I have a vector "Time.Training" in the format hours:minutes:seconds (e.g.
Time.Training <- c("1:00:00", "0:45:00", "0:30:00", "1:30:00")
I would like to convert this into minutes in the format:
Time.Training.Minutes <- c(60, 45, 30, 90)
I'm wondering if someone has a straightforward method of doing this in R.
Many thanks.
Using lubridate:
Time.Training<- c("1:00:00", "0:45:00", "0:30:00", "1:30:00")
res <- hms(Time.Training) # format to 'hours:minutes:seconds'
hour(res)*60 + minute(res) # convert hours to minutes, and add minutes
## [1] 60 45 30 90
Try this. We basically converting to POSIXlt class first by pasting a real date to the vector using the Sys.Date() function (because there is no hour class in base R) and then using hour and min arguments in order to achieve the output
Res <- as.POSIXlt(paste(Sys.Date(), Time.Training))
Res$hour*60 + Res$min
## [1] 60 45 30 90
Use as.difftime:
> Time.Training<- c("1:00:00", "0:45:00", "0:30:00", "1:30:00")
> strtoi(as.difftime(Time.Training, format = "%H:%M:%S", units = "mins"))
[1] 60 45 30 90
Here are some alternatives:
1) The chron package has a "times" class in which 1 unit is a day and there are 60 * 24 minutes in a day so:
60 * 24 * as.numeric(times(Time.Training))
[1] 60 45 30 90
1a) Another approach using chron is the following (giving the same answer):
ch <- times(Time.training)
60 * hours(ch) + minutes(ch)
2) Here is an approach using read.table and matrix/vector multiplication. No packages are needed:
c(as.matrix(read.table(text = Time.Training, sep = ":")) %*% c(60, 1, 1/60))
(Using "POSIXlt" is probably the most straight-forward approach without packages but another answer already provides that.)
Taking the hour column from the date time column and create a new cloumn hour and give only hour data in that column 2011-01-01 00:00:01
Ans :
Suppose I have a zoo object (or it could be a data.frame) that has an index on "time of day" and has some value (see sample data below):
2006-08-01 12:00 23
2006-08-01 12:01 24
2006-08-01 12:02 25
2006-08-01 12:03 26
2006-08-01 12:04 27
2006-08-01 12:05 28
2006-08-01 12:06 29
2006-08-02 12:00 123
2006-08-02 12:01 124
2006-08-02 12:02 125
2006-08-02 12:03 126
2006-08-02 12:04 127
I would like to call a custom function (call it custom.func(vals)) from 12:01 - 12:03 (i.e. something similar to zoo::rollapply) every time that interval occurs so in this example, daily. How would I do that?
NOTES (for robustness, it would also be great to take into account the following edge cases but not necessary):
Don't assume that I have values for 12:01 - 12:03 every day
Don't assume that the entire range 12:01 - 12:03 is present every day. Some days I might only have 12:01 and 12:02 but might be missing 12:03
What if I wanted my custom.func(vals) to be called on day boundaries like using val from 23:58 - 00:12?
Suppose our input is the POSIXct zoo object z given in the Note at the end.
Create a character vector times which has one element per element of z and is in the form HH:MM. Then create a logical ok which indicates which times are between the indicated boundary values. z[ok] is then z reduced to those values. Finally for each day apply sum (can use some other function if desired) using aggregate.zoo :
times <- format(time(z), "%H:%M")
ok <- times >= "12:01" & times <= "12:03"
aggregate(z[ok], as.Date, sum)
## 2006-08-01 2006-08-02
## 75 375
times straddle midnight
The version is for the case where the times straddle midnight. Note that the order of values sent to the function is not the original order but if the function is symmetric that does not matter.
times <- format(time(z), "%H:%M")
ok <- times >= "23:58" | times <= "00:12"
aggregate(z[ok], (as.Date(format(time(z))) + (times >= "23:58"))[ok], sum)
## 2006-08-02
## 41
The prior code chunk works if the function is symmetric in the components of its argument (which is the case for many functions such as mean and sum) but if the function were not symmetric we would need a slightly different approach. We define to.sec which translates an HH:MM string to numeric seconds and subtract to.sec("23:58") from each POSIXct datetime. Then the components of z to keep are those whose transformed times converted to HH:MM character strings that are less than "00:14".
to.sec <- function(x) with(read.table(text = x, sep = ":"), 3600 * V1 + 60 * V2)
times <- format(time(z) - to.sec("23:58"), "%H:%M")
ok <- times <= "00:14"
aggregate(z[ok], as.Date(time(z)[ok] - to.sec("23:58")), sum)
## 2006-08-01
## 41
Lines <- "datetime val
2006-08-01T12:00 23
2006-08-01T12:01 24
2006-08-01T12:02 25
2006-08-01T12:03 26
2006-08-01T12:04 27
2006-08-01T12:05 28
2006-08-01T12:06 29
2006-08-01T23:58 20
2006-08-02T00:01 21
2006-08-02T12:00 123
2006-08-02T12:01 124
2006-08-02T12:02 125
2006-08-02T12:03 126
2006-08-02T12:04 127"
z <- read.zoo(text = Lines, tz = "", header = TRUE, format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M")
Have revised the non-symmetric code and simplified all code chunks.
I recommend runner package which allows to compute any rolling function on irregular time series. Function runner is equivalent of rollApply with distinction that it can depend on dates. runner allows to apply any R function on window length defined by k with date idx (or any integer). Example below calculates regression on 5-minutes (5*60 sec) window span. Algorithm don't care if there will be day-change, just compute 5-minutes each time (for example 23:56-00:01).
Create data:
x <- cumsum(rnorm(1000))
y <- 3 * x + rnorm(1000)
time <- as.POSIXct(cumsum(sample(60:120, 1000, replace = TRUE)),
origin = Sys.Date()) # unequaly spaced time series
data <- data.frame(time, y, x)
Custom function to be called on sliding windows:
running_regression <- function(idx) {
predict(lm(y ~ x, data = data))[max(idx)]
data$pred <- runner(seq_along(x),
k = 60 * 5,
idx = time,
f = running_regression)
Once we have created dataset with rolling 5-minute prediction, then we can filter only particular windows - here, only 1-st minute of the hour. It means that we always keep {hh}:56 - {hh+1}:01
filtered <-
data %>%
filter(minute(time) == 1)
plot(data$time, data$y, type = "l", col = "red")
points(filtered$time, filtered$pred, col = "blue")
There are some other examples in vignette how to do this with runner
I am trying to convert a number into time format.
For example:
I calculate how long has to be charged an electric car at the charging station of 11 kWh.
Energy demand - 2,8 kWh
Charging time = 2,8 kWh/11 kWh = 0,257 h
0,257 h = 15 min 25 sec. = 00:15:25
How can I convert 0,257 h into 00:15:25 in R?
Based on the example, we will assume that the input is less than 24 (but if that is not the case these could be modified to handle that depending on the definition of what such an input should produce).
1) chron::times Use chron times like this. times measures times in fractions of a day so divide the hours (.257) by 24 to give the fraction of a day that it represents.
times(.257 / 24)
## [1] 00:15:25
This gives a chron "times" class object. If x is such an object use format(x) to convert it to a character string, if desired.
2) POSIXct This uses no packages although it is longer. It returns the time as a character string. POSIXct measures time in seconds and so multiply the hours (.257) by 3600 as there are 3600 seconds in an hour.
format(as.POSIXct("1970-01-01") + 3600 * .257, "%H:%M:%S")
## [1] "00:15:25"
2a) This variation would also work. It is longer but it involves no conversion factors. It returns a character string.
format(as.POSIXct("1970-01-01") + as.difftime(.257, units = "hours"), "%H:%M:%S")
## [1] "00:15:25"
Updates: Added (2). Also added (2a) and improved (2).
The answer by #GGrothendieck seems to be the way to go here. But if you had to do this in base R, you could just compute the hour, minute, and second components and build the time string manually:
x <- 2.257 # number of hours
total <- round(x*60*60, digits=0) # the total number of seconds
hours <- trunc(total / (60*60))
minutes <- trunc((x - hours) * 60)
seconds <- total %% 60
ts <- paste0(formatC(hours, width=2, flag="0"), ":",
formatC(minutes, width=2, flag="0"), ":",
formatC(seconds, width=2, flag="0"))
[1] "02:15:25"
The tidyverse solution would use the hms package:
hms::hms(0.257 * 60^2)
#> 00:15:25.2
Gives you an object of classes hms and difftime. If you want a string:
format(hms::hms(0.257 * 60^2))
#> [1] "00:15:25.2"
I can convert to POSIXct most of the time like for instance:
as.POSIXct( "20:16:32", format = "%H:%M:%S" )
[1] "2017-06-23 20:16:32 EDT"
But once the time goes beyond 24h, it fails:
as.POSIXct( "24:16:32", format = "%H:%M:%S" )
[1] NA
Which makes some sense as 24:16:32 should rather be read as 00:16:32
Such standards of 24+ are however well spread in the design of public transportation. I could of course replace all "24:" by "00:", but I am sure there is a more elegant way out.
Read the time string into a data frame dd and set next_day to 1 if the hour exceeds 24 or more or 0 if not. Subtract 24 from the hour if next_day is 1 and add 1 day's worth of seconds. Given that today is June 23, 2017 this would work for hours between 0 and 47.
x <- "24:16:32" # test input
dd <- read.table(text = x, sep = ":", col.names = c("hh", "mm", "ss"))
next_day <- dd$hh >= 24
s <- sprintf("%s %0d:%0d:%0d", Sys.Date(), dd$hh - 24 * next_day, dd$mm, dd$ss)
as.POSIXct(s) + next_day * 24 * 60 * 60
## "2017-06-24 00:16:32 EDT"
I have a data.table dt which have many records .
It have two columns datetime1, with value as "2017-04-19 09:54:00" of class POSIXct
another column have time values like "7.97" of class numeric. It is for the same date.
I want to calculate a difference in the time in minutes. how can I do it in R
Try this
time1 <- as.POSIXct('2017-04-19 09:54:00')
time2 <- as.POSIXct('2017-04-19 00:00:00') + 3600*7.97
60*as.numeric(time1 - time2)
You can use functions of lubridate to extract hour, minute, and second of the POSIXct and then calculate the difference.
x = as.POSIXct("2017-04-19 09:54:00", tz = "UTC")
hour(x) * 60 + minute(x) + second(x)/60 - 7.97 * 60
#[1] 115.8
If I have a vector of dates and hours such as...
c("2016-03-15 13","2016-03-16 23","2016-03-17 06","2016-03-18 15","2016-03-19 08","2016-03-20 21")
Can I find the number of hours that pass between each timestamp? I looked into difftime but it requires 2 vectors.
We can do this after converting to 'DateTime' class using lubridate, then get the difference in 'hour' between adjacent elements using difftime by passing two vectors after removing the last and first observation in the vector
v2 <- ymd_h(v1)
Or a base R option is as.POSIXct
v2 <- as.POSIXct(v1, format = "%Y-%m-%d %H")
and then do the difftime
difftime(v2[-length(v2)], v2[-1], unit = "hour")
v1 <- c("2016-03-15 13","2016-03-16 23","2016-03-17 06",
"2016-03-18 15","2016-03-19 08","2016-03-20 21")
You can do this by using strptime() function.
Try something like this.
data <- c("2016-03-15 13","2016-03-16 23","2016-03-17 06","2016-03-18 15","2016-03-19 08","2016-03-20 21")
datevec <- strptime(data,"%Y-%m-%d %H")
Here is the output.
> difftime(datevec[-length(datevec)],datevec[-1],units="hours")
Time differences in hours
[1] -34 -7 -33 -17 -37