the one the command operates on.
You should understand by now that trying to make a call dict? {a b} has little sence as the value {a b} is a perfect dict as well as a perfect list as well as a perfect string, and it could be, say, a perfect tuple if there are custom commands in the current interpreter working on tuples (lists of fixed length).
Hence the real approach you should take is to just blindly use dict command on those values passed to your commands you expect to contain dictionaries. If a user will manage to pass to your command something which is not interpretable as a dictionary, the dict command will fail, and that's a good thing to do as such an error is not really recoverable (it's a programming error).
Any attempt to count on a value's specific type is going again the grain of the very idea of the Tcl's implicit/dynamic typing. It's even true for the Tcl C API.
If you really meant to ask how to be sure the current Tcl version supports dict command, and not about the type of a particular value, test the Tcl's version somewhere at startup and save this as a flag, like this:
set hasDicts [expr {[package vcompare [info tclversion] 8.5] >= 0}]
But note that your code relying on the hasDicts value is now in some gray zone because if the user is not supplying you values you process with the dict command then what command you use to process them?
Please also note that the dict command can be added to a Tcl 8.4 interpreter in the form of the loadable module (see this).


SML Create function receives list of tuples and return list with sum each pair

I'm studying Standard ML and one of the exercices I have to do is to write a function called opPairs that receives a list of tuples of type int, and returns a list with the sum of each pair.
input: opPairs [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
output: val it = [3, 7]
These were my attempts, which are not compiling:
type T0 = int * int;
fun opPairs ((h:TO)::t) = let val aux =(#1 h + #2 h) in
The error message is:
Error: unbound type constructor: TO
Error: operator and operand don't agree [type mismatch]
operator domain: {1:'Y; 'Z}
operand: [E]
in expression:
(fn {1=1,...} => 1) h
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x => #1 x + #2 x ) l;
The error message is: Error: unresolved flex record (need to know the names of ALL the fields
in this context)
type: {1:[+ ty], 2:[+ ty]; 'Z}
The first attempt has a typo: type T0 is defined, where 0 is zero, but then type TO is referenced in the pattern, where O is the letter O. This gets rid of the "operand and operator do not agree" error, but there is a further problem. The pattern ((h:T0)::t) does not match an empty list, so there is a "match nonexhaustive" warning with the corrected type identifier. This manifests as an exception when the function is used, because the code needs to match an empty list when it reaches the end of the input.
The second attempt needs to use a type for the tuples. This is because the tuple accessor #n needs to know the type of the tuple it accesses. To fix this problem, provide the type of the tuple argument to the anonymous function:
fun opPairs2 l = map (fn x:T0 => #1 x + #2 x) l;
But, really it is bad practice to use #1, #2, etc. to access tuple fields; use pattern matching instead. Here is a cleaner approach, more like the first attempt, but taking full advantage of pattern matching:
fun opPairs nil = nil
| opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = (a + b)::(opPairs cs);
Here, opPairs returns an empty list when the input is an empty list, otherwise pattern matching provides the field values a and b to be added and consed recursively onto the output. When the last tuple is reached, cs is the empty list, and opPairs cs is then also the empty list: the individual tuple sums are then consed onto this empty list to create the output list.
To extend on exnihilo's answer, once you have achieved familiarity with the type of solution that uses explicit recursion and pattern matching (opPairs ((a, b)::cs) = ...), you can begin to generalise the solution using list combinators:
val opPairs = map op+

Fortran pointer to parameter array target

I have a few parameter arrays with different names in a module:
real*8, parameter :: para1(*) = [43.234, 34.0498, ...
real*8, parameter :: para2...
In a routine in this module
subroutine sub(n,...
I want to use para1 when n=1, para2 when n=2, etc. There are some solutions to that, one is to make an array paras=[para1,para2...] and index properly which works fine. But I want to try using a pointer
real*8, pointer :: ptr(:)
and assign it to different parameter arrays depending on n, but the problem is that "PARAMETER attribute conflicts with TARGET attribute at (1)". If I remove the parameter attribute, the routine is less safe and the SAVE attribute is assumed.
Am I missing something or why can we not combine parameter and target? And is there a good way around it for this purpose?
The parameter and target attributes indeed conflict. An object with the target attribute must be a variable (Fortran 2018 8.5.17, C861); a named constant (object with the parameter attribute) is not a variable (F2018, 8.5.13, C850).
To use target arrays you must, then, use variables. It is tricky to have a variable which is "safe" from having its value modified by a programming mistake or such. There are several considerations which prohibit a variable from appearing in a variable definition context. If you can arrange such a state, then the compiler may have a chance of detecting your mistake. Can that happen easily?
Outside a pure procedure and an intent(in) dummy argument, the most tempting prohibition is with a protected module variable:
module pars
real, save, target, protected :: para1(74) = [...]
real, save, target, protected :: para2(1) = [6]
end module
subroutine sub (...)
use pars
real, pointer :: p
p => para1
end subroutine sub
Being protected, the values are safe from modification outside the module pars? Alas, even if this were true it isn't helpful: being protected, we can't even point a pointer to module variables.
In summary, your compiler isn't going to find it easy to detect a programming mistake which modifies the variable target array, so if you want to use an array as a target, you'll have to be careful.
Following the suggestion by #ja72 in the comment, this is an attempt to use a single 2D array for the parameters. This works nicely with gfortran-8.2 (on MacOS10.11).
program main
implicit none
integer i
integer, parameter :: para1(*) = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
integer, parameter :: para2(*) = [6, 7]
integer, parameter :: N1 = size(para1), N2 = size(para2), N = max(N1, N2)
integer, parameter :: params(N, 2) = &
reshape( [ para1, (0, i = 1, N - N1), &
para2, (0, i = 1, N - N2) ], [N, 2] )
print *, "para1 = ", params( :, 1 )
print *, "para2 = ", params( :, 2 )
print *, "Input i"
read *, i
print *, params( :, i )
$ gfortran-8 test.f90 && ./a.out
para1 = 1 2 3 4 5
para2 = 6 7 0 0 0
Input i
1 2 3 4 5
However, because the code becomes a bit complicated (because of reshape) and may not work with old compilers, things may be more straightforward to just use non-parameter arrays...

How to handle a named parameter and #keyword in robotframework

I use the Robot framework with Python and Linux.
I don't know how to use the optional named parameter b and c in the decorator. Can somebody explain?
See example below:
#keyword('Starting a "${a}" b "${b}"?? c "${c}"??')
def Start(self, a, b='', c=''):
The way I understand your question, you're trying to create a keyword with embedded arguments, which would have default args - and this is not allowed, doc link, the last paragraph in Basic Syntax.
What you could do is to leave up for the caller to pass on "the default" values; e.g.:
#keyword('Starting a "${a}" b "${b}" c "${c}"')
def Start(self, a, b, c):
# just work with a, b, c, they *always* have _some_ value when called from RF
# later on, used in Robotframework code:
Starting a "" b "" c ""
When called like this ^, the variables a, b and c will be passed to the python function as empty strings - RF defaults arguments to string type, meaning this code inside the function will work in this case:
assert a == '' # will pass when called with no value for a
assert type(b) == str # this will always work, regardless did b (or a, or c) have a value set in the call, or not

Pattern Matching SML?

Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
(* Description of g:
* g takes f1: unit -> int, f2: string -> int and p: pattern, and returns
* an int. f1 and f2 are used to specify what number to be returned for
* each Wildcard and Variable in p respectively. The return value is the
* sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
datatype pattern = Wildcard
| Variable of string
| UnitP
| ConstP of int
| TupleP of pattern list
| ConstructorP of string * pattern
datatype valu = Const of int
| Unit
| Tuple of valu list
| Constructor of string * valu
fun g f1 f2 p =
val r = g f1 f2
case p of
Wildcard => f1 ()
| Variable x => f2 x
| TupleP ps => List.foldl (fn (p,i) => (r p) + i) 0 ps
| ConstructorP (_,p) => r p
| _ => 0
Wildcard matches everything and produces the empty list of bindings.
Variable s matches any value v and produces the one-element list holding (s,v).
UnitP matches only Unit and produces the empty list of bindings.
ConstP 17 matches only Const 17 and produces the empty list of bindings (and similarly for other integers).
TupleP ps matches a value of the form Tuple vs if ps and vs have the same length and for all i, the i-th element of ps matches the i-th element of vs. The list of bindings produced is all the lists from the nested pattern matches appended together.
ConstructorP(s1,p) matches Constructor(s2,v) if s1 and s2 are the same string (you can compare them with =) and p matches v. The list of bindings produced is the list from the nested pattern match. We call the strings s1 and s2 the constructor name.
Nothing else matches.
Can someone please explain the: "description of g"? How can f1 takes unit and returns an int & the rest i'm confused about too!!
The function g has type (unit → int) → (string → int) → pattern → int, so it takes three (curried) parameters of which two are functions and one is a pattern.
The parameters f1 and f2 must either be deterministic functions that always return the same constant, or functions with side-effects that can return an arbitrary integer / string, respectively, determined by external sources.
Since the comment speaks of "what number to be returned for each Wildcard and Variable", it sounds more likely that the f1 should return different numbers at different times (and I'm not sure what number refers to in the case of f2!). One definition might be this:
val counter = ref 0
fun uniqueInt () = !counter before counter := !counter + 1
fun uniqueString () = "s" ^ Int.toString (uniqueInt ())
Although this is just a guess. This definition only works up to Int.maxInt.
The comment describes g's return value as
[...] the sum of all those numbers for all the patterns wrapped in p.
Since the numbers are not ascribed any meaning, it doesn't seem like g serves any practical purpose but to compare the output of an arbitrarily given set of f1 and f2 against an arbitrary test that isn't given.
Catch-all patterns are often bad:
| _ => 0
Nothing else matches.
The reason is that if you extend pattern with additional types of patterns, the compiler will not notify you of a missing pattern in the function g; the catch-all will erroneously imply meaning for cases that are possibly yet undefined.

Fortran pointer array to multiple targets

Is there a way to have in Fortran a pointer to an array pointing different targets?
The following code shows what I am trying to do, which does not work as I want since the second association overwrites the first
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3
integer, target :: a(n), b(n)
integer, pointer :: c(:) => NULL()
a = 4
b = 5
c(1:n) => a(1:n)
c(n+1:2*n) => b(1:n)
c(1:2*n) = 1
print*, a
print*, b
OUTPUT (ifort)
4 1 1
1 1 1
OUTPUT (gfortran)
4 4 4
1 1 1
And, any idea why ifort and gfortran behave differently in this case?
No, there is no simple way to do this, at least as far as I can see. Maybe if you say why you are trying to do this somebody might come up with a suitable answer, for instance in my mind derived types and/or array constructors might be the way to go but without context it is difficult to say.
As for why you get different answers you accessed an array out of bounds so anything can happen:
ian#ian-pc:~/test/stack$ cat point.f90
Program point
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3
integer, target :: a(n), b(n)
integer, pointer :: c(:) => NULL()
a = 4
b = 5
c(1:n) => a(1:n)
c(n+1:2*n) => b(1:n)
c(1:2*n) = 1
print*, a
print*, b
End Program point
ian#ian-pc:~/test/stack$ nagfor -C=all -C=undefined point.f90
NAG Fortran Compiler Release 5.3.1(907)
[NAG Fortran Compiler normal termination]
ian#ian-pc:~/test/stack$ ./a.out
Runtime Error: point.f90, line 14: Subscript 1 of C (value 1) is out of range (4:6)
Program terminated by fatal error
Aborted (core dumped)
Think carefully what the lines
c(1:n) => a(1:n)
c(n+1:2*n) => b(1:n)
are doing. The first line says forget about whatever c was before, now c( 1:n ) is an alias for a( 1:n ). Note the allowed indices for c run from 1 to n. Similarly the second line throws away the reference to a and says c( n+1:2*n) is an alias for b( 1:n ). Note now the indices of C run from n+1:2*n, while for b they run from 1:n, but this is fine as both have n elements and that is all that matters. However the next line says
c(1:2*n) = 1
which can not be correct as you have just said the lowest allowed index for C is n+1, and as n=3 1 is not a valid index. Thus you are out of bounds and so anything can happen.
I strongly suggest when developing you use the debugging options on the compiler - in my experience it can save you hours by avoiding this kind of thing!
