WordPress CMS Woocommerce plugin cart page - wordpress

I am new to WordPress and since I created one e-commerce store using woocommerce plugin.
There is some page created by woocommerce plugin called cart, account, checkout, etc.
I already created store and its working fine when I place order for any product with some quantity suppose it is 5 each of $5 and I am going to cart page it is showing total ammount of $25.
but in cart page when I change the quantity of product the total amount is not changing.
So, please somebody help me how I can solve this, I want that instant change in total amount on quantity changing in cart page.

It should be a bug,don't try to write custome code on the plugin here are steps that you can follow :
try to deactivate all plugins.
If not fixed , try to change your current theme.
The last solution is to try new installation of WP And WooCommerce.


Woo commerce Price is not showing the correct price

I am new in e-commerce development, I'm facing an issue in woo commerce pricing, I have added 12 as product price and it is showing $547,072.00 as price, in fact, this value is visible in every price when we edit product than it shows the actual price which I have added due to this error when I add the product to cart is it adding $547,072.00 this as a product price.
enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here
Please check this images for more clarifications
I'm using the latest WordPress and woo commerce version
This seems like an odd thing. It shouldn't happen. If it's happening then you probabily have a plugin interfering with woocommerce code (via hooks maybe?).
Try to disable all your plugin and change to a standard theme like storefront (if you can do it) and check if it start working again

WooCommerce replaces products in cart

I can only add one product to the cart. So whenever a new product is added old one is gone from the cart.
Just can't figure out any reason for this. I've disabled the theme/woocommerce folder but still the same issue.

Product Archive in WooCommerce 3.2.6 (Wordpress 4.8.5) shows 1 product description

I was having problems with the Woocommerce products archive page (instead of displaying products, it displayed one product's description. I solved that when, just after posting here, I simply created a new shop page.
I would, however, really prefer to use the correct page from the Woocommerce tools, so the Dashboard link to Visit Store works.
I thought shortcodes would be the answer...they are for a new page named Shop, but not for the Woocommerce page. Does anyone here know what would cause this error, and how to fix it?
[Original question edited//replaced by this new one]

Why woocommerce shows only five products in category page?

I'm new to wordpress. I've instaled woocommerce plugin in wordpress 3.9.1. And installed the add-on https://github.com/dgrundel/woo-product-importer to import the products. I imported a csv file with 15 products. All those products are belongs to one category. But when I see the frontend that category page, it shows only 5 products. Rest of the products are missing. How can I fix this? Any help will be appreciated.
WooCommerce has an easy (I think) solution to this problem if you're still looking for one. Just set-up a page for each of your products and use this shortcode:
[product_category category="appliances"]
Replace appliances with whatever your category name is. It shows all your products of that category and gets you out of the WooCommerce loop so you can add more styling and content to your page.
Try checking Settings > Reading and see what it shows under "Blog pages show at most:" thats setting dictates how posts get shown on a page before pagination. That setting also affects how many products WooCommerce displays.

discount on total price before checkout in woocommerce when user shares on facebook

Hi I am using wordpress + woocommerce for my site. I want to apply a discount on total price of items in cart before checkout and update the cart total after discount. I want this to be done when user shares this purchase on his wall. Please help me in this.
There is a nifty plugin that does what you need: Viral Coupon Plugin http://wpin.me/best-ever-plugin-for-woocommerce-say-hello-to-viral-coupon/
I bought it for a customer and it works as expected. After configuration, I only had to customize the look via CSS.
Just check this website, you can find what you are looking for.
Or you can directly download it here for free
