I am using wordpress for my site mysite.com (just considered as an example) and in the setting of profile i enabled to show author box at the bottom of the post.
So at the bottom of the post, I see a box with some image and on the side written as
Written by shyma prasad" Where shyam prasad is a link text which links to www.mysite.com/author/admin.
My profile data is as follows.
My profile display name is shyam prasad So the written by shows shyam prasad its right. My nickname is shyam.
My login name is shyam_123. for username in mysite.com/wp-admin page
I have few questions:
In the url link www.mysite.com/author/admin what is the admin, where is came from.
And also when i open this url it shows no content found
There is only one user and is administrator and all the posts are authored by admin. Recently I changed the displayname from admin to Shyam Prasad
I want www.mysite.com/author/admin to be www.mysite.com/author/shyam. I tried using plugin called edit author slug, but it didnt change admin with shyam in the url.
Also i want www.mysite.com/author/shyam to show author archive.
Can anyone help
add_action('init', 'cng_author_base');
function cng_author_base() {
global $wp_rewrite;
$author_slug = 'profile'; // change slug name
$wp_rewrite->author_base = $author_slug;
I am not clear what could be your problem. May be it is wrong impact as you changed the admin name to your name. I would suggest you to take the following steps.
create one more account with "your name2" as administrator.
Delete the existing account.
Move the author using "bulk action" from admin to your account.
Remove the "2" from your name.
The Answer which is given by "Vickey" is copy/paste from internet and it is to change the term “profile” instead of “author” in the url which i believe is not your problem.
You can stay in touch with me for wordpress related things.
Suyash Jain
I tried to test the blog section on my website, when I tried to add a new comment to the blog, I filled the fields of message, name and email address,
after I pressed submit I saw the comment, but the name of the comment’s author was not the name when I filled before.
The name of all the comments is the value of “Display name publicly as” in the users section in the dashboard.
How can I change that the name of the comment’s author will be shown and not the anything else?
Thank you.
Please see: this relevant code in WordPress core. If you are logged into the site when posting a comment, the name is forced to the user name as you've seen in your tests.
So the answer to your question is that you need to logout before posting.
What plugin or configuration option is needed to display an author name and photo for pages/posts he/she creates?
I have several editors working on the website and I'd like to display the authorship.
Suggest using get_the_author_meta() - this will let you retrieve any specific field - e.g. display_name or description (this is the Biographical Info box.)
get_the_author() will give you the name only.
WordPress doesn't support photos for authors/users out of the box, check the plugin directory.
I have created a website and Now I want to write a post. The website managed by wordpress.org. The problem is, in the published page, the my email is showing on the page as author. How to hide this?
Actually I want the remove the mail from the post :
Humm, when you say hosted, is it fair to assume that you are using a hosted version or wordpress? If so, you should be able to tweak the display of your posts in your wordpress settings. For my theme, I can twiddle whether or not an author tag appears in a blog post by going to theme options > blog page. Your mileage may vary depending on your theme.
If your theme does not let you turn off the author tag, you may want to just change your name to something other than your email address. If I want a name to appear rather than an email address, I can set a displayable name in the wordpress user settings. I just edit the user to include a name string.
Does that help?
I am currently working on Drupal site using Joomlart template JD Fashion.I have inserted the articles using content type as story. I don't want to display name of author and publishing date and time for the articles.
For this I have simply edited the node,expanded the Authoring Information section near the bottom of the page, and changed the Author name to blank.
But when I save this configuration for the article promoted to front page which was made sticky at top it show's "Page not found" error and on frontpage "n/a" appears where first article was.
When I tried to undo changes the node does not appear in any category at all.It is also does not appear in published or unpublished status.
I am sure that I have just deleted author information.
What went wrong? Is their any way to resolved page not found error?
Please help me...
Thanks in advance.
Here is what you need to do. Do not delete the author but instead go here:
Structure->Content Types->Articles and click edit
From here at the bottom you will see "Display Settings"
Click this and uncheck "Display author and date information."
Here is an answer for the question. For removing author and date information in Joomla art themes you have to go to admin->site building -> themes -> your theme -> configure -> configure -> here you will find "Display post information on" -> uncheck story or your content type.
I am trying to add a custom field to the wordpress user profile page. For instance if I wanted to add a field where the user could put in their Linkedin, or Twitter user name, then use that value whenever the user posts a comment, or if the user is an author, to add that value in their posts.
I have a forum (bbpress) integrated so I would also like to use this value to customize the users avatar in the forums.
I am looking at the way Wordpress uses Gravatar. I would like to do something similar. However, I'm not sure where to start. I've written a couple of shortcode plugins in the past, but nothing this complicated.
Anyone have any ideas on where I should begin on this?
look at this post and this