Specify which resource file a variable is coming from - robotframework

Robot Framework allows you to import multiple resource files containing keywords with the same names, and to call them using their full name to differentiate between them. For example, if you have Resource1.robot that has a keyword called "Test Keyword" that does some action, and Resource2.robot that also has a keyword called "Test Keyword" that does a different action, when you import both resources into a test suite, your test cases can access those keywords with the syntax Resource1.Test Keyword or Resource2.Test Keyword depending on the functionality that you want.
Is there a way to do that with variables? I have two resource files - patient_records_resource.robot and patient_search_resource.robot. patient_records_resource defines a variable ${LAST NAME EDIT} | name=lname, and patient_search_resource defines a variable with the same name ${LAST NAME EDIT} | id=last-name. I'm running into the problem where a test case imports both of those files, and needs to access both of those edit boxes at different points, and consistently picks the wrong one. I have tried things like patient_search_resource.LAST NAME EDIT with no success, but that's approximately what I'm looking for.
I know I could just rename one of them, but I'd like to use that as a last resort solution. Everyone on my team makes sure to create unique variable names within a single resource file, but coming up with unique variable names across the whole test suite to avoid these collisions would add some overhead that we don't want.

There is no way to do that with variables.
All variables from resource files have the same priority. If multiple variables have the same name then only the one that was imported first is taken into use. [source]
Your only options are:
Splitting the suite with both imports into two sub-suites, ensuring that each sub-suite only imports one of the resources.
Your last resort solution: modifying your variable names to all be unique.
I agree that the latter option adds a bothersome amount of overhead, but, until RF changes the way it handles variables, it's probably your best option. Personally, I prefix all variables with a sequence of letters unique to the resource file (e.g. a resource named "Member_Central_Logging_Functions" might have all variables prefixed with MCLF).


ngx_http_script_compile vs ngx_http_compile_complex_value

I'm trying to introduce a new directive which takes either a string or a variable as input and saves the values on configuration struct for later user in my code. I found that some directives in nginx are using ngx_http_compile_complex_value(&ccv) to compile the variables and ngx_http_complex_value() to get the original value of the directive's argument during the runtime. Similarly, some other directives are using ngx_http_script_compile(&sc) and ngx_http_script_run() to achieve the same.
I have found some documentation about scripts and complex values in nginx but I'm still not clear about the difference between these two.
Can anyone help me understand the difference and when to use complex_value vs script?

Can I set the asterisk_version string

I am trying various different options of building Asterisk 11 and these will be deployed on various servers. They are all built from the same sources and have what I presume to be some sort of checksum embedded in the version ID (26dd464).
In order to distinguish the various versions of the executable I would like to add my own version number or string on similar. I note that /usr/src/asterisk/main/version.c specifies a const char [] variable asterisk_version, but if I manually edit this it gets overwritten as part of the make process. Is there a sensible way I could specify some sort of identifying label (e.g. as a parameter passed to make or some such)?
In /usr/src/asterisk/build_tools/make_version_c you can specify it. This script overwrites the file you've mentioned (/usr/src/asterisk/utils/version.c).

What is the meaning of ngx_http_request_s::exten

I want to know the meaning of the exten, which is one member of the structure ngx_http_request_t, also, ngx_http_set_exten hopes to be excavated.
I believe that it means file extension, being the part of the final path element that follows a period. It is used to lookup the MIME type in the types data structure, to be used in the response.
Relevant code is here. Line 1701.

Swagger Editor similar path names

I have two separate paths defined in my schema:
So these are two completely separate "things" because one is a get and one is a delete, and the second parameter name doesn't make sense as something generic. The 'get' is passing in a modified timestamp at that location and the delete is passing in an actual person identifier.
This shows up properly in Swagger UI, but the Swagger Editor is giving an error telling me that an equivalent path already exists. It's hard to just ignore it because that scatters errors all over the file making it hard to debug real issues.
What's the solution to something like this?
you should be use /team/{id}/people/delete/{person_id}:

Transforming the Default URI when using MLCP

I have a delimited file as input source to ingest data in marklogic using conten-pump through unix.There is no such column in the file that is unique throught to serve as the URI. Problem with this is that since duplicates(URI) is not possible, those records are skipped/overwritten for that particular URI.
The syntaxes available are:
-delimited_uri_id *my_column_name*
output_uri_prefix *my_prefix_string*
output_uri_suffix *my_suffix_string*
output_uri_replace pattern,'string'
The command for mlcp is:
bin/mlcp.sh import -host localhost -port 8042 -username name -password password-input_file_path hdfs://path/to/file -delimiter '|' -delimited_uri_id column_name-input_file_type delimited_text -mode distributed
The problem that lies here is that if I modify the above command and include:
-output_uri_prefix $(date +%s%N)
It takes the time(in nanoseconds) of execution of this command and prefixes for all URI.But that doesnt solve my problem since this value remains repeated. Same would happen for other options available too .What could be done to have all records ingested by the construction of unique URI for all records in some manner?
One way or another it is up to you to provide unique ids. For a delimited file the easiest answer might be to add a new column and populate it with a unique id, generated however you like.
Or you could use http://marklogic.github.io/recordloader/ DelimitedDataLoader with the special option ID_NAME=#AUTO. But keep in mind that ID_NAME=#AUTO will single-thread ingestion.
