Open-Atrium Toolbar - drupal

I have two blue prints for the space content type in OA. On the toolbar dropdown i want to show only the spaces created using the default blue print. AO uses the oa_core_get_groups_by_user_access(found in OA core module in the file) to pull all spaces a use subscribed to. I want to alter this function to show only spaces created using the default blue print by altering the query used in this function.
All my attempts to do so have failed probably because i don't understand the drupal database abstraction queries. Can someone help me with the piece of code i can add to this function to achieve this functionality.

Finally got it. To show only the default spaces in the dropdown, you have to make changes to the oa_core_get_titles function in the file of oa_core.
Add the following line below line 641 of that particular file.
This filters out only spaces created using the default space.


Docxtemplater - Newlines between loop iterations

TLDR - how do I use either a custom parser function or modify the loop module to it'll add a newline after each iteration?
Long story:
I'm using old templates that used to be rendered with some MS tools, now trying to render them with docxtemplater. Main requirement is to not modify the templates. Use them as they are, and be able to render documents as identical as possible to that MS tool.
Here's what a loop looks like in one of the templates:
«TableStart:MortgageInfo»« MortgageInfo_Name»
« MortgageInfo_MortgageStreet»
I used custom delimiters for « and » and created a custom loop module to handle the custom TableStart: and TableEnd: format.
There is no linebreak between «CityStateZip» and «TableEnd:MortgageInfo» so the 2nd item is rendered immediately after the 1st without a linebreak.
Anybody has any idea how I add this missing linebreak? Please bare in mind - no modification to the template is allowed...

Vimperator: Follow hint in new tab and switch to it

I am trying to find a strategy in the Vimperator-logic for opening a link to a new tab and switch to it immediately.
I guess this might be a TMTOWTDI.
My first approach would be to start off with a :command sequence. Unfortunately F - Follow hint in background tab - has no equivalent in the command mode. The best solution for me would be without any change in default behaviour whatsoever.
Another approach might be to combine the default F with switching to next tag gt. This would have to include to pass the parameter for F, say 10 for the tenth link of the document. Unfortunately F10gt does open the tenth link but without switching to the newly opened tab.
A third approach does come to mind when using focus elements: ;y10 yank the destination link, :tabopen + paste clipboard content.
Any ideas of what is doable and the easiest?
This functionality exists as a mode of the hint function. Pressing ;t
will produce the desired result. If you want to map it you can also access the javascript directly.

How to enter values to a text field using monkeyrunner

I am trying to enter some text to a text field in my android application using Monkeyrunner.
while running the first line,the text field is getting selected.But The string "user" is not typing there.But the same code i can run out of my application ,In the android native search field i can enter "user" string using this code. I tried the same with device.type('USER') command also.That is also not working
If i am using this code ('KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER', MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
It is taping one center button. (In my application page one button is there in the middle of the page.)
Try the following code. It's working in my case:
device.touch(x, y, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)
In the command touch put the coordinates of your edittext instead of x and y
One of the challenges would be to find the coordinates to touch, mainly using different screen sizes and configurations.
AndroidViewClient can help in this respect and you can avoid having to provide the coordinates for the Views and you can simply do:
subject = vc.findViewByIdOrRaise('id/subject')
this lines were taken from one of the AVC examples:
Do you have space character as part of the text you're trying to enter? Try without space and see if that works. Then, you can figure out how to deal with space.

How to restrict text length of a field while in WordPress editor?

I would like to restrict the fields while creating a new post in WordPress. For the title, it should not exceed 40 characters. For the content, it should not exceed 400 characters. If these maximum values are exceeded, I would like to show an error message and not let the user continue. How do I do that in WordPress?
You should be able to use wordpress filters to modify the code that gets outputted when the editor is called. Essentially you would want to use it to insert some javascript and an extra div tag to display your error, then just read the contents of the "editorcontainer" id and show the error once it reaches a certain character limit.
I don't have the time at the moment to write a case example, but depending on your skill level, the functions you are looking for are:
apply_filters("the_editor", "customfunction_limitarea");
Where customfunction_limit area is your created function to insert the javascript. You can see how the_editor is currently called and how the default filters are applied in "wp-includes\general-template.php" on line 1822. The default looks like this:
$the_editor = apply_filters('the_editor', "<div id='editorcontainer'><textarea rows='$rows'$class cols='40' name='$id' tabindex='$tab_index' id='$id'>%s</textarea></div>\n");
I would try modifying that statement by placing a new filter in a functions.php file located in your themes directory, that way you don't have to worry about it getting over-written during an update. Otherwise, if you absolutely have to edit the wordpress core (generally a no-no), general_template.php would be the place to do it I think.
Essentially just read up on wordpress filters a little bit (be warned there's not a ton of documentation or examples available for it other than the basic stuff), and that should provide everything you need. The input verification end is easy enough to find scripts, just google jquery post limiting. Something like this might be exactly what your looking for:

Insert programming code in a Lyx document

What is the best way of inserting python/C++ code in a Lyx document? The code is small examples less than 20 lines.
My Lyx document is using the Book document class.
I prefer to insert the listings as a child document, so the code is grabbed directly from a file that you can further edit and keep updated (you avoid to duplicate an information and maintenance is a lot easier).
To do this in Lyx:
Insert->File->Child document
Then in the window that will appear change the type to program listing and configure it as you need, for example you could want to enter the parameter language=Python (you can type a ? to view all the parameters).
A set of parameters I usually use is:
breaklines=true //--> breaks lines to margin
captionpos=b //--> caption at the bottom of the listing (default is "t")
frame=tb //--> frame at the top and at the bottom of the listing
language=Python //--> syntax highlighting for python
There should be an Insert -> Program Listing option. That uses listings Latex package, so you should have that installed. The support seems to have been added in Lyx 1.5, and from their screenshot, it seems it gives you a lot of customization options.
The insert->Program Listing feature works great. I just want to add that if you are on Mac, and try to directly paste, using command+V or right-click+paste, a block of code into the program listing, the whitespace will not be preserved, and you have to manually insert the whitespace by typing tabs, returns, etc.
A very easy way to get around this is is to paste using shift+command+V. This preserves all the whitespace of your original source code.
