Issues in finding IP addres in my computer and in an online - ip

Its a small and simple question, But still i didn't get in an online.
I just trying to find out my IP address of my computer.
So with help of online, I just follow . so it shows like this "".
And when i run IPCONFIG in my command prompt, it shows ip address and default gateway.
But it is totally different these ip address[which is got from online and from cmd prompt].
So i just confused,
what is the ip address from "this website <> and
what is the ip address from cmd prompt.
When i refer in online, there are 2 types of ip address[public and private].
I just confused with these ip addresses. Can anyone please help me to explain me about this?
Thanks in advance.

Public IP address is that one which allows that people can access to your web site/app from anywhere on Internet. Private IP is that one which belongs to your Internet local network (your home or another LAN).


User can't see server

The user is reporting the issue has an IP address of The server has an IP address of The user's machine has an IP address of Can anyone explain to me based on this why he can't get to the file? This users has full permissions.
The first IP address belongs to network 10.10.15. The other two, to 10.19.16.
Do the first machine not being in the same subnet cannot talk to the two others. Use ping to confirm that.
You can use the subnet calculator here:

way to detect list of changes in ip address in client machine

Ours is a small network consisting of 15 users. We have LAN messenger installed in every machine. Someone is misusing it by using anonymous IP address in their system. We traced the anonymous IP as Now we want to check each system if they have manually changed their IP to the above address. Does Windows stores IP address change event anywhere? All are static IP within a LAN.
With some luck, I've got an easy solution for you to retrieve some information about the target. You could try to use the nbtstat-command.
Just open a command prompt and type in the following:
nbtstat -A
This will output a bunch of information about the target host, including the machinename and MAC address.
Here is an example, how the output could look like:
Good luck

IP Address: using program or script

A) The below statement
shows output as myhostname/
B) The shows below (masked):
Using above mentioned technique A (any language or script), how do I get the value 14x.7x.2xx.x1x that above mentioned technique B shows? Or, is it at all possible?
In other words (?), using technique A (as mentioned in original question), how I can I get the same public Ip address of my home router which is shown by technique B? If it is impossible, please explain briefly (two lines at the most) why?
Refer to this question:Getting the 'external' IP address in Java
The computer don't know its final public address as it is not necessary for it to know. Local network IP Address is sufficient for it for the tasks. But if you want to get the public address you have to use an external service as mentions in the answers of the linked question.
I will assume that you are at your home and you have a router for connecting your several computers to the internet. will show an IP address as it is visible on the global internet. This may well be the IP address of your in-home router, which exposes one address for your entire in-home network. This is your public IP address.
The script that you show will give you the IP address of your own machine, which is usually only useful on your own local network. This is a private IP address, only accessible from your local network.

Remote Desktop From Outside Network

I've got a school demo tomorrow and because I don't have a laptop I need to use remote desktop to access a DB on my home machine for the demo. I can access my desktop from another machine on my ethernet by using the IP address I get from ipconfig, but here's the problem:
The address of my home machine from ipconfig is of the form 192.168.1.XXX
where my subnet mask is
I'm worried that once I'm on a machine outside of my ethernet the 192.168.1.XXX address will no longer work because I think that that address is relative to my ethernet. Is there a way I can find out my computer's public IP address or am I just being paranoid and the address I have is the public one?
Thanks a lot for your help!
You are correct that will not work from your school's network, or at least it won't point to your home network. That is a local-only address.
What you can do is set up port-forwarding on your home router to forward remote-desktop packets to your machine at home, say
So what you'll need is:
a) the public IP of your router; you can either go to one of those "what is my IP" websites to find it, or use traceroute/tracert to see it.
b) configure port-forwarding on your home router to (the machine with the DB on it that you want to remote in to). Not sure of the exact port but usually the router will have a named option like "Remote Desktop" to figure it out for you.
- to do this, you can usually go to (or whatever your router's local IP is), enter admin credentials, and configure the port-forwarding from there.
Then when at school, you would remote to your home router's public IP, and everything should just work. Good luck!
192.x.x.x and 10.x.x.x are internal ip addresses to your network so you are right, it won't work. Are you able to install software on your home computer and the computer you are connecting from? If so you could use (it is free for private use). I use it on my family's computers to remotely help them with troubleshooting issues. If you have a Windows box you can also use remote assistance.

Access localhost from another computer not on network

Before you say that it is a dupe, this is not the same as this, this, this or this.
My question is how do you do it globally.
For instance, consider this. I have EasyPHP running in my computer. At present my ip address (global) is
Now, let's say there is someone else (maybe in a different country altogether) who wants to access my ip ( I do know how to access 192.168.x.x from the same network. I just want to know how you can do this globally, if possible.
P.S 1 : The computer running EasyPHP is behind a router.
P.S 2 : My IP (local IP is, but global one is not) is not static. But let us assume the person who wants to access my localhost does know my Dynamic IP. For example, let us assume I tell the person who wants to access my localhost is my friend and I tell him over phone what my IP is.
You can use tools just like ngrok or Forward
more tools are in this post Accessing localhost From Anywhere
Your local IP address "192.168.x.x" is only known to your router and unknown to everyone outside your LAN. The global IP address ( in your example) is the global address of your router.
To be able to access the EasyPHP server on your local computer you need to forward the corresponding port (for http webservers the default is 80 but it might be different for EasyPHP) from your router to your local IP. You need to check your routers manual on how to do this.
After you have done that you can just tell the person who wants to access your local computer the global ip address of your router and he will see your EasyPHP response by browsing to that global address.
