Can you use a regex in .NET WebApi Route URI For API Versioning -

In MVC and WebApi you can add parameter constraints to your routes (see You can even use regular expressions for the parameter constraints. However, I'm wondering if it's possible to use regular expressions to handle API versioning where many routes could/should route to the same action.
For example, I'm trying to version my API in the actual URI like this:
Where v3 indicates that it's version 3 of the API. If I'm on version 3 of my API it is likely that many of the actions have been unchanged throughout all three versions and would hence need to respond to:
Therefore, I would like to just be able to put a regex in my route attribute like this:
[Route("api/v(1|2|3)/SomeResource")] but it appears as though it doesn't treat the v(1|2|3) as a regex and instead treats it as a literal. In other words, a request to /api/v1/SomeResource isn't going to this action.
Is it possible to accomplish what I'm trying to accomplish? is there a way to put a regex in my route?
Thanks in advance!

Take a look at this:
[HttpGet, Route("Api/v{version:int:regex(1|2|3)}/SomeResource")]

No, it is not possible. Per MSDN.
A URL pattern can contain literal values and variable placeholders (referred to as URL parameters). The literals and placeholders are located in segments of the URL which are delimited by the slash (/) character.
Nor is it particularly useful in this case, because you would typically route each API version to a separate controller. Therefore, each version would require a separate route, not a single route that matches all versions.
The document which you have already linked has a section that specifically covers API versioning (although it doesn't provide much detail).


Translate API - different result from the web service

When using the translation API, I get a different translation (and worse) than if I use
I am working on a project for a client, and the client was dissatisfied with the translation and noticed the difference.
Do these two service use different engines? I read that the API uses nmt-mode now, and that already uses the same engine.
Both set to translate from Norwegian to English.
Any more information that can clear this up?
The result differences between the and the Translation API calls are considered as an expected behavior that can be generated due to maintenance tasks and the logic used by the internal processes; However, the engines used for each service seems to be private information.
Based on this, it is normal to get some variances when using the API. I think you can use the model parameter option as an available workaround in case you want to specify which of the available models to use, as well as take a look on the Specifying a model official documentation to get detail information about this alternative.
It's almost about 3 years later and the problem still remains!
So I was trying to translate a dataset with the Google Translate API, but in the end it failed to translate some texts to the target language (in my case, Persian/Farsi). So I decided to check them to see if there's a pattern and maybe translate them using the web version of Google Translate.
As I was doing so, I figured that the web version actually could translate some of those untranslated texts, BUT not all. When trying to find a reason for such behaviour, I found out that most of them were names and not sentences. But as we know, names can easily be written with the target language characters as the translation. But why the API doesn't transform those names while the web version does? This photo will explain everything perhaps:
verified translation
As can be seen, some translations have a badge indicating that the translation has been verified, while some others don't.
So to recap, my guess is that maybe the API is set to only use verified translations, but as for the web version, even unverified translations are allowed since you can edit or report them.

Extending ASP.NET MVC 4 MvcHandler

I'm trying to add some functionality to the default MvcHandler. What's happening is: I wanted to have dashed url's instead of Pascal Case url's. In other words if my controller is SomeController I wanted the URL to be /some-controller instead of /SomeController.
My best workaround was: I've created one mapping file URLMappings.xml which maps each controller to each desired URL. Then I've extended the default Route class to generate outgoing url's based on this and the default RouteHandler to understand the url's based on this. Well, this works fine because even if some mapping wasn't created then the framework will use the default behavior.
My point is: with this the routing system was understanding both kinds of Url's and this leads to duplicate content SEO problem. I wanted then to implement the following:
Get the controller value
See if on some mapping the controller name matches the value
If it matches, then there's some preferable URL than the one that was typed, should return 404.
I've searched on the web and the only way I've found to do this was to create a new IHttpHandler. However I don't want one from scratch, since I need all MVC functionality. I just want to put this logic on the ProcessRequest, however my overidden version of the method is not being executed.
Can someone give me some idea on how to deal with this ? Sorry if the question is silly or if it's not well detailed. If there's need for more information, just tell me.
You don't need a custom MvcHandler but a custom Route. There's a already NuGet package for this functionality called LowercaseRoutesMVC. Feel free to download it, explore the source code and adapt if necessary (to put the dash wherever you want to put it).

Force case-sensitive routing in ASP.NET MVC

This question has been asked in a similar but not identical fashion (and not resolved to my satisfaction) previously on Stack Overflow and elsewhere.
Coming from a linux-world, I want to use ASP.NET MVC but avoid identical but differently-cased routes from resolving to the same page. I do not want to force all routes to be 100% lowercase.
e.g. I want /Home/Something to be a valid route and /Home/somethingElse to also be a valid route, but not /Home/something or /home/somethingelse, given two functions called Something and somethingElse in the HomeController.
I can't find any way of doing this from within the RegisterRoutes function, but maybe I'm missing something obvious? I can answer this easily enough by adding code to each Controller function, but I'm obviously trying to avoid doing that.
Optimally, the solution would involve catching all permutations of a particular route, then 301 redirecting any that do not exactly match the case of the controller's function.
I was unable to find any way of doing this after extensive searching. Basically, case-sensitivity and IIS/ASP.NET apparently do not go together.
We're now using a bit of a kludge to solve this. The code has been opensourced (MIT license) on github: NeoSmart Web Toolkit, in particular, this file containing the SEO redirect code.
Using it is easy enough: each GET method in the controller classes needs to add just this one line at the start:
The SEO rewrite class automatically uses C# 5.0's Caller Info attributes to do the heavy lifting, making the code above strictly copy-and-paste.
Ideally, I would love to find a way to turn that line of code into an attribute. For instance, prefixing the controller methods with [CaseSensitive] would automatically have the same effect as writing in that line, but alas, I do not (yet) know how to do this.
I also can't find any way of figuring this out with the Routing class/structures. That's some opaque code!

Using duplicate parameters in a URL

We are building an API in-house and often are passing a parameter with multiple values.
They use:
Instead of:,2,3
I favor the second approach but I was curious if it was actually incorrect to do the first?
I'm not an HTTP guru, but from what I understand there's not a definitive standard on the query part of the URL regarding multiple values, it's typically up to the CGI that handles the request to parse the query string.
RFC 1738 section 3.3 mentions a searchpart and that it should go after the ? but doesn't seem to elaborate on its format.
I did not (bother to) check which RFC standard defines it. (Anyone who knows about this please leave a reference in the comment.) But in practice, the way is already how a browser would produce when a form contains duplicated fields, typically the checkboxes. See it in action in this w3schools example page. So there is a good chance that the whatever programming language you are using, already provides some helper functions to parse an input like that and probably returns a list.
You could, of course, go with your own approach such as,2,3, which is not bad at all in this particular case. But you will need to implement your own logic to produce and to consume such format. Now you may or may not need to think about handling some corner cases by yourself, such as: what if the input is not well-formed, like,2,? And do you need to invent yet another separator, if the comma sign itself can also be a valid input, like,John|Doe,Jane? Would you reach to a point that you will use a json string as the value, like["John Doe", "Jane Doe"]? etc. etc.. Your mileage may vary.
Worth adding that inconsistend handling of duplicate parameters in the URL on the server is may lead to vulnerabilities, specifically server-side HTTP parameter pollution, with a practical example - Client side Http Parameter Pollution - Yahoo! Classic Mail Video Poc.
in your first approach you will get an array of querystring values but in second approach you will get a string of querystring values.
I guess it depends on technology you use, how it becomes convenient. I am currently standing in front of the same question using currency=USD,CHF or currency=USD&currency=CHF
I am using Thymeleaf and using the second option makes it easy to work, I can then request something like: ${param.currency.contains(currency.value)}. When I try to use the first option it seems it takes the "array" like a string, so I need to split first and then do contain, what leads me to a more mess code.
Just my 50 cents :-)

Problem with differentiation of pathparams

I have problem with Jax-rs #Path variable, I need to differentiate the following two pathparams
sample url for both:
1. http://localhost:8080/
2. http://localhost:8080/
I think we need to use regex in pathparam! I tried it but failed to get it!
I'm using this application in Resteasy integration with spring-mvc.
Plz advice on this issue!
You control the matching of path parameter by putting inside the parameter a colon and then an RE pattern to match it, like this (where the RE is .+[.].+, which matches anything so long as it has at least one dot somewhere in the middle):
I use this in one of my services (which uses Apache CXF, but I believe this is a feature of all JAX-RS implementations). Have a care though! You can match path separators with this, which can make things very confusing. (I think you might be better to change the structure of the URIs so that there is no ambiguity, e.g., {domain}/id/{id} and {domain}/files/{filename}. I bet your clients will grok that much more rapidly.)
