Classic ASP, IIS8 & VB6 - asp-classic

I was hoping to get some people's expertise as I'm currently outside my main domain. I'm currently working for a client that has an old system written in VB6 COM Objects. They use these to do basic Database interaction. These COM Objects are used in a Classic ASP website.
I've been tasked with getting the site up, running and in a build-able environment (Windows 8.1 is what they want to use).
I've been working through all the blockers associated with this and I believe I have it in a running state (as in I've configured IIS and been able to run the website, log in and click around and so far nothing has crashed).
I can make changes to the code in Visual Studio 6 Enterprise and those changes are working so I'm confident I've got that about 90% of the way there.
I've now got 2 problems both somewhat related:
Problem 1:
Problem 1 is now debugging, both the ASP & the VB code.
I can put a break point in the VB code and 'Step-Into' it (to attach) and then run the site and the code that runs in the global.asa file gets run and hits that breakpoint no worries, can step through as I would expect.
The problem then comes when I go to 'login' to the system. I use the same user/password that works if I'm not 'attached' the system crashes with a "An unhandled exception ('Error in loading DLL') occurred in w3wp.exe [3284]." - If i try to load up a debugger from this Visual Studio 6 is not an option in the list. If I then detach and I can do everything as before.
Does anyone know what could be causing this? Or have another way to be able to debug/step through this?
Problem 2:
They had previously been 'running' the website through Visual InterDev 6.0 - they could add breakpoints to the Classic ASP code and be able to step through then into the VB components.
The problem is that although I can install InterDev on my machine, I can't actually set it up. It appears to need FrontPage Server Extensions which although they can be 'installed' on IIS 8.5 they don't seem to be officially supported by Microsoft. So I've managed to install it without any issues but it doesn't seem to be configured in the same way that InterDev needs it to be able to setup a solution file/run from it.
My Question is this: Has anyone been able to configure FrontPage Server Extensions in a way that InterDev works?
OR is there any other tools I could use to 'run' a Classic ASP site that would allow me to debug it properly.
Let me know if you need any more information.
Thanks in Advance,

I think you actually don´t need Interdev in order to debug the classic ASP code. Just create a blank solution in Visual Studio and add all the classic ASP files from the virtual directory (editor and debugging capabilities for classic ASP files are still supported, even in the latest version of Visual Studio).
I assume you run the web application in your local IIS... once you have the solution, open the script of interest, put some breakpoints and than attach the Visual Studio debugger to the web server´s worker process (which should be w3wp.exe). Maybe you need to manually select the Script code type (automatic code type detection might not work).


ASPX Page Not Found (Error 404), though it exists?

I have a C#.NET project and am having a problem with a single web forms, ASPX page when debugging my application. Most of my application works fine, but when I hit a particular page, I get an Error 404, resource not found. I don't understand this because the file does exist, and it exists in the path that is being referenced. And, I hit several other ASPX pages on the way to this one, without error.
Now, I should mention that this particular page was only recently added to the project. My coworker, who added the page, says he was able to get the page to work, but we have different environments. So, I'm sure that has something to do with it, but I don't know what. Below are the known details regarding the differences between our environments.
My environment
Windows 8.1
IIS Express
Visual Studio 2013
Co-workers environment
Windows 7
Visual Studio 2012
We are both running with the same source code, as well as the same site and application pool settings in IIS, which are pointed to run time 4.0 and in classic mode.
Does anyone here have any idea why this would happen, or what I might try to get past this?
I ended up fixing this by switching to local iis and enabling the Static Content option in Windows Features.

Visual Studio 2010 displays IIS 7 page on debug instead of my project

This is my first ASP.NET project so I am a bit of a rookie when it comes to a lot of the configuring of IIS/Visual Studio so bear with me...
I am using Visual Studio 2010 running on Windows Server 2008 SR2. We recently did some updates on the server and now my project no longer loads when I attempt to debug. When I try to debug the default "Welcome" page for IIS 7 loads instead of my project. I am set up to use the development server to debug, not IIS so I don't understand why I get the IIS page. Before the updates the debugger was pulling up my page without any issues.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
It looks like IIS is now bound to the port number that Visual Studio Development Web Server was using previously. You can change the port number in the properties of the web site project.
I have found a solution to my issue. I decided to use IIS instead of the Development Server for debugging. After attempting to debug unsuccessfully yet again, I took a look at the identity that was being used in the application pool and I changed to one with more privileges and that seemed to do the trick. Thanks for the suggestions.
I had the same problem but non-of the earlier answers worked.
I am using Windows 7 enterprise 64-bit, IE11, VS2010, Silverlight 5
I have been developing and maintaining a number of Silverlight projects for the past 5 years, and have always been able to debug them within VS2010 using the ASP.NET Development Server. However, on returning from some well deserved holiday, I found that none of my existing Silverlight projects would run in the debugger. In each case there is a Web project set as the start-up project, and in each case on starting the project within VS2010 (with or without debugging) I got the IIS7 web page instead of my application.
I tried creating a new Silverlight web application, and found that this started normally in the ASP.NET Development Server. I checked my source code and found that no changes had been made in my absence.
After a lot of head scratching, etc., the solution was to clear the IE cache. These are the explicit steps I used:
Close all instances of IE and ASP.NET Development Server.
Open Internet Properties from the Control Panel.
Click "Delete" on the General Tab.
In the Delete Browsing History box check the following options:
a) "Preserve Favourites website data"
b) "Temporary Internet files and website data"
c) "Cookies and website data"
Leave the others unchecked
5) Click "Delete" and wait for the command to complete.
6) Close the Internet Properties box.
7) Rebuild ASP.NET project
8) Start (with or without debugging) in VS2010 - it should now load normally.
Hope this works for you.

Changes to razor view not showing

I have made some changes to a view in my ASP.NET MVC3 application, but the changes I have made are not showing up when I test/debug the site within the browser. The changes I am making are simple text amendments to the markup.
I am using the Visual Studio development server for testing the application.
The odd thing is, I have tried publishing these changes to IIS and the changes I have made to the view are working when I test the application using the IIS server.
It is only when testing in the Visual Studio environment that this seems to happen.
A common problem i've run into is when you are not using IE and you close the debug session, but not your browser.
This means that the "IIS/development server" is still running in your system tray, but it is running on the old compiled code, if you hit ctrl + shift + b, you build your entire solution and re-publish your code to your development server. this allows you to hit refresh (F5) in your browser and the changes you've made to the razor view should now be reflected in your browser.
Are you using IE? Maybe deleting the cache or using another browser should work? I've had a lot of problems with that :D
Solution is to use IIS Express. For some reason, the VS development server doesn't recognise changes to code behind - nothing to do with caching on the browser.
However the location of the source code as suggested in other answers is important - it works for me using the c:\windows folder or c:\users\DefaultAppPool - apparently it has something to do with security to ensure.
Only applications running under the 'DefaultAppPool' identity are permitted under IIS. So, for anyone using a VM and mapping the host OS code folder you won't be able to rectify this unless you copy to a local folder in the c:\users\DefaultAppPool folder.
You may also now have difficulties accessing the SQL server database established for the Membership Provider under ASP.NET. For more details on how to fix that, I've posted on my blog.

Debugging ASP.NET in IIS 7

I have searched all the usual but come up empty. I must be doing something silly!
Simply I created a new project, ASP.NET Web App, and wish to use and debug it with the local install of IIS 7.5 on my Windows 7 x64 box.
According to what I have read it should be a simple process; my issue is that Visual Studio will not stop at breakpoints nor at errors etc.
I just don't get it:
Visual Studio is attaching to the w3p process for me automatically.
If I hover over the breakpoints it shows a message saying the same, that it is in the same w3p process.
I am in Administrator context. I manually ran it like so to be sure but in any case if you are an admin it runs like that anyway.
Some notes:
I do not wish to use IIS Express as I require native IIS 7.5 for my tasks, however it does debug in express - no surprise there.
As mentioned above, all this is being done locally.
The path of the virtual directory is pointed towards the project files, as set by Visual Studio 2010. It even set the Network Service as read on the folder structure.
When debugging from VS the web site runs fine, just debugging is the issue.
Maybe it is permissions? The Default App Pool is using the ApplicationPoolIdentity not Network Service... Should it be? I had assumed they one and the same essentially. Although I changed this and no luck unless I didn't do something I should of
Keep in mind here that my issue is semi-unique in that I am not receiving error messages, not even in the event logs... For all intents and purposes it should be working fine, just it isn't.
VS and IIS, and all updates, are applied to date.
Note: I'm familiar with IIS7.5, I run my own public web hosting server. I just never tried to debug
Note: It is Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate
Thanks for your time.
I went back to basics... Uninstalled IISExpress and tested; It worked! Re-installed IISExpress; It worked!.
I guess installing IIS7 native after IISExpress did something screwy? I had ran the register ISS command on IIS7 when I installed it.
Right, so now I have both installed in tandem and they work fine. Thanks for all your help guys, appreciated.
you can try right-click on project in VS go to properties select web from left menu tab. Check if ASP.NET debugger is checked and also you can select Use Local IIS Server and give localhost url there (in project Url textbox) and then Say start debugging from VS and put breakpoints.
I had a similar issue the other day, I attached the debugger to the wrong w3p process, make sure you attach it to the one the app pool identity is running under.
I wanted to write it as comment by I don't think I can add pictures..
Are you sure you are running the same version of dll?
Is your breakpoint filled like this?
or hollow like this?
1st go to ,Program and Feature in control panel and then in that turn on or off windows features. and now check all check boxes(activate features) related to Internet Information server & windows service managers. once this is done run your visual studio as administrator and then attach to right w3p process.

How do I use ASP.NET with Visual Studio 2008

I haven't used Visual Studio since VB 3 and am trying to give it a shot with ASP.NET. It seems that it should be able to connect to a website (via some sort of ftp like protocol I figure) and allow to edit without having to manually upload/download the files. Is this the way it is supposed to work or am I mis-understanding? I have tried using 'create new website' and 'open website' using my testing domain (hosted by godaddy, wondering if that may be the issue as well), each time it gives me errors. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or trying to do something it wasn't meant to.
You really don't want to be working directly on a live web site, do you? That's just crazy. One little mistake and you've hosed the site.
Visual Studio now has it's own built in web server. You use that for testing. If you really don't want to use that you can put IIS on your local machine or set up a Dev/QA server somewhere. In that case, you'd edit it via a file share.
You should be using some kind of source control. Even for a single developer it's very important. When finished with a programming session, you check your updates back into source control.
Finally, only after the site's gone through a suitable QA process, the production server is updated from source control, not from within visual studio.
I would develop your website locally and ftp it to your godaddy website after or use the publish website feature in VS
