ASP pages do not load -

First off, I'm not a web developer, so I might be asking the question in the wrong place. Unfortunately, I've tried searching regarding my problem but most of the issues I see are web-developer server side issues, so I'm runnig out of places to turn.
The problem: I'm trying to navigate a website, and eventually it decides to try running a ".asp" page. However, my browser just hangs (attempted Firefox and IE11), until it eventually times out. However, when I've run the same website on other machines (such as my phone), those pages load flawlessly. The fact that it's browser independent seems to suggest it's something with my local machine (Win7). I've ensured the IIS feature is turned on and the process is running, but still nothing.
The only other evidence I have is while searching for ASP tutorials, there was an example designed to show the current date/time which didn't work. The rest of the page which was straight HTML was then fine. I'm not sure if it's possible that some native binary for a scripting language isn't loading, but I'm not sure how I can debug that.
To summarise, my questions are as follows:
What could stop an ASP page being loaded on a client machine?
What can I do to ensure the right dependencies are present on a client machine such that it can load ASP pages?
To note, I'm not aware of anything I've installed which would affect this. The only code related program on my PC is Visual C++ Express 2013, but I'm not sure what that would do. .Net 4.5 is installed but I don't know how to tell what script the asp page is attempting to execute.

* What could stop an ASP page being loaded on a client machine?
IIS is the one responsible for parsing asp code.
IIS takes your ASP code, and then, transforms it into html code, then sends it to the client.
There might be an issue with your windows 7 computer, but there is nothing related to ASP.
* What can I do to ensure the right dependencies are present on a client machine such that it can load ASP pages?
There are no such dependencies. Your client makes a call to a server, which returns html code.


Classic ASP, IIS8 & VB6

I was hoping to get some people's expertise as I'm currently outside my main domain. I'm currently working for a client that has an old system written in VB6 COM Objects. They use these to do basic Database interaction. These COM Objects are used in a Classic ASP website.
I've been tasked with getting the site up, running and in a build-able environment (Windows 8.1 is what they want to use).
I've been working through all the blockers associated with this and I believe I have it in a running state (as in I've configured IIS and been able to run the website, log in and click around and so far nothing has crashed).
I can make changes to the code in Visual Studio 6 Enterprise and those changes are working so I'm confident I've got that about 90% of the way there.
I've now got 2 problems both somewhat related:
Problem 1:
Problem 1 is now debugging, both the ASP & the VB code.
I can put a break point in the VB code and 'Step-Into' it (to attach) and then run the site and the code that runs in the global.asa file gets run and hits that breakpoint no worries, can step through as I would expect.
The problem then comes when I go to 'login' to the system. I use the same user/password that works if I'm not 'attached' the system crashes with a "An unhandled exception ('Error in loading DLL') occurred in w3wp.exe [3284]." - If i try to load up a debugger from this Visual Studio 6 is not an option in the list. If I then detach and I can do everything as before.
Does anyone know what could be causing this? Or have another way to be able to debug/step through this?
Problem 2:
They had previously been 'running' the website through Visual InterDev 6.0 - they could add breakpoints to the Classic ASP code and be able to step through then into the VB components.
The problem is that although I can install InterDev on my machine, I can't actually set it up. It appears to need FrontPage Server Extensions which although they can be 'installed' on IIS 8.5 they don't seem to be officially supported by Microsoft. So I've managed to install it without any issues but it doesn't seem to be configured in the same way that InterDev needs it to be able to setup a solution file/run from it.
My Question is this: Has anyone been able to configure FrontPage Server Extensions in a way that InterDev works?
OR is there any other tools I could use to 'run' a Classic ASP site that would allow me to debug it properly.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks in Advance,
I think you actually don´t need Interdev in order to debug the classic ASP code. Just create a blank solution in Visual Studio and add all the classic ASP files from the virtual directory (editor and debugging capabilities for classic ASP files are still supported, even in the latest version of Visual Studio).
I assume you run the web application in your local IIS... once you have the solution, open the script of interest, put some breakpoints and than attach the Visual Studio debugger to the web server´s worker process (which should be w3wp.exe). Maybe you need to manually select the Script code type (automatic code type detection might not work).

Changes to razor view not showing

I have made some changes to a view in my ASP.NET MVC3 application, but the changes I have made are not showing up when I test/debug the site within the browser. The changes I am making are simple text amendments to the markup.
I am using the Visual Studio development server for testing the application.
The odd thing is, I have tried publishing these changes to IIS and the changes I have made to the view are working when I test the application using the IIS server.
It is only when testing in the Visual Studio environment that this seems to happen.
A common problem i've run into is when you are not using IE and you close the debug session, but not your browser.
This means that the "IIS/development server" is still running in your system tray, but it is running on the old compiled code, if you hit ctrl + shift + b, you build your entire solution and re-publish your code to your development server. this allows you to hit refresh (F5) in your browser and the changes you've made to the razor view should now be reflected in your browser.
Are you using IE? Maybe deleting the cache or using another browser should work? I've had a lot of problems with that :D
Solution is to use IIS Express. For some reason, the VS development server doesn't recognise changes to code behind - nothing to do with caching on the browser.
However the location of the source code as suggested in other answers is important - it works for me using the c:\windows folder or c:\users\DefaultAppPool - apparently it has something to do with security to ensure.
Only applications running under the 'DefaultAppPool' identity are permitted under IIS. So, for anyone using a VM and mapping the host OS code folder you won't be able to rectify this unless you copy to a local folder in the c:\users\DefaultAppPool folder.
You may also now have difficulties accessing the SQL server database established for the Membership Provider under ASP.NET. For more details on how to fix that, I've posted on my blog.

what's removing my basic authentication header?

I'm having some problems running a webservice on my local machine. it's an webservice, which is using a .Net 4.0 Classic application pool. It works fine on everybody else's machine, and the live servers.
The problem: most request rely on basic authentication, which fails every time, with the correct credentials. Debugging, I can see that the basic authentication part of the header has been removed by something along the chain.
also, Application_BeginRequest in global.asax gets hit twice. Once with the original header (which then appears not hit any of the webservice endpoints) and then with the basicauth-less version.
The issue seems to go away if I switch the app pool to integrated, but unfortunately this isn't an issue as it fails for different reasons then.
I'd welcome any ideas of what is removing the basic auth from the header. I thought perhaps something in my IIS config, but I've reinstalled IIS without any luck.
Well it's fixed now. The noly thing I believe I changed was installing SP1 for visual studio 2010. I'm very doubtful that that was really the source of the problem though

We have a aspx page on our iis7 server, which fails to work on production but works fine on development

Basically we have this aspx script generated by another company, which we need to run, we normally just use coldfusion, for our company.
However this app is an aspx.
We have both a development and production server, it works flawlessly on our dev server, but it fails to work at all in the production server.
It uses a javascript function called _doPostBack.
I have compared the aspx files on dev/prod line by line, and they are 100% identical.
So I need some ideas what iis7 setting to change to allow this to work. Since we didn't do anything special to make it work on our development server.
Our Prodution server is sql2008, iis7, win 2008 i believe.
Our Development server is sql 2005 express, iis7, vista business edition.
Any suggestions or tips we can do?
And in firebug it generates no javascript errors of any code, but the navigation links do nothing.
The page itself displays, on the left is a list of links, which if clicked on, should change the content on the right/main content area.
This works fine on dev, it doesn't work at all on production. It does display the page, show's no javascript errors, but the navigation links do not work.
There is no external javascript file, so it must be something in iis.
I would consider reinstalling on the box that isn't working. Can be done from command line using aspnet_regiis -i
Other than that I have no idea. Sounds like a config issue to me though..
In the IIS settings, make sure the ASP.NET System Services is running and verify that ASP.NET exists in the Role Services. Also check the Application Pools and in the Advanced Settings, you can check the .Net framework version.
What happens if you try to acccess a page you create called test.aspx with plain text?
You can try running the page locally on the production server, sometimes things will work locally but not remotely if it's an IIS issue.
Have you verified that the appropriate .Net framework is installed on the machine and that the page resides in an application in IIS?
Using IE8, press F12 to bring up the developer tools. Inside the tools you can examine the various scripts that are (or will be) running, and start debugging. Start the debugger and set a breakpoint where the _doPostBack function is being called (or inside the function itself) and see what is actually happening.
Also, you may want to fire up Fiddler2 and compare the HTTP requests between your development and production servers. It is entirely possible that something else isn't returning as expected (like a call to WebResource.axd) in production that works fine in dev.

ASP.Net Web Site Won't Compile, But Works Anyway?

I have an ASP.Net 2.0 web site, using the DotNetNuke framework (4.09), and it will not compile, but when I hit the site in a browser, it works. Even the parts that don't compile will work. How is IIS able to compile and run this site, when Visual Studio can't? Everything is the same in both places... I copied the entire web site from the remote server on to my local machine, then I set it up in IIS the same way. On my local machine, Visual Studio can't compile the site, but it still runs. How can this be possible?
The specific errors are not important, as there are 189 of them, from every possible part of the site. I'm not trying to fix the errors... what I want to know is how it's possible for the web server to run the site, regardless of the errors. Please pay attention to what I have written - everything is exactly the same in both places. There are no missing DLLs, no different configurations, nothing on the machine itself... remember, the site runs fine on my local machine.
Is this a web site or a web application? If it's a web application, you're probably still running off the last successfully built bits in the bin.
The site is using old dlls, or possibly you have references missing in your local version that the server has just fine.
As Mitchel said, we need to see the error before we can really answer your question.
To give you an answer on this we would need to know what the errors are.
Your local machine cached the 'working' copy and is using that maybe?
The site was compiled successfully at one point as it works on the remote server. Thus, copying it to your local machine and hitting the local site will also work. However, there can be several reason why you can't re-compile it on your local machine including; missing references, web.config entries, third party control licensing, etc..
I realize you are not trying to correct the 189 errors, but there are clues, if not answers, in the error listing that will get you moving in the right direction.
