Wordpress - display author name and picture for pages/posts - wordpress

What plugin or configuration option is needed to display an author name and photo for pages/posts he/she creates?
I have several editors working on the website and I'd like to display the authorship.

Suggest using get_the_author_meta() - this will let you retrieve any specific field - e.g. display_name or description (this is the Biographical Info box.)
get_the_author() will give you the name only.
WordPress doesn't support photos for authors/users out of the box, check the plugin directory.


Wordpress - Attachments block slugs

Summary: Some uploaded attachments automatically get slugs I later want to use for posts. It is impossible to change them without database access and very annoying.
Hi everyone,
I am using wordpress and lately uploaded some images.
Subsequently I was trying to create a post with a certain slug but wordpress automatically added a "-2" to it, indicating that there was already a page using the slug.
I entered the slug into my browser and it redirected me to an image I had uploaded. Weird.
I entered phpMyAdmin and searched the database for posts with the slug.
( SELECT * FROM wp_posts w where post_name like 'my-desired-slug'; )
In the database I found an entry of an object with post_type = "attachment". It has the desired slug assigned to it ("post_name"="my-desired-slug")
It is weird that wordpress assigned the slug to an attachment. This function is very unpractical. Now I had to edit the slug in the database since wordpress does not offer a UI section to edit attachment slugs.
In the admin you can go to Media, then select a image. In the detail page on the bottom right you can click "Edit more details". In the following screen below the title you can change the permalink!

Is there any plugin or add on for adding a file uploader into the wooCommerce product page?

I am looking for a plugin or addon for adding a file uploader into my product page.
As my client is selling something that should require some kind of certificate or evidence, this would request the user to upload the pics or files when they want to add something into the cart.
I've found a solution is to add the meta attribute for the product and then add the file uploader into the product page. But my project leader denied my solution, he wants me to search for some possible plugin or add on first.
What I need to is like, I need to find a plugin or add on which could enable me to add a file uploader on the product page when the customer is placing the order. The file will be included in the order because my client will not directly charge the money from the customer, once my client check that the evidence or certificate is valid, the money could charged and the good could be shipped.
I've done some search and I think just add a meta attribute is easy, but my leader denied this. So I am coming to ask some help.
You could use a plugin like this https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-custom-fields/11332742
It's a paid plugin though.
I think, there is too many plugins (free or paid) are available to customize WooCommerce product page.
But File Upload option may only available in premium plugins.
Can you please check themehigh's WooCoomerce extra product option plugin?.
I have tried that plugin for one of my client. The options available in product page are File Upload, Text, Hidden, Password, Textarea, Radio, Checkbox, Select, Multi-select, Date picker, Time picker, Heading & Label etc.

wordpress - author slug - page not found

I am using wordpress for my site mysite.com (just considered as an example) and in the setting of profile i enabled to show author box at the bottom of the post.
So at the bottom of the post, I see a box with some image and on the side written as
Written by shyma prasad" Where shyam prasad is a link text which links to www.mysite.com/author/admin.
My profile data is as follows.
My profile display name is shyam prasad So the written by shows shyam prasad its right. My nickname is shyam.
My login name is shyam_123. for username in mysite.com/wp-admin page
I have few questions:
In the url link www.mysite.com/author/admin what is the admin, where is came from.
And also when i open this url it shows no content found
There is only one user and is administrator and all the posts are authored by admin. Recently I changed the displayname from admin to Shyam Prasad
I want www.mysite.com/author/admin to be www.mysite.com/author/shyam. I tried using plugin called edit author slug, but it didnt change admin with shyam in the url.
Also i want www.mysite.com/author/shyam to show author archive.
Can anyone help
add_action('init', 'cng_author_base');
function cng_author_base() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$author_slug = 'profile'; // change slug name
$wp_rewrite->author_base = $author_slug;
I am not clear what could be your problem. May be it is wrong impact as you changed the admin name to your name. I would suggest you to take the following steps.
create one more account with "your name2" as administrator.
Delete the existing account.
Move the author using "bulk action" from admin to your account.
Remove the "2" from your name.
The Answer which is given by "Vickey" is copy/paste from internet and it is to change the term “profile” instead of “author” in the url which i believe is not your problem.
You can stay in touch with me for wordpress related things.
Suyash Jain

Wordpress author name hiding

I have created a website and Now I want to write a post. The website managed by wordpress.org. The problem is, in the published page, the my email is showing on the page as author. How to hide this?
Actually I want the remove the mail from the post :
Humm, when you say hosted, is it fair to assume that you are using a hosted version or wordpress? If so, you should be able to tweak the display of your posts in your wordpress settings. For my theme, I can twiddle whether or not an author tag appears in a blog post by going to theme options > blog page. Your mileage may vary depending on your theme.
If your theme does not let you turn off the author tag, you may want to just change your name to something other than your email address. If I want a name to appear rather than an email address, I can set a displayable name in the wordpress user settings. I just edit the user to include a name string.
Does that help?

Wordpress Feed Creator Name Tag Full Name Instead Of First Name

I am parsing a Wordpress feed in my iOS application. I don't know much about Wordpress and its customisation. The feed shows the author name as below:
while i want it to show the full name of the author in the feed like:
<dc:creator>andy rubin</dc:creator>
Can anybody point out where i can go to do that. Thanks!
Open your Wordpress dashboard and go to Users > All Users and select edit for the user for which you want the full name to appear. You will see the option "Display name publicly as". From drop down list you can choose the full name.
In the feed you might still see first name but once you parse it in your iOS project, it will show you the full name.
Hope this helps!
There are a variety of ways to customize your feeds.
1 - through the use of a WordPress pluggins such as http://wordpress.org/plugins/feed-template-customize/
2 - changing display settings from the Wordpress dashboard
3 - or by manually changing the feed templates to meet your needs
Editing your feed templates manually is much the same as editing your theme templates but not integrated into WP theme system
The Feed templates are located in the /wp-includes/feed-{type}.php files and include formats for rdf, rss, rss2 and atom but it is better to do not edit directly the files from this folder.
You can follow the Customizing Feed Templates section of the codex and peek the function you need from this list and use it within the Loop.
