WooCommerce replaces products in cart - wordpress

I can only add one product to the cart. So whenever a new product is added old one is gone from the cart.
Just can't figure out any reason for this. I've disabled the theme/woocommerce folder but still the same issue.


Update mini cart in language change

I am facing an issue. When I am adding a product in the cart everythings works fine. But If I Change the language (wpml) when I already have some products in the cart, it doesnt translate the mini cart. If I add another product, in the new languange, mini cart gets translated but the first product is still in the previous language. Any thoughts?

Duplicate woocommerce-cart-form and cart_totals when updating cart

I am developing a plugin. when I try to update cart after added cart, all data is showing duplicity each time. I used woocommerce default cart template

Product added to cart twice

I’m using this plugin with a WD OSWAD MARKET theme. It happens that when I add a product from the shop or category page, it adds it twice. When I do it from a single product page, it adds once, correctly. Please advice.

Issue in add the product to cart when price field is empty

I am using https://wisdmlabs.com/woocommerce-user-specific-pricing-extension/ plugin in my site. Using this plugin i have add variations and price for each products. But i have one issue here. I can’t able to add the product to cart when the regular price field is empty.
What can i do for this?

WordPress CMS Woocommerce plugin cart page

I am new to WordPress and since I created one e-commerce store using woocommerce plugin.
There is some page created by woocommerce plugin called cart, account, checkout, etc.
I already created store and its working fine when I place order for any product with some quantity suppose it is 5 each of $5 and I am going to cart page it is showing total ammount of $25.
but in cart page when I change the quantity of product the total amount is not changing.
So, please somebody help me how I can solve this, I want that instant change in total amount on quantity changing in cart page.
It should be a bug,don't try to write custome code on the plugin here are steps that you can follow :
try to deactivate all plugins.
If not fixed , try to change your current theme.
The last solution is to try new installation of WP And WooCommerce.
